The English term "all, all of it" matches the German term "Alles"

other english words that include "all" : german :
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Abakus
teetotaller, total abstainer Abstinenzler
allah Allah
allegory Allegorie
all saints’ day, all hallows Allerheiligen
all souls’ day Allerseelen
alligator Alligator
alluvion, alluvium Alluvium
allusion Anspielung
ball, dance Ball
ballad, ballade Ballade
ballast Ballast
ballistics Ballistik
balloon, air balloon Ballon
ballgame Ballspiel
smallpox Blattern
stock exchange, purse, wallet Börse
fall, affair, case, matter, chance, event, occurence, opportunity Fall
football, soccer ball Fußball
gallery Galerie
gall Gallapfel
bile, gall Galle
gallium Gallium
gallop Galopp
alley, lane Gasse
ball, ball bearing, globe Globus
hall Halle
stallion Hengst
dark room, small room Kamera
dark room, small room Kammer
waterfall Kaskade
overalls, smock Kittel
ball, ball bearing, globe, bullet Kugel
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Kugelmaschine
alloy Legierung
balloon, air balloon Luftballon
lily of the valley Maiblümchen
mallow Malve
wall Mauer
palladium Palladium
smallpox Pocken
town hall, city hall, town hall Rathaus
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Rechenmaschine
boat, ship’s boat, shallop, sloop Schaluppe
loop, mesh, guelder rose, snowball Schlinge
suet, tallow Schmalz
guelder rose, snowball Schneeball
swallow Schwalbe
allegory, emblem Sinnbild
ball, sphere Sphäre
stable, stall, sty Stall
gallery Stollen
valley Tal
suet, tallow Talg
tapestry, wall covering Tapete
thallium Thallium
wallonia Wallonien
wall Wand
gallery Wandelgang
waterfall Wasserfall
guelder rose, snowball Wasserholder
other english words that include "of" : german :
child, offspring, young, successor Abkomme
child, offspring, young, successor Abkömmling
child, offspring, young, layer Ableger
distance, offset Abstand
act of grace, amnesty Amnestie
bureau, office, function, job, post Amt
offer Anerbieten
function, job, office, post Anstellung
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Anzug
asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness Asthma
asylum, place of refuge, shelter Asyl
inquiry office Auskunftstelle
proof, sign, token Ausweis
banker, bank manager, bank clerk, bank official Bankier
officer, official Beamter
act of grace, amnesty, absolution, pardon Begnadigung
board of directors Behörde
article of dress, garment Bekleidung
proof, sign, token Beleg
handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Beruf
professional Berufs
argument, plea, proof, sign, token Beweis
office, bureau Büro
café, coffee house Café
coir loft, chorus, coir Chor
couch, divan, sofa Couch
roof Dach
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
distance, offset Entfernung
offspring, successor Epigone
layer, layer of earth Erdschicht
income, gain, profit Ertrag
vacation, spare time, time off Ferien
decider, play off Finale
pianoforte Fortepiano
place of refuge, shelter Freistätte
young of a wild boar Frischling
generation, offspring Generation
back of the neck, nape Genick
office Geschäftszimmer
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Gewand
professional Gewerbe
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
benefit, gain, profit Gewinn
ruler, head of state Herrscher
block, chunk of wood Holzscheit
hospital, place of refuge, shelter Hospiz
hoof Huf
interest, gain, profit, advantage, benefit Interesse
coffee Kaffee
coffee pot Kaffeekanne
couch, sofa Kanapee
church, church building, house of worship, place of worship Kirche
pianoforte, piano Klavier
dress, gown, robe, article of clothing, garment Kleid
article of dress, garment Kleidung
block, pad, chunk of wood Klotz
chief of police Kommissar
academy of music Konservatorium
office Kontor
camp of tents, tented camp Lager
lily of the valley Maiblümchen
medicine, practice of medicine Medizin
bottom of the sea, sea bottom Meeresboden
piece of furniture Möbel
offspring Nachkommenschaft
offspring Nachwuchs
back of the neck, nape Nacken
gain, profit, advantage, benefit Nutzen
offer Offerte
officer Offizier
robes of office Ornat
pianoforte Pianino
post office Postamt
profession Profession
professor Professor
profile Profil
editorial office Redaktion
coffin Sarg
block, chunk of wood Scheit
top of the head Scheitel
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy, blow, kind, sort Schlag
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy Schlagfluß
sofa Sofa
head of state, sovereign Souverän
bud, child, offspring, young Sproß
bud, child, offspring, young Sprößling
act of grace, amnesty Straferlaß
the power of suggestion Suggestion
observation, remark, reproof, reproach Tadel
corporal, noncom, non commissioned officer Unteroffizier
benefit, gain, profit, merit Verdienst
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
livestock, head of cattle Vieh
quarter of an hour, district, neighbourhood, quarter Viertel
quarter of an hour Viertelstunde
board of directors Vorstand
benefit, gain, profit, advantage Vorteil
exchange, bill of exchange, draft, alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face Wechsel
mellowness, softness, tenderness Weichheit
distance, offset Weite
winter, winter , of the winter Winter
camp of tents, tented camp Zeltlager
absence of mind Zerstreuung
place of refuge, shelter, refuge Zuflucht
other english words that include "it" : german :
superstition Aberglaube
acclivity, hillside, slope Abhang
abnormality Abnormalität
separation, partition, branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality, detachment Abteilung
armpit Achselhöhle
acuity, advertence, advertency, attention, esteem, regard, respect Achtung
nobility Adel
admirality Admiralität
aconite, monkshood Akonit
alms, charity Almosen
american, us citizen Amerikaner
amphitheatre Amphitheater
illiterate Analphabet
custom, habit, way Angewohnheit
addition, adjunct, adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters Anhang
abnormity, anomaly Anomalie
excitation, excitement Anregung
attraction, impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreiz
impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreizung
place, institute Anstalt
anthracite Anthrazit
antithesis Antithese
attack, fit Anwandlung
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Anzug
appetite Appetit
architect Architekt
architecture Architektur
architrave Architrav
arithmetic Arithmetik
property, quality, manner, mode, way, kind, sort Art
article, commodity Artikel
auditory Auditorium
edition Auflage
acuity, advertence, advertency, attention Aufmerksamkeit
sincerity Aufrichtigkeit
mutiny, rebellion, revolt, agitation, riot, tumult Aufruhr
mutiny, rebellion, revolt, agitation, riot, tumult Aufstand
activist, agitator Aufwiegler
lounge, parlour, salon, sitting room Aula
accomplishment, acquittal Ausführung
edition, expenses Ausgabe
exit, way out Ausgang
refuse, rubbish, waste, committee Ausschuß
exhibition, exposition Ausstellung
authority Autorität
bathing suit, bathing suit Badeanzug
litter, strecher Bahre
bandit, rogue, scoundrel Bandit
baritone Bariton
charity, mercifulness, mercy Barmherzigkeit
architecture Baufach
architecture Baukunst
attendance, service, waiting Bedienung
condition, stipulation, terms Bedingung
ability Befähigung
event, chance, occurence, opportunity Begebenheit
accent, emphasis, alacrity, enthusiasm, verve, vivacity Begeisterung
addendum, addition, additive, adjunct Beilage
acquaintance, conversance, familiarity Bekanntschaft
benefit performance Benefiz
fame, renown, celebrity, glory Berühmtheit
property, quality Beschaffenheit
occupation, activity Beschäftigung
destiny, fate, definition Bestimmung
visit Besuch
accession, acquisition, asset, prey, booty Beute
inhabitant Bewohner
image, picture, painting, portrait Bild
portrait Bildnis
biscuit, cookie Biskuit
biscuit, cookie Bisquit
petition Bittschrift
bite Biß
nakedness, nudity Blöße
custom, habit, way, mores Brauch
ability, capability, fitness, suitability Brauchbarkeit
methylated spirit Brennspiritus
bretagne, brittany Bretagne
writing paper Briefpapier
britain, great britain Britannien
briton Brite
middleclass citizen Bürger
bourgeoisie, city state Bürgerschaft
pledge, security Bürgschaft
camping ground, camping site Campingplatz
character, nature, personality Charakter
christianity Christentum
gratitude, thanks Dank
debit Debet
deficit Defizit
humility Demut
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
division, military division Division
trinity Dreieinigkeit
trinity Dreifaltigkeit
dynamite Dynamit
ambition Ehrgeiz
property, quality Eigenschaft
unit Einer
entrance, portal, access, admission, admittance Eingang
unity, unit Einheit
agreement, consent, permission, unity Einigkeit
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, institution, organization Einrichtung
hermit Einsiedler
access, admission, admittance Eintritt
inhabitant Einwohner
vanity Eitelkeit
electricity Elektrizität
alacrity, enthusiasm Enthusiasmus
inheritance Erbschaft
arbutus fruit Erdbeerbaum
event, occasion, occurence, opportunity, chance Ereignis
hermit Eremit
admonition, exhortation Ermahnung
excitation, excitement Erregung
accession, acquisition, gain, asset Errungenschaft
income, gain, profit Ertrag
accession, acquisition, asset Erwerb
european, white man Europäer
branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality Fach
fall, affair, case, matter, chance, event, occurence, opportunity Fall
bulk, dimension, extend, size, circumstances, condition, situation Fassung
deficit Fehlbetrag
suitcase, valise Felleisen
summit, surface, top First
location, place, spot, blot, bit, lump, piece Fleck
summit, surface, top Fläche
serfdom, servitude Frondienst
serfdom, servitude Frone
fruit Frucht
ability Fähigkeit
principality Fürstentum
gaiter Gamasche
region, territory Gebiet
custom, habit, way, use Gebrauch
birth, child birth, delivery, parturition Geburt
child birth, delivery, parturition Gebären
attitudinizer, poseur, dandy, dude, fop Geck
antithesis, contrast Gegensatz
antithesis Gegenstellung
ghost, phantom, intellect, mind, spirit, wit Geist
spiritual Geistes
chance, event, occurence, opportunity Gelegenheit
ground, grounds, terrain, territory Gelände
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Gelüst
community Gemeinde
soul, character, nature, personality, heart Gemüt
genius, spirit Genius
custom, habit, way Gepflogenheit
rod, switch, wand, whip Gerte
chance, event, occurence, opportunity Geschehnis
feature, trait Gesichtszug
agitation, riot, tumult Getümmel
authority, force, strength, vigour, power, ability Gewalt
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Gewand
benefit, gain, profit Gewinn
custom, habit, way Gewohnheit
arthritis Gicht
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Gierde
summit, surface, top Gipfel
draw, equality Gleichheit
goldsmith Goldschmied
hole, ditch, pit, pole, canal, channel, trench Graben
granite Granit
boundary, frontier, limit Grenze
cave, cavern, den, cavity Grube
gravel, grit Grus
marguerite Gänseblume
agitation, alarm Gärung
goodness, property, quality Güte
avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness Habsucht
acclivity, hillside, slope, hill Halde
suitcase, valise Handkoffer
manuscript, script, writing Handschrift
glove, mitten Handschuh
aggregate, accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Haufen
capital, capital city, metropolis Hauptstadt
habitation Hausen
furniture Hausgerät
hectolitre Hektoliter
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity Hemmnis
edition Herausgabe
authority, ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herrschaft
witch Hexe
university Hochschule
hospital Hospital
hospital, place of refuge, shelter Hospiz
speed limit, speed limit Höchstgeschwindigkeit
height, altitude Höhe
cavity, cave Höhlung
auditory Hörsaal
picture writing Ideographie
imitation Imitation
initial Initial
inhabitant Insasse
authoritative source, court Instanz
institute Institut
institution Institution
interest, gain, profit, advantage, benefit Interesse
italy Italien
italian Italiener
rabbit Kaninchen
jug, pitcher, pot Kanne
pulpit Kanzel
ability Kapazität
capital Kapital
capitol Kapitol
pulpit Katheder
little owl Kauz
waiter Kellner
core, nucleus, kernel, pit Kern
condition, stipulation, terms Klausel
committee Komitee
competition, contest Konkurrenz Prüfung
constitution Konstitution
costume, outfit, suit Kostüm
force, strength, vigour, ability Kraft
hospital Krankenhaus
agitation, riot, tumult Krawall
credit Kredit
jug, pitcher, pot, box, container, vessel Krug
peak, point, tip, summit Kulm
kitten Kätzchen
bait Köder
ability Können
kitchen Küche
circumstances, condition, situation Lage
serfdom, servitude Leibeigenschaft
levite Levit
litany Litanei
lithuania Litauen
liter, litre Liter
literature Literatur
lithuanian Lithauer
lithium Lithium
liturgy Liturgie
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity Lästiges
power, ability Macht
bazaar, fair, market, sales activity Markt
titmouse Meise
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile, quantity Menge
mite Milbe
have compassion on, pity Mitleid haben
miter, mitre Mitra
mediterranean Mittelmeer
furniture Mobilär
morality Moralität
mosquito Moskito
munition, ammunition Munition
piece of furniture Möbel
obituary Nekrolog
gain, profit, advantage, benefit Nutzen
fruit tree Obstbaum
core, nucleus, kernel, pit Obststein
opposition Opposition
place, location, spot, city, town, village Ort
pitch Pech
pentecost, whitsunday Pfingsten
policy, politics Politik
portrait Porträt
competition, contest Preisausschreiben
propaganda, publicity Propaganda
action, lawsuit Prozeß
preposition Präposition
puritan Puritaner
property, quality Qualität
quantity Quantität
quantity Quantum
town hall, city hall, town hall Rathaus
actuality Realität
arithmetic Rechenkunst
editor Redakteur
editorial office Redaktion
cleanliness, purity Reinheit
cleanliness, purity Reinlichkeit
recruit Rekrut
repetition Repetition
rite Ritus
rod, switch, wand, tail Rute
bandit Räuber
lounge, parlour, salon, sitting room Salon
sanskrit Sanskrit
cleanliness, purity Sauberkeit
arbitration Schiedsgericht
arbitration Schiedsspruch
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy, blow, kind, sort Schlag
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy Schlagfluß
smith Schmied
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing, dam, barrier, fence, bar, boundary, frontier, limit, handic Schranke
typewriter Schreibmaschine
written Schrift
editor Schriftleiter
author, writer Schriftsteller
gravel, grit, debris, rubbish, rubble Schutt
switzerland Schweiz
accent, emphasis, verve, vivacity Schwung
sagittarius Schütze
admirality Seebehörde
semite Semit
aplomb, self assurance, certainty, safety, security, caution Sicherheit
morality Sittlichkeit
circumstances, condition, situation Situation
solidarity Solidarität
spiritualism Spiritismus
alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits, strong drink Spirituosen
peak, point, tip, summit, lace Spitze
cuspidor, spittoon Spucknapf
nationality Staatsangehörigkeit
city, town Stadt
grade, rank, rate, condition, state Stand
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Stapel
bit player, supporting actor Statist
mosquito Stechmücke
acclivity, hillside, slope Steilung
nail, peak, point, tip, summit Stift
institution Stiftung
impetus, incitement, stimulus Stimulation
severity, rigour, sterness Strenge
fragment, lump, piece, part, share, bit Stück
addition, adjunct Supplement
ability, capability, fitness, suitability Tauglichkeit
termite Termite
territory Territorium
titan Titan
degree, heading, title Titel
satellite Trabant
costume, outfit, suit Tracht
tradition Tradition
trinity Trinität
litter, strecher, porter Träger
morality, vice Tugend
agitation, riot, tumult Tumult
activity, function Tätigkeit
ness, ship, ity heit
ness, ship, ity keit
university Universität
abnormity, anomaly Unregelmäßigkeit
custom, habit, way Usus
benefit, gain, profit, merit Verdienst
absurdity, nonsense, rubbish Verdrehtheit
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
author, writer Verfasser
constitution Verfassung
persecution, pursuit Verfolgung
preposition Verhältniswort
publisher, publishing house, edition Verlag
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity Verlegenheit
gift, present, inheritance, testament, will Vermächtnis
ability Vermögen
cave, cavity Vertiefung
verve, vivacity Verve
relations, relatives, affiliation, blood relationship, affinity, relationship Verwandtschaft
visit Visite
outfit, set, suit Vollzähligkeit
hypothesis, supposition Voraussetzung
condition, stipulation, terms Vorbehalt
chance, event, occurence, opportunity Vorfall
benefit, gain, profit, advantage Vorteil
craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness Wahnsinn
truth, reality Wahrheit
waiting room, waiting room Warteraum
waiting room, waiting room Wartesaal
kite Weihe
competition, contest Wettbewerb
competition, rivalry Wetteifer
repetition Wiederholung
arbiter, arbitrator Willkür
summit, surface, top Wipfel
actuality Wirklichkeit
witticism Witz
curiosity Wißbegier
habitation Wohnen
living room, living room, sitting room Wohnzimmer
craze, hit Wut
dignity, grade, rank, rate Würde
peak, point, tip, summit Zacke
cipher, digit, figure, numeral, amount, number Zahl
cipher, digit, figure, numeral Zahlzeichen
delusion, spell, magic, enchantment, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry Zauber
bewitch Zauberei treiben
enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry Zaubern
camping ground, camping site Zeltplatz
zenith Zenit
witness Zeuge
cipher, digit, figure, numeral Ziffer
tooth, peak, point, tip, summit Zinke
peak, point, tip, summit Zipfel
citadel Zitadelle
citation, quotation Zitat
zither Zither
education, chastity, purity Zucht
train, feature, trait Zug
addition, adjunct Zugabe
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount Zusammenstellung
addition, adjunct Zusatz
addition, adjunct Zuschlag
addition, adjunct Zuschuß
admonition, exhortation Zuspruch
circumstances, condition, situation, state Zustand
certainty, confidence, faith, trust Zuversicht
biscuit, cookie Zwieback
ignition Zündung