The English term "camp of tents, tented camp" matches the German term "Lager"

other english words that include "of" : german :
child, offspring, young, successor Abkomme
child, offspring, young, successor Abkömmling
child, offspring, young, layer Ableger
distance, offset Abstand
all, all of it Alles
act of grace, amnesty Amnestie
bureau, office, function, job, post Amt
offer Anerbieten
function, job, office, post Anstellung
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Anzug
asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness Asthma
asylum, place of refuge, shelter Asyl
inquiry office Auskunftstelle
proof, sign, token Ausweis
banker, bank manager, bank clerk, bank official Bankier
officer, official Beamter
act of grace, amnesty, absolution, pardon Begnadigung
board of directors Behörde
article of dress, garment Bekleidung
proof, sign, token Beleg
handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Beruf
professional Berufs
argument, plea, proof, sign, token Beweis
office, bureau Büro
café, coffee house Café
coir loft, chorus, coir Chor
couch, divan, sofa Couch
roof Dach
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
distance, offset Entfernung
offspring, successor Epigone
layer, layer of earth Erdschicht
income, gain, profit Ertrag
vacation, spare time, time off Ferien
decider, play off Finale
pianoforte Fortepiano
place of refuge, shelter Freistätte
young of a wild boar Frischling
generation, offspring Generation
back of the neck, nape Genick
office Geschäftszimmer
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Gewand
professional Gewerbe
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
benefit, gain, profit Gewinn
ruler, head of state Herrscher
block, chunk of wood Holzscheit
hospital, place of refuge, shelter Hospiz
hoof Huf
interest, gain, profit, advantage, benefit Interesse
coffee Kaffee
coffee pot Kaffeekanne
couch, sofa Kanapee
church, church building, house of worship, place of worship Kirche
pianoforte, piano Klavier
dress, gown, robe, article of clothing, garment Kleid
article of dress, garment Kleidung
block, pad, chunk of wood Klotz
chief of police Kommissar
academy of music Konservatorium
office Kontor
lily of the valley Maiblümchen
medicine, practice of medicine Medizin
bottom of the sea, sea bottom Meeresboden
piece of furniture Möbel
offspring Nachkommenschaft
offspring Nachwuchs
back of the neck, nape Nacken
gain, profit, advantage, benefit Nutzen
offer Offerte
officer Offizier
robes of office Ornat
pianoforte Pianino
post office Postamt
profession Profession
professor Professor
profile Profil
editorial office Redaktion
coffin Sarg
block, chunk of wood Scheit
top of the head Scheitel
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy, blow, kind, sort Schlag
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy Schlagfluß
sofa Sofa
head of state, sovereign Souverän
bud, child, offspring, young Sproß
bud, child, offspring, young Sprößling
act of grace, amnesty Straferlaß
the power of suggestion Suggestion
observation, remark, reproof, reproach Tadel
corporal, noncom, non commissioned officer Unteroffizier
benefit, gain, profit, merit Verdienst
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
livestock, head of cattle Vieh
quarter of an hour, district, neighbourhood, quarter Viertel
quarter of an hour Viertelstunde
board of directors Vorstand
benefit, gain, profit, advantage Vorteil
exchange, bill of exchange, draft, alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face Wechsel
mellowness, softness, tenderness Weichheit
distance, offset Weite
winter, winter , of the winter Winter
camp of tents, tented camp Zeltlager
absence of mind Zerstreuung
place of refuge, shelter, refuge Zuflucht
other english words that include "tents" : german :
contents Inhalt
camp of tents, tented camp Zeltlager
other english words that include "tented" : german :
camp of tents, tented camp Zeltlager