The English term "act" matches the Dutch term "ageren"

other english words that include "act" : dutch :
enticing, tempting, attractive, alluring aanlokkelijk
draw, attract aanlokken
manifacture, making aanmaak
fabricate, do, manufacture, prepare, kindle, light aanmaken
builder, contractor aannemer
pleasing, attractive aantrekkelijk
attractiveness, charm, attraction aantrekkelijkheid
apply, practice aanwenden
nature, character, sort, personality aard
abstract abstract
abstraction abstract begrip
abstraction abstractie
exactly, accurate, punctual, prompt, exact accuraat
accuracy, exactitude, precision accuratesse
actor acteur
activity, share, action actie
assets, active actief
activist activist
actress actrice
actuary actuaris
distracted, absent-minded, abstract, abstracted afgetrokken
induce, extract, gather, infer, deduce, divert afleiden
distraction, derivation afleiding
extortion, exaction afpersing
abreact afreageren
infuse, rebate, retreat, subtract aftrekken
subtraction aftrekking
activist agitator
actuary archiefmedewerker
bacterium bacterie
active bedrijvig
draw, tempt, attract bekoren
tact, politics beleid
satisfactory bevredigend
act bezig zijn
builder, contractor bouwondernemer
fraction, fracture breuk
cactus cactus
compact compact
contact contact hebben
contact contact hebben met
contract contract
actual, real daadwerkelijk
closed, dense, compact, concentrated, thick dicht
cause, make, act, do doen
apply, achieve, practice doorvoeren
exercise, practise drillen
effective, effectual, actual, efficacious, real effectief
exact exact
making, manifacture fabricage
making, manifacture fabricatie
fabricate, manufacture fabriceren
factory fabriek
fact feit
factual, indeed feitelijk
fraction fractie
galactic galactisch
character, nature, personality geaardheid
activity, action gedoe
tractability, manageability gedweeheid
fracture gotisch lettertype
cataract grote waterval
tractable, manageable handelbaar
act, negotiate, trade handelen
activity, action handeling
indeed, actually, genuinly inderdaad
manageable, tractable, accommodating inschikkelijk
personality, character, nature karakter
characterize karakteriseren
characteristic, distinctive karakteristiek
characterize kenmerken
characteristic kenmerkend
characterization kenschets
exaction, extortion knevelarij
actor komediant
prolonged, long, protracted, lanky lang
protracted, prolonged langdurig
protracted, prolonged lange tijd
pal, companion, comrade, buddy, tact maat
develop, cause, make, do, fabricate, manufacture maken
tractability, manageability meegaandheid
galactic melkweg-
indeed, actually metterdaad
prompt, punctual, accurate, exactly nauwgezet
exactitude, accuracy, precision nauwgezetheid
exact, punctual, accurate, prompt nauwkeurig
exactness nauwkeurigheid
practise, exercise oefenen
activist onruststoker
activity, action, presentation optreden
faction partij
practical praktisch
precise, exactly precies
exactness precisie
reaction reactie
reactionary reactionair
react, respond reageren
rhythm, tact ritme
actor speler
cataract staar
faction stem
precision, exactitude, accuracy, exactness stiptheid
tact tact
tactic, tactics tactiek
mark, characterize tekenen
characteristic tekenend
contentment, satisfaction tevredenheid
draw, attract toelachen
actress toneelspeelster
tractor tractor
transaction transactie
tractor trekker
contract verbintenis
distracted, absent, absent-minded, abstracted verstrooid
distract, divert verstrooien
distraction verstrooiing
tractability, manageability volgzaamheid
actually waarachtig
real, actual, genuinely, truly, really, factual werkelijk
active werkzaam