The English term "tin-opener" matches the Dutch term "blikopener"

other english words that include "tin" : dutch :
instinct, impulse aandrift
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
lasting, abiding aanhoudend
enticing, tempting, attractive, alluring aanlokkelijk
planting aanplanting
abstinence, teetotalism abstinentie
backbiting, scandal achterklap
slighting achterstelling
blood-letting, bleeding aderlating
alternate, alternating, variable afwisselend
ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously aldoor
Argentinean, Argentine Argentijns
Argentina Argentinië
proper, fitting, suitable, properly, decently behoorlijk
interesting belangwekkend
Benedictine Benedictijner monnik
earmark, destine, ordain bestemmen
fate, destiny bestemming
permanent, constant, abiding, continual, sustained bestendig
continuation bestendiging
proper, fitting, becoming, decent, suitable betamelijk
delightful, fascinating, enchanting, absorbing betoverend
constantly, continuously, continually bij voortduring
abiding, lasting blijvend
tin blikken
extinguish blussen
fascinating, absorbing boeiend
Brabantine Brabants
writing-paper briefpapier
impertinent, intrepid, bold, audacious, daring brutaal
impertinence brutaliteit
bulletin bulletin
bureau, writing-desk bureau
Byzantine Byzantijns
continual, constant, permanent, sustained constant
mainland, continent continent
Corantin Corantijn
intestine darm
painting, curtain doek
melting dooi
continuous doorlopend
extinguish doven
indistinct, murk, darkness duister
backbiting, scandal eerroof
eventuality, contingency eventualiteit
contingent, eventual eventueel
excursion, outing excursie
absorbing, fascinating fascinerend
fitting, suitable, decent, proper fatsoenlijk
philately, stamp-collecting filatelie
Philistine Filistijn
contingent, eventual gebeurlijk
teetotalism, abstinence geheelonthouding
grating geknars
grating gekras
writing geschrift
constant, sustained, continual, permanent gestaag
miserly, avaricious, stingy gierig
greeting groet
hair-splitting haarkloverij
stubborn, obstinate halsstarrig
stubborn, obstinate hardnekkig
stingy, miserly, avaricious hebzuchtig
distinct, serene, untroubled, pure, acute, clearly helder
impertinence hondsheid
living-room, sitting-room huiskamer
intestines ingewanden
miserly, stingy, avaricious inhalig
manageable, tractable, accommodating inschikkelijk
instinct instinct
interesting interessant
characteristic, distinctive karakteristiek
over, ready, finished, distinct, clear, done klaar
diminutive, little, tiny, small klein
tinkle, clatter, crackle, click, jingle, rattle kletteren
tinkle, jingle klingelen
stubborn, obstinate koppig
scandal, backbiting laster
Latin Latijns
emptiness leegheid
emptiness leegte
alluring, enticing, tasty, tempting lekker
Levantine Levantijns
fortune, fate, destiny lot
destiny, fate lotsbestemming
accommodating meegaand
tiny, midget, dwarf minuscuul
tiny minuskuul
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting misselijk
composing, mounting, erecting montage
setting montuur
bloodthirstiness moordlust
dirtiness, untidiness morsigheid
hair-splitting muggezifterij
rebel, mutineer muiter
rebellion, mutiny muiterij
multinational multinationaal
mosquito-net, mosquito-netting muskietengaas
mosquito-netting, mosquito-net muskietennet
wall-painting muurschildering
nightingale nachtegaal
procrastination neiging tot uitstellen
nuance, shade, tint nuance
nuance, tint, shade nuancering
continuous onafgebroken
impertinent onbeschaamd
distinguish, recognise onderkennen
distinguish onderscheiden
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
cloudy, indistinct onduidelijk
mutiny, rebellion onlusten
untidiness, dirtiness onreinheid
disgusting, abhorrant, nauseous onsmakelijk
tin-opener opener
rebel, mutineer oproerling
mutiny, rebellion opstand
exciting opwindend
Palestinian Palestijns
Palestine Palestina
continuously, continually, constantly permanent
stab, sting pikken
avaricious, miserly, stingy pinnig
writing-paper postpapier
sting, stab priemen
stab, sting prikken
tiny propperig
mutineer, rebel rebel
jingle, tinkle rinkelen
stingray rog
routine routine
resting-place rusthuis
resting-place rustoord
resting-place rustplaats
greeting saluut
shade, nuance, tint schakering
slanting, oblique scheef
painting schilderij
painting, description schildering
writing schriftuur
writing-desk schrijfbureau
writing-paper schrijfpapier
writing-desk schrijftafel
slanting, obscene, oblique, sloping schuin
routine sleur
sting, stab, insert, enter steken
reek, smell, stink stinken
bad-smelling, stinking, odorous, fumy stinkend
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting stuitend
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage tocht
accommodating toegevend
voyage, outing, trip, journey, excursion toer
tinder, punk tondel
tinder, punk tonder
punk, tinder tonderzwam
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing trip
indistinct, muddy troebel
extinguish uitblussen
extinguish uitdoen
distinct uitgesproken
excursion, outing uitstapje
postpone, procrastinate uitstellen
emigrate, earmark, ordain, destine uittrekken
indistinct vaag
mainland, continent vasteland
setting vatting
postpone, procrastinate verdagen
bulletin verenigingsorgaan
meeting vergadering
continuation vervolg
slighting verwaarlozing
heating, heater verwarming
reek, smell, stink vies ruiken
untidiness, dirtiness viesheid
blotter, blotting-paper vloeipapier
continuation voortzetting
impertinent vrijpostig
impertinence vrijpostigheid
waiting-room wachtkamer
wall-painting wandschildering
continent, mainland werelddeel
living-room, sitting-room woonkamer
erecting, mounting, composing zetting
distinctive zich onderscheidend
sitting-room, living-room zitkamer
meeting, session zitting
tinder, punk, fungus zwam
other english words that include "opener" : dutch :
tin-opener opener