The English term "aplomb, self assurance, certainty, safety, security, caution" matches the German term "Sicherheit"

other english words that include "aplomb" : german :
aplomb, self assurance Aplomb
other english words that include "assurance" : german :
aplomb, self assurance Aplomb
other english words that include "certainty" : german :
certainty Bestimmtheit
certainty Gewißheit
certainty, confidence, faith, trust Zuversicht
other english words that include "safety" : german :
life belt, lifebelt, safety belt Rettungsgürtel
safety pin, safety pin Sicherheitsnadel
other english words that include "security" : german :
pledge, security Bürgschaft
other english words that include "caution" : german :
caution Vorsicht