The English term "cat" matches the Dutch term "kattekop"

other english words that include "cat" : dutch :
suggest, indicate aanduiden
catch aanflitsen
catch aanfloepen
form, shape, catch aangaan
denounce, suggest, register, convey, indicate aangeven
notification, advertisement, announcement, ad aankondiging
fabricate, do, manufacture, prepare, kindle, light aanmaken
get-at-able, communicative, approachable aanspreekbaar
catching, contagious, infectious aanstekelijk
indicative aantonende wijs
employment, application, use aanwending
indicate, suggest aanwijzen
document, certificate, testimony acte
advocate, lawyer advocaat
graduate, certificated afgestudeerd
top, truncate afknotten
publication afkondiging
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
resign, abdicate afstand doen
document, certificate, diploma, paper akte
reciprocate beantwoorden
abdicate, resign, quit, thank bedanken
mystification bedotterij
profession, certificate, document, enterprise bedrijf
inform, communicate, report berichten
occupation, handicraft, vocation, profession beroep
intoxicated, drunk beschonken
infectious, contagious, catching besmettelijk
implicate, entangle betrekken
qualification, authorization bevoegdheid
Catalonian Catalaans
catalogue, catalog catalogiseren
Catalonia Catalonië
catarrh catarre
catastrophic catastrofaal
catastrophe catastrofe
category categorie
communication communiqué
complicate compliceren
confiscate confisqueren
delicate, refined delicaat
certificate, document dokument
mad, insane, crazy, intoxicated, furious, rabid dol
stupid, dull, cathedral, foolish dom
educate, tame dresseren
intoxicated, drunk dronken
leaving-certificate einddiploma
fabricate, manufacture fabriceren
mystification fopperij
fortification fort
complicated gecompliceerd
graduate, certificated gediplomeerd
cultured, well-informed, educated, learned geleerd
sophisticated geraffineerd
sensitive, impressible, delicate, refined gevoelig
educate grootbrengen
cataract grote waterval
Hecate Hecate
domesticated, house huis-
delicate, refined iel
confiscate, absorb in beslag nemen
indicative indicatief
complicated ingewikkeld
complicate ingewikkeld maken
defecate kakken
cathedral kathedraal
Catholisism katholicisme
Catholic, catholic katholiek
delicate, refined kies
qualification kwalificatie
cultivate, educate kweken
locate, lay leggen
spot, location lokaliteit
develop, cause, make, do, fabricate, manufacture maken
communicate mededelen
communicate meedelen
pre-fabrication, prefabrication montagebouw
duplicate, multiply multipliceren
mummification mummificatie
muscatel muskaatwijn
mystification mystificatie
abdicate, resign, lay neerleggen
quell, suffocate neerslaan
communication-cord noodrem
quell, suffocate, suppress onderdrukken
catastrophe onheil
defecate ontlasting hebben
abdication ontslagname
abdication ontslagneming
cultured, educated, well-informed, learned ontwikkeld
eradicate ontwortelen
dislocate ontwrichten
spot, location, place oord
dedicate, devote, entrust, celebrate opdragen
publication openbaarmaking
education opvoeding
village, spot, location, town, courtyard, place plaats
locate plaatsen
advocate, lawyer pleitbezorger
defecate poepen
catastrophe ramp
catastrophic rampzalig
scatter rondstrooien
room, spot, location, space ruimte
caterpillar rups
caterpillar rupsband
locate situeren
suffocate, quell smoren
dedicate, spend, devote spanderen
spend, devote, dedicate spenderen
cataract staar
strength, quantity, fortification sterkte
scatter strooien
part, damaged, certificate, broken, document stuk
syndicate, labour-union syndicaat
presage, sign, omen, token, symptom, indication teken
reward, reciprocate terugdoen
use, employment, application toepassing
vacation vakantie
syndicate, labour-union vakbond
corporation, trade-union, syndicate, labour-union vakvereniging
lawyer, advocate verdediger
reward, reciprocate vergelden
announcement, notification verkondiging
catching, contagious, infectious verpestend
dislocate verrekken
fortification verschansing
implicate, entangle verstrikken
dislocate verstuiken
duplicate verveelvoudigen
entangle, implicate verwarren
indication, portent, presage, sign, omen voorbode
sign, presage, indication, omen, portent voorteken
education vorming
drunk, intoxicated zat