The English term "on time" matches the Turkish term "doguru, kat’î, kesin, tam"

other english words that include "on" : turkish :
absent onself bi.rakmak
abstraction hi.rsi.zli.k
acclamation alkis,
accordion akordeon
accusation suçlama
action hareket, is,, muharebe
afternoon öguleden sonra
aggression saldi.ri., hücum, saldi.ri.s,
alone yalni.z
ambition ihtiras, tutku
ammonia amonyak
ammunition cephane
among arasi.nda
anonymous anonim, isimsiz
appellation ad, isim
apron önlük
astronaut astronot
astronomy astronomi
autonomy özerklik
bacon domuz pastarmasi.
balcony balkon
balloon balon
baron baron
bayonet süngü
beyond çaprazvari
blond sari.s,i.n
bone kemik
bronze tunç
cannon top
ceremony tören
collection koleksiyon
colonel albay
conflict mücadele
congress kongre
consent muvafakat etmek
consider bakmak
convention kongre
cyclone kasi.rga
depression kriz
donkey es,ek
explanation açi.klama
foundation dip, ki.ç
hang onto tutmak
honor hürmet göstermek, namus, s,eref
honour hürmet göstermek, namus, s,eref
horizon ufuk
iron demir
irony alay, istihza
jawbone çene
Lebanon Lübnan
lemon limon
lemonade limonata
Monday pazartesi
money para
monk kes,is,
monkey maymun
month ay
monument abide
moon ay
munition cephane
nation millet, ulus
national ulusal
nonsense abuk sabuk
noon ögule vakti
once more tekrar, yine
one bir
one hundred yüz
onion soguan
only yalni.z
only just ancak, sadece, zar zor
on the other side of çaprazvari
perspiration ter
poison zehir
police-station karakol
pony midilli
railway station istasyon
respond cevap vermek
salmon som bali.gui.
son oguul
song s,arki.
son-in-law damat
soon çok geçmeden, yaki.nda
subscription abone
upon aleyhinde, kars,i.
weapon silah
zone kayi.s, kemer
other english words that include "time" : turkish :
centimetre santimetre
time saat