The Dutch term "ding" matches the English term "matter, object, affair, thing, business, case"

other dutch words that include "ding" : english :
aanbesteding tender
aanbidding adoration, worship
aanbieding presentation, suggestion
aanhouding apprehension, detention, arrest
aanleiding inducement, motive
aanmelding entry
aanrijding collision
aanvaarding acceptance
aanwending employment, application, use
aarding earthing, grounding
aardleiding grounding, earthing
afbeelding diagram, image, representation, picture
afdingen haggle, bargain
afleiding distraction, derivation
afleidingsmanoeuvre diversion
afscheiding separation, partition, secretion, breakaway
bedingen stipulate
begeleiding accompaniment, escort
bereidingswijze procedure
besteding expenses
bewoording expression, word
binding bond
boekhouding book-keeping
dagvaarding summons
dingen things, stuff
dingen naar aspire
dinges thingamajig, whatchamacallit
echtscheiding divorce
geding lawsuit
geheelonthouding teetotalism, abstinence
geleding joint, node
gewaarwording emotion
houding position, attitude, deportment, behaviour
inbeelding imagination, chimera
inleiding introduction, preface
inwijding inauguration
kleding clothing, clothes
kledingstuk garment
kwijstschelding absolution
lading cargo
landing landing
landingsplaats pier, landing-stage
leiding platform, stage, direction
lijkverbranding cremation
meedingen compete, rival
onderkleding undergarment
onderscheiding décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction
ondervinding experience
onding absurdity
ontbinding analysis
ontbranding ignition
onthouding abstention
ontleding analysis
ontvreemding theft
opvoeding education
opwinding excitation, excitement
overreding persuasion
pudding pudding
reddingsboot life-boat
reddingsgordel safety-belt, lifebelt, life-belt
scheiding divorce
uitvinding invention
verbeelding presumption, fiction, imagination, assumingness
verbeeldingskracht fantasy
verbinding combination, connection
verbranding combustion
vergelding compensation
verhouding rate, proportion
verleiding temptation
verspreiding publicity, propaganda
vervreemding sale
verwonding injury
vleeswording incarnation
voeding nourishment
voedingsmiddel nourishment
voorbereiding preparation
zending mission