The English term "forest, sheaf, bundle, tuft, cluster, bunch, woods" matches the Dutch term "bos"

other english words that include "forest" : dutch :
forest, woods woud
other english words that include "sheaf" : dutch :
bundle, cluster, bunch, sheaf bundel
cluster, bunch, sheaf, bundle wis
other english words that include "bundle" : dutch :
bundle, cluster, bunch, sheaf bundel
cluster, bunch, sheaf, bundle wis
other english words that include "tuft" : dutch :
tuft bosje
chunk, tuft, lump, clod dot
tuft, hooter kuif
tuft kuifje
tuft pluk
other english words that include "cluster" : dutch :
bundle, cluster, bunch, sheaf bundel
cluster, bunch, sheaf, bundle wis
other english words that include "bunch" : dutch :
bundle, cluster, bunch, sheaf bundel
cluster, bunch, sheaf, bundle wis
other english words that include "woods" : dutch :
forest, woods woud