The German term "Bosnien und Herzegowina" matches the English term "bosnia hercegovina"

other german words that include "bosnien" : english :
Bosnien bosnia
other german words that include "und" : english :
Abgrund abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice
Altertumskunde archaeology
Beweggrund account, motive, reason
Bund bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, connection, league
Bundesgenossenschaft federation
Bundesrepublik german federal republic
Bundesrepublik Deutschland german federal republic
Burgund burgundy
Burgunder burgundian
Burundi burundi
Damen und Herren ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs.
Ebbe und Flut tide
Erdkunde geography
Freund friend
Freundin friend
Freundlichkeit kindness
Freundschaft friendship
Fundament element, foundation
Gesundheit health
Grund bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil
Grundlage element, foundation
Grundpfand mortgage
Grundriß design, diagram, plan, plane
Grundsatz axiom, principle
Herr und Frau ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs.
Himmelskunde astronomy
Holunder elder
Hund dog
Hundebluhme dandelion
Kunde client, customer
Luftschiffahrtskunde aeronautics
Menschenkunde anthropology
Mund mouth
Mundart dialect, idiom
Pflanzenkunde botany
Pfund pound
Pfund Sterling pound sterling
Runde circle
Rundfrage inquiry, investigation
Rundschreiben circular
Schlund jaws, maw
Seehund seal, sea dog
Sekunde second
Spund plug, electric plug, stopper
Sternkunde astronomy
Stunde hour, o’clock, time
Unterrichtsstunde lesson
Urkunde diploma, document, paper
Verwunderung astonishment, wonder, surprise
Verwundung injury, wound
Viertelstunde quarter of an hour
Wappenkunde heraldry
Wundarzenei Kunst surgery
Wundarzt surgeon
Wunde injury, wound
Wunder miracle, astonishment, wonder, surprise
Wundertat miracle
Zunder tinder, punk