The English term "stiff, ceremonious, measured, formal, solemn" matches the Dutch term "plechtig"

other english words that include "stiff" : dutch :
stiff, formal, measured afgemeten
stiff, formal, measured ceremonieel
other english words that include "ceremonious" : dutch :
majestic, solemn, ceremonious plechtstatig
ceremonious, majestic, solemn statig
other english words that include "measured" : dutch :
stiff, formal, measured afgemeten
stiff, formal, measured ceremonieel
other english words that include "formal" : dutch :
stiff, formal, measured afgemeten
stiff, formal, measured ceremonieel
other english words that include "solemn" : dutch :
majestic, solemn, ceremonious plechtstatig
ceremonious, majestic, solemn statig