The English term "halt, come to a halt, stop" matches the German term "Halt machen"

other english words that include "halt" : german :
asphalt Asphalt
asphalt Erdpech
other english words that include "to" : german :
toilet Abort
teetotaller, total abstainer Abstinenzler
toilet Abtritt
emblem, character, mark, sign, signal, token Abzeichen
meteoric stone Aerolith
accumulator, battery, storage battery Akkumulator
alligator Alligator
contralto, contralto voice Altstimme
anatolia, asia minor Anatolien
anatomy Anatomie
keepsake, memento, souvenir, memory, recollection Andenken
custom, habit, way Angewohnheit
indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign, character, mark, signal, token Anzeichen
chemist’s shop, drugstore Apotheke
aristocrat Aristokrat
doctor, physician Arzt
asbestos Asbest
atom Atom
auditory Auditorium
ado, din, noise, astonishment, wonder, surprise Aufsehen
inspector Aufsichtsbeamter
activist, agitator Aufwiegler
elevator, lift Aufzug
proof, sign, token Ausweis
bus, autobus, omnibus Autobus
autodidact, self taught man Autodidakt
absolute ruler, autocrat Autokrat
absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy Autokratie
automoton Automat
autonomy Autonomie
contour, outline Außenlinie
baritone Bariton
basalt, whimstone Basalt
stomach ache, tummy ache Bauchweh
cotton Baumwolle
time to consider Bedenkzeit
board of directors Behörde
proof, sign, token Beleg
contact, touch Berührung
argument, plea, proof, sign, token Beweis
bottom, foundation, ground, floor, attic, earth, land, soil Boden
custom, habit, way, mores Brauch
breton Bretone
briton Brite
bookshop, bookstore Buchhandlung
bus, autobus, omnibus Bus
boutique, shop, store Butike
stock exchange, purse, wallet Börse
stock exchange Börsengebäude
conductor, driver, chauffeur Chauffeur
chrestomathy Chrestomatie
motto, watchword, slogan Devise
dictator Diktator
director, manager Direktor
doctor, physician Doktor
tom thumb Däumling
aristocrat, nobleman Edelmann
potato Erdapfel
exaction, extortion Erpressung
coach, tutor Erziehung leiten
account, narrative, story, tale Erzählung
esperanto Esperanto
estonian Este
estonia Estland
floor, storey, story Etage
factory Fabrik
torch Fackel
conductor, driver, chauffeur Fahrer
elevator, lift Fahrstuhl
purgatory Fegefeuer
summit, surface, top First
trajectory Flugbahn
summit, surface, top Fläche
skeleton, bone Gebein
region, territory Gebiet
custom, habit, way, use Gebrauch
ghost, phantom, intellect, mind, spirit, wit Geist
clergyman, pastor, priest Geistliche
ground, grounds, terrain, territory Gelände
tolling Geläut
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Gelüst
custom, habit, way Gepflogenheit
skeleton Gerippe
german, teuton Germane
story, history, account, narrative, tale Geschichte
floor, storey, story Geschoß
boutique, shop, store, warehouse Geschäft
ghost, phantom Gespenst
box room, storage room Gewahrsam
custom, habit, way Gewohnheit
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Gierde
summit, surface, top Gipfel
tutor Gouverneur
grave, tomb Grab
hailstone Graupeln
tongs, grasp, handle, knob Griff
cave, grotto Grotte
grave, tomb Gruft
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil Grund
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Habsucht
hailstone Hagelkorn
stop, stage, station Haltestelle
mutton Hammelfleisch
towel Handtuch
hectolitre Hektoliter
hectometre Hektometer
handle, tongs Henkel
hearth, firebox, furnace, kiln, oven, stove Herd
livestock Herde
story, history Historie
auditory Hörsaal
inspector Inspektor
inventory Inventar
insulator Isolator
capitol Kapitol
potato Kartoffel
catalogue, directory Katalog
cotton Kattun
character, mark, sign, signal, token Kennzeichen
client, customer Klient
skeleton Knochengerüst
piston Kolben
contour, outline Kontur
motorcycle Kraftfahrrad
boutique, shop, store Kramladen
toad Kröte
client, customer Kunde
laboratory Laboratorium
boutique, shop, store Laden
instructor, teacher Lehrer
director, manager, ladder Leiter
lector, lecturer Lektor
elevator, lift Lift
stomach Magen
torment Marter
bottom of the sea, sea bottom Meeresboden
character, mark, sign, signal, token Merkzeichen
meteoric stone Meteorstein
agent, means, tool, average, mean, middle, remedy, resources Mittel
mosquito Moskito
engine, motor Motor
motorcycle Motorrad
motto Motto
short story Novelle
furnace, kiln, oven, stove Ofen
october Oktober
place, location, spot, city, town, village Ort
pantomime Pantomime
pastor, clergyman, priest Pastor
torment Pein
pastor, clergyman, priest Pfarrer
cork, plug, electric plug, stopper Pfropfen
ghost, phantom Phantom
photographer Photograph
pistol, spray gun Pistole
clergyman, pastor, priest Priester
minutes, protocol Protokoll
prototype Prototyp
torment Qual
town hall, city hall, town hall Rathaus
editor Redakteur
editorial office Redaktion
orator Redner
tourist agency, travel agency Reisebüro
tourism Reisesport
rector Rektor
repertoire Repertoir
oratory, rhetoric Rhetorik
actor Schauspieler
top of the head Scheitel
tortoise Schildkröte
towing line Schlepptau
hailstone Schloße
editor Schriftleiter
brimstone, sulphur Schwefel
autopsy, section Sektion
sector Sektor
autobiography Selbstbiographie
autonomy Selbstgesetzgebung
absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy Selbstherrschaft
absolute ruler, autocrat Selbstherrscher
livestock, meadow Senne
autopsy Sezierung
victory Sieg
mark, sign, signal, token Signal
custom, mores Sitte
skeleton Skelett
toy Spielzeug
language, tongue Sprache
orator Sprecher
cuspidor, spittoon Spucknapf
ghost, phantom Spuk
plug, electric plug, stopper Spund
public prosecutor Staatsanwalt
baton, cane, stick, staff Stab
city, town Stadt
stage, station, stop Station
bit player, supporting actor Statist
mosquito Stechmücke
baton, cane, stick Stecken
stone Stein
stone cutter, stonemason Steinmetz
baton, cane, stick, floor, storey, story Stock
stockholm Stockholm
floor, storey, story Stockwerk
stork Storch
torrent, volley Strom
stocking Strumpf
storm Sturm
cork, plug, electric plug, stopper Stöpsel
symptom Symptom
stool Taburett
territory Territorium
theme, topic, subject Thema
toast Toast
toga Toga
toilet Toilette
toilet paper Toilettenpapier
tomato Tomate
accent, stress, clay, hue, nuance, shade, tint, sound, tone Ton
topaz Topas
torpedo Torpedo
tourist Tourist
livestock, meadow Trift
toast Trinkspruch
castle, tower Turm
tournament Turnier
contour, outline Umriß
original, prototype Urbild
prehistory Urgeschichte
custom, habit, way Usus
electric fan, ventilator Ventilator
carburettor Vergaser
distributor Verteiler
administrator, manager Verwalter
administrator, manager Verweser
astonishment, wonder, surprise Verwunderung
index, catalogue, directory, list, table, tablet, tabulation Verzeichnis
livestock, head of cattle Vieh
board of directors Vorstand
director, manager, boss, chief, leader Vorsteher
motto, watchword, slogan Wahlspruch
cotton wool, wadding Watte
agent, means, tool, instrument Werkzeug
arbiter, arbitrator Willkür
character, mark, sign, signal, token Wink
summit, surface, top Wipfel
miracle, astonishment, wonder, surprise Wunder
tooth Zacken
tooth Zahn
tooth brush Zahnbürste
tooth paste Zahnpasta
tooth paste Zahnpaste
toothache Zahnschmerz
toothache Zahnschmerzen
toothache Zahnweh
tongs Zange
toe Zehe
character, mark, sign, signal, token Zeichen
anatomy Zergliederungskunst
autopsy Zerlegung
tooth, peak, point, tip, summit Zinke
customs Zollamt
tongue Zunge
spectator Zuschauer
castle, tower Zwinger
revenue agent, tax collector Zöllner