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Words and Phrases Sorted Alphabetically by german:
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Verständnis conception, idea, notion, sense, realization
Versuch experiment, attempt, effort, test
Versuchung temptation
Verteidigungsrede apology
Verteiler distributor
Vertiefung cave, cavity
Vertrag contract
Vertrauen confidence
Vertrauen setzen in confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust
Vertreter agent, representative
Vertrieb demand, sale
Verve verve, vivacity
Vervollständigung adjunct
Verwalter administrator, manager
Verwaltung administration, management
Verwandlung metamorphosis, transformation
Verwandter relative
Verwandtschaft relations, relatives, affiliation, blood relationship, affinity, relationship
Verweigerung refusal
Verweser administrator, manager
Verwirrung confusion
Verwunderung astonishment, wonder, surprise
Verwundung injury, wound
Verzeichnis index, catalogue, directory, list, table, tablet, tabulation
Verzeihung absolution, pardon
Verzichtleistung cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender
Verzierung adornment, decoration, ornament
Verzweiflung despair
Verzögerung adjournment, delay
Veränderung alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face
Veteran veteran
Vetter cousin
Vibration flutter, vibration
Vibrieren flutter, vibration
Vicepräsident vice president
Vieh livestock, head of cattle
Viertel quarter of an hour, district, neighbourhood, quarter
Viertelstunde quarter of an hour
Violincello cello
Violine violin
Virtuos virtuoso
Virtuose virtuoso
Visa visa, visé
Vision vision
Visite visit
Visum visa, visé
Vogel bird
Vokabel word
Vokal vowel
Volk folk, nation, people