The English term "ice, icecream" matches the German term "Speiseeis"

other english words that include "ice" : german :
plaice Aalbutt
abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice Abgrund
notice, placard, poster Affiche
contralto, contralto voice Altstimme
bureau, office, function, job, post Amt
notification, notice Ankündigung
notice, placard, poster, assault, knock Anschlag
notice, placard, poster Anschlagzettel
function, job, office, post Anstellung
apparatus, device, set Apparat
account, information, advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Auskunft
inquiry office Auskunftstelle
choice, election Auslese
notification, notice Avis
bass, bass voice Baß
officer, official Beamter
chalice, goblet Becher
attendance, service, waiting Bedienung
advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Bekanntmachung
remark, notice, observation Bemerkung
notification, notice Benachrichtigung
notice, observation Beobachtung
office, bureau Büro
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
caprice, whim Eigensinn
ice, icecream Eis
iceberg Eisberg
licence, license, permission Erlaubnis
exercise, practice Exerzitium
driving licence Fahrerschein
account, bill, invoice Faktura
driving licence Führerschein
ice, icecream Gefrorenes
avarice, miserliness, stinginess Geiz
justice, righteousness Gerechtigkeit
office Geschäftszimmer
licence, license Gewerbeschein
spice Gewürz
iceberg Gletscher
service, worship service, mass Gottesdienst
policeman Häscher
iceland Island
justice, righteousness Justiz
caprice, whim Kaprize
chalice, goblet Kelch
chief of police Kommissar
office Kontor
caprice, whim Laune
licence, license Lizenz
medicine, practice of medicine Medizin
novice Novize
officer Offizier
robes of office Ornat
police Polizei
police station Polizeiamt
police station Polizeiwache
policeman Polizist
post office Postamt
practice Praktik
practice Praxis
premium, prize, price Preis
advice, counsel Rat
advice, counsel Ratschlag
account, bill, invoice Rechnung
editorial office Redaktion
rice Reis
juice, sap Saft
layer, slice Scheibe
lock, sluice Schleuse
slice Schnitte
plaice Scholle
policeman Schutzmann
crack, crevice, column, pillar Spalte
spice Spezerei
voice Stimme
abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice, depth Tiefe
morality, vice Tugend
corporal, noncom, non commissioned officer Unteroffizier
venice Venedig
notice, observation Vermerk
vice president Vicepräsident
apparatus, device, set Vorrichtung
prejudice Vorurteil
choice, election Wahl
account, bill, invoice Warenrechnung
nice smell, sweet smell Wohlgeruch
spice Würze
other english words that include "icecream" : german :
ice, icecream Eis
ice, icecream Gefrorenes