The Dutch term "co-" matches the English term "co-, fellow"

other dutch words that include "co" : english :
accolade brace
accommodatie equipment
accommoderen accomodate
accompagnement escort, accompaniment
accompagneren accompany
accoord accord, settlement, chord
accordeon accordion, harmonica
accordeonist accordionist
accountancy accountancy
accountant accountant
acoliet acolyte
acoustiek acoustics
acoustisch acoustic
air-conditioned air-conditioned
air-conditioning air-conditioning
airco air-conditioning
alcohol alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits
alcoholische drank alcohol, booze, spirits, liquor
alcoholist boozer, alcoholic
bandrecorder tape-recorder
bioscoop cinema
blanco white, blank
brocoli broccoli, brocoli
brocolie brocoli, broccoli
casco hull
chocola chocolate
chocolade chocolate
cobra cobra
cocaïne cocaine
cocktail cocktail
cocon cocoon
code code
codificeren encode
cognac cognac
colbert jacket
collecteren collect
collectief collective
collega colleague
college college
college geven lecture
colli goods
collier necklace
Colombia Colombia
Colombiaans Colombian
colonne pillar, column
colporteren peddle
Columbus Columbus
combinatie combination
combineren combine
comfort comfort
comfortabel comfortable
comité committee
commandant commander
commanderen order, command
commandobrug bridge
commentaar annotation
commentaar leveren op comment
commissaris commissar
commissie errand, commission
commode dresser
commodore commodore
communie communion
communiqué communication
communisme communism
communist communist
compact compact
compartiment coupé
compenseren compensate
competent competent
compilatie compilation
compiler compiler
compileren compile
compleet entire, complete, whole, full
complet suit, outfit
complex complex
compliceren complicate
complimenteren compliment
componeren compose
componist composer
compositie composition
comprimeren compress
compromis accomodation
computer computer
concept scheme
concert concert
concerto concerto
concertzaal concert-room
concessie abandonment
conciërge porter
concluderen infer, induce
conclusie conclusion, inference
concours contest
concurreren rival, compete
condens moisture
conditie condition, stipulation, terms
condoleantie condolences
condoom condom
conducteur driver, conductor
confederatie confederation
conferentie conference
confidentie secret
confisqueren confiscate
conflict conflict
Confucius Confucius
congestie congestion
Congo Congo, Zaire
Congolees Congolese
congres convention, congress
congruent compatible, congruent
congruent zijn coincide
conjugeren conjugate
conjunctie conjunction
conjunctief subjunctive
consciëntieus conscientious
consequent consistent
consequentie consequence, consistency
conservatief conservative
consigne directions, instruction
consonant consonant
constant continual, constant, permanent, sustained
constateren ascertain
consternatie consternation
constipatie constipation
constipatie veroorzaken constipate
constitutie constitution
constitutioneel constitutional
constructie structure, building
constructief positive
construeren construct, build
consul consul
consulaat consulate
consult consultation
consultatie consultation
consulteren consult
consument consumer
consumeren consume
consumptie-ijs icecream, ice
contact hebben contact
contact hebben met contact
contant cash
continent mainland, continent
conto account
contrabande contraband
contract contract
contrasteren contrast
contributie dues
controleren supervise, verify, audit
controleur checker, controller
controverse controversy
convergeren converge
converseren converse
convoceren convoke
coördineren coordinate, co-ordinate
copieus abundant
copyright copyright
Corantijn Corantin
Corinthe Corinth
Corinthisch Corinthian
corporatie corporation
corps corps
corpulent stout
correct correct
corresponderen correspond
corroderen corrode
Corsica Corsica
Corsicaans Corsican
costuum costume
coupé coupé
couplet verse
coupon coupon
courant journal
courgette courgette, zucchini
courtage brokerage
couvert envelope
cowboy cowboy
coyote coyote
decoderen decode
decor decor, decoration, décor
decoratie decor, decoration, adornment, décor
disconto discount
economie economy, economics
economisch economical
een conclusie wettigend conclusive
fiasco failure, fiasco
fotocopie photoprint
Gasconjer Gascon
gecommitteerde commissioner
gecompliceerd complicated
gyroscoop gyroscope
horoscoop horoscope
ijsco icecream, ice
incompleet incomplete
inconsequent inconsistent
locomotief engine
Mexico Mexico
microscoop microscope
Monaco Monaco
periscoop periscope
recommandatie recommendation
recommanderen recommend
rookcoupé smokers
Rubicon Rubicon
telescoop telescope
treincoupé coupé
videorecorder video-recorder
vrachtcontract charter