The English term "carp at, haze, quibble" matches the German term "Kleinigkeiten tadeln"

other english words that include "carp" : german :
carpathians, carpathian mountains Karpathen
carp Karpfen
carpet Teppich
carpenter Zimmermann
other english words that include "at" : german :
bluebottle, meat fly Aasfliege
figure, diagram, image, picture, representation Abbild
copy, printed matter Abdruck
delegate, deputy, representative Abgeordneter
article, treaty Abhandlung
ablative Ablativ
delegation Abordnung
abhorrence, abomination, horror Abscheu
separation, partition, branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality, detachment Abteilung
latrine Abtrittsgrube
alternation, about face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation Abwechslung
aberrance, aberration Abweichung
absence, non attendance Abwesenheit
acetate Acetat
agate Achat
acuity, advertence, advertency, attention, esteem, regard, respect Achtung
adriatic, adriatic sea Adria
adriatic, adriatic sea Adriatisches Meer
aggregate Aggregat
agony, death throes Agonie
forefather Ahn
atavism, throw back Ahnenähnlichkeit
accumulator, battery, storage battery Akkumulator
accusative Akkusativ
acrobat Akrobat
act, certificate, diploma, document Akt
act, certificate, diploma, document Akte
alligator Alligator
alternative, option Alternative
amateur, fancier Amateur
ant eater Ameisenbär
amphitheatre Amphitheater
grade, rank, rate Amtswürde
illiterate Analphabet
anatolia, asia minor Anatolien
anatomy Anatomie
consideration, deliberation Anbetracht
access, aggression, attack Anfall
inverted comma, quotation mark, quote Anführungszeichen
declaration, proclamation, statement Angabe
affair, business, business deal, case, matter Angelegenheit
access, aggression, attack Angriff
accessory matter, sideissue, sideshow Anhängsel
agglomeration Anhäufung
notification, notice Ankündigung
excitation, excitement Anregung
attraction, impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreiz
observation Anschauung
reputation, appearance, esteem, regard, respect Ansehen
attack, fit Anwandlung
expectation Anwartschaft
indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign, character, mark, signal, token Anzeichen
ad, advertisement, declaration, proclamation, statement, accusation Anzeige
attraction Anziehungskraft
apathy Apathie
apparatus, device, set Apparat
apartment, flat Appartement
acclamation, acclaim, approval Applaus
water colour Aquarell
worker, hand, laborer, labourer, operative, working man, workman Arbeiter
aristocrat Aristokrat
armature, brace, cramp iron Armatur
association Assoziation
asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness Asthma
breath Atem
atheism Atheismus
atheist Atheist
athens Athen
athena, athene Athene
athenian Athener
atheism Atheïsmus
athlete Athlet
atrophy Athrophie
atlantean, atlantic Atlantik
atlantic, atlantic ocean Atlantischer Ozean
atlas Atlas
respiration Atmen
atmosphere Atmosphäre
respiration Atmung
atom Atom
attaché Attaché
certificate, testimony Attest
attribute Attribut
notion, sense, realization Auffassung
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment, game, presentation Aufführung
civilization, account, explanation Aufklärung
acuity, advertence, advertency, attention Aufmerksamkeit
abnegation Aufopferung
mutiny, rebellion, revolt, agitation, riot, tumult Aufruhr
account, explanation Aufschluß
mutiny, rebellion, revolt, agitation, riot, tumult Aufstand
commission, errand, mandate, order Auftrag
activist, agitator Aufwiegler
elevator, lift Aufzug
cataract Augenstar
account, information, advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Auskunft
pronunciation Aussprache
resignation Austritt
décor, decoration, distinction, renown Auszeichnung
absolute ruler, autocrat Autokrat
aeronautics, aviation Aviatik
notification, notice Avis
bath Bad
bathing suit, bathing suit Badeanzug
bathroom Badestube
station Bahnhof
station master Bahnhofsvorsteher
platform, quay, wharf, railway platform Bahnsteig
anathema, ban, excommunication Bann
anathema, ban, excommunication Bannfluch
battalion Bataillon
batavian Bataver
batiste, cambric, lawn Batist
battery Batterie
estate, farm, property, ranch Bauernhof
attendance, service, waiting Bedienung
condition, stipulation, terms Bedingung
menace, threat Bedrohung
fortification Befestigung
notion, sense, realization, acquaintance, knowledge Begriff
treatment Behandlung
acclaim, acclamation, approval Beifall
advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Bekanntmachung
compensation, reward Belohnung
remark, notice, observation Bemerkung
attempt, effort Bemühung
notification, notice Benachrichtigung
notice, observation Beobachtung
preparation Bereitung
bulletin, account, information, communication, record, report Bericht
handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Beruf
account, information Bescheid
occupation, activity Beschäftigung
occupation Besetzung
estate, farm, property, ranch, possession Besitzung
destiny, fate, definition Bestimmung
population Bevölkerung
candidate Bewerber
treat Bewirtung
relation Beziehung
statue Bildsäule
civilization, structure Bildung
sheet metal, tin, tin plate Blech
fortification Blockhaus
bottom, foundation, ground, floor, attic, earth, land, soil Boden
boat Boot
tub, vat Bottich
methylated spirit Brennspiritus
britain, great britain Britannien
bosom, breast, chest, teat Brust
federation Bundesgenossenschaft
iron, flat iron Bügeleisen
bourgeoisie, city state Bürgerschaft
tub, vat Bütte
character, nature, personality Charakter
charlatan, imposter, quack Charlatan
chrestomathy Chrestomatie
corridor train, international express, international express train D Zug
attic Dachboden
attic, garret Dachstübchen
date Daktylus
gratitude, thanks Dank
presentation Darbietung
presentation Darreichung
atrophy Darrsucht
presentation Darstellung
date Dattel
date Datum
debate Debatte
décor, decoration, order, adornment, ornament Dekoration
delegation Delegation
delegate Delegierter
democrat Demokrat
demonstration Demonstration
demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun Demonstrativpronomen
motto, watchword, slogan Devise
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
dictator Diktator
affair, business, business deal, case, matter, thing, article, object Ding
diplomat Diplomat
cathedral, cupola, dome Dom
menace, threat Drohung
aristocrat, nobleman Edelmann
marriage, matrimony Ehe
oath Eid
accommodation Einquartierung
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, institution, organization Einrichtung
mutual understanding, accommodation, accord, agreement Einverständnis
nauseate Ekel erregen
alsatian Elsässer
recommendation Empfehlung
emotion, sensation Empfindung
end, terminate Endung
inquiry, investigation Enquete
abnegation, cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender Entsagung
potato Erdapfel
account, explanation, annotation, note Erläuterung
admonition, exhortation Ermahnung
excitation, excitement Erregung
consideration, deliberation Erwägung
education Erziehung
patriarch Erzvater
account, narrative, story, tale Erzählung
debate Erörterung
platform, stage Estrade
apartment, flat Etagenwohnung
investigation, examination, test Examen
elevator, lift Fahrstuhl
fall, affair, case, matter, chance, event, occurence, opportunity Fall
catch, prey Fang
bulk, dimension, extend, size, circumstances, condition, situation Fassung
purgatory Fegefeuer
aberration, error, mistake, absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Fehler
celebration, festival, party, ceremony Feier
flask, canteen, water bottle Feldflasche
vacation, spare time, time off Ferien
celebration, festival, party Fest
fortification Festung
fat, grease Fett
glow, heat, passion, fire Feuer
figure, diagram, image, picture, representation Figur
affiliate, affiliation, branch Filiale
confirmation Firmelung
location, place, spot, blot, bit, lump, piece Fleck
bat Fledermaus
flesh, meat Fleisch
anathema, ban, excommunication, blasphemy Fluch
fortification Fort
continuation Fortsetzung
dress coat, evening dress, tails Frack
platform, railway platform Freitreppe
front, battlefront, frontage Front
element, foundation Fundament
path Fußweg
federation Föderation
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Fügung
cheat, crook, rogue Gauner
creature Gebilde
celebrating one’s birthday Geburtstag haben
duty, obligation Gebühr
attitudinizer, poseur, dandy, dude, fop Geck
patience Geduld
she goat Geiß
affirmation, promise Gelöbnis
apartment, flat, chamber, room Gemach
chamois, chamois leather Gemshaut
soul, character, nature, personality, heart Gemüt
states general Generalstaaten
generation, offspring Generation
gendarme, patrolman Gensdarm
chat Geplauder
story, history, account, narrative, tale Geschichte
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Geschick
generation, clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, sex Geschlecht
negotiate, trade Geschäfte betreiben
negotiate, trade Geschäfte machen
creature Geschöpf
feature, trait Gesichtszug
civilization Gesittung
conversation Gespräch
figure, diagram, image, picture, representation, form, shape, stature Gestalt
agitation, riot, tumult Getümmel
godfather Gevatter
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
garland, wreath Gewinde
affectation Gezier
garland, wreath Girlande
grate, grid, grill Gitter
proportion, rate, symmetry Gleichmaß
glow, heat, passion Glut
congratulation Glückwünsch
atheism Gottesleugnung
degree, grade, rank, rate Grad
pomegranate Granatapfel
pomegranate, grenade Granate
congratulation Gratulation
abhorrence, abomination, horror Greuel
greatgrandson Großenkel
great uncle Großonkel
great aunt Großtante
grandfather Großvater
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil Grund
element, foundation Grundlage
garland, wreath Guirlande
throat Gurgel
estate, farm, property, ranch, possession Gut
inverted comma, quotation mark, quote Gänsefüßchen
agitation, alarm Gärung
patron Gönner
oats Hafer
stop, stage, station Haltestelle
cheat, crook, rogue Halunke
handicraft, occupation, trade Handwerk
hanse, hanseatic league Hanse
breath Hauch
aggregate, accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Haufen
habitation Hausen
hate Haß
heath Heide
heath Heidekraut
salvage, salvation, recovery Heil
fatherland Heimat
match maker Heiratsvermittler
heating Heizung
ruler, head of state Herrscher
attachement, attachment Hingabe
relation Hinsicht
guard, hat Hut
illustration Illustration
imitation Imitation
glow, heat, passion, fervor, fervour, zeal Inbrunst
indicative, indicative mood Indikativ
contagion, contamination, infection Infektion
disposal, inclination, tendency Inklination
corporation, trade union Innung
authoritative source, court Instanz
interpunction, punctuation Interpunktion
lunatic Irre
aberration, error, mistake Irrtum
insulator Isolator
petticoat Jupon
platform, quay, wharf Kai
account, bill, calculation Kalkul
calculation, computation Kalkulation
action, battle, scuffle, struggle Kampf
candidate Kandidat
carpathians, carpathian mountains Karpathen
potato Kartoffel
waterfall Kaskade
catalogue, directory Katalog
cataract Katarakt
catarrh Katarrh
catastrophe Katastrophe
catechism Katechismus
category Kategorie
male cat Kater
cathedral Kathedrale
catholic Katholik
catholisism Katholizismus
cat Katze
throat Kehle
cinema, movie theatre Kino
atpersand, commercial at sign, snail Klammeraffe
condition, stipulation, terms Klausel
cleopatra Kleopatra
climate Klima
annotation, note Kommentar
accommodation Kompromiß
confederation Konföderation
consulate Konsulat
conversation Konversation
head, pate Kopf
corporation, trade union Korporation
agitation, riot, tumult Krawall
croatia Kroatien
flat Kulisse
corporation, trade union Körperschaft
laboratory Laboratorium
circumstances, condition, situation Lage
estate, farm, property, ranch Landgut
latin Latein
latrine Latrine
lath, slat Latte
leather Leder
amateur, fancier Liebhaber
elevator, lift Lift
literature Literatur
compensation, reward Lohn
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Los
desire, want, wish, disposal, inclination, tendency, lust, passion, sexual pleasure Lust
mandate Mandat
treatment Manipulation
attic, garret Mansarde
cloak, mantle, coat, overcoat Mantel
annunciation, lady day Mariä Verkündigung
matrix Mater
data, material Material
matter Materie
mathematics Mathematik
mattress Matratze
matrix Matrize
mat Matte
matterhorn Matterhorn
vat Mehrwehrtsteuer
vat Mehrwertsteuer
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile, quantity Menge
attribute Merkmal
metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation Metamorphose
atmospheric phenomenon Meteor
female cat Mieze
account, communication Mitteilung
muscatel Muskateller
breast, teat Mutterbrust
mystification Mystifikation
gnat Mücke
attempt, effort Mühe
attempt, effort Mühsal
cathedral Münster
abatement, discount, rebate Nachlaß
account, communication Nachricht
appellation, name Name
nation Nation
nature, character Natur
affiliate, affiliation, branch Nebengeschäft
carnation, pink Nelke
defeat Niederlage
communication cord Notbremse
numismatics Numismatik
numberplate Nummerschild
operation, surgical operation Operation
organization Organisation
place, location, spot, city, town, village Ort
ovation Ovation
coat, overcoat Paletot
pate, pie Pastete
godfather Pate
patent Patent
father Pater
patient Patient
patriarch Patriarch
patriot Patriot
patriotism Patriotismus
patron Patron
patrol Patrouille
fur, fur coat, fur piece Pelz
path Pfad
philately, stamp collecting Philatelie
pirate Pirat
platinum Platin
place, location, spot, plaza, square, public square Platz
platform, podium Podium
police station Polizeiamt
police station Polizeiwache
attempt, test, sample, specimen Probe
proclamation Proklamation
proportion, rate Proportion
presentation Präsentation
attempt, test Prüfung
psychiatry Psychiatrie
pullover sweater Pulli
charlatan, imposter, quack Quacksalber
abatement, discount, rebate Rabatt
discount, rebate Rabatt geben
grade, rank, rate Rang
rat Ratte
caterpillar Raupe
orator Redner
reformation Reformation
regulation, rule Regel
ratisbon Regensburg
realm, state Reich
appointment, date, rendezvous Rendezvous
deserter, renegate Renegat
reputation Reputation
acquiescence, rezignation Resignation
life boat Rettungsboot
oratory, rhetoric Rhetorik
rheumatism Rheumatismus
skate, stingray Rochen
dress coat, evening dress, tails, skirt Rock
rotation Rotation
fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour, reputation Ruf
inquiry, investigation Rundfrage
sabbath Sabbat
affair, business, business deal, case, matter Sache
salt water Salzwasser
saturday Samstag
lucifer, satan Satanas
regulations, rules Satzungen
boat, ship’s boat, shallop, sloop Schaluppe
model, pattern, scheme Schema
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Schicksal
arbitration Schiedsgericht
arbitration Schiedsspruch
slate Schiefertafel
patron Schirmherr
action, battle, scuffle, struggle Schlacht
sleeping accomodation, sleeping place Schlafgemach
tug, tugboat Schlepper
décor, decoration Schmückung
chocolate Schokolade
stationer’s shop Schreibwarenhandlung
cheat, crook, rogue, scoundrel Schuft
cheat, crook, rogue, scoundrel Schurke
perspiration, sweat Schweiß
father in law Schwiegervater
absolute ruler, autocrat Selbstherrscher
sensation Sensation
meaning, sense, feel, feeling, sensation Sinn
circumstances, condition, situation Situation
sonata Sonate
saturday Sonnabend
head of state, sovereign Souverän
treat Speisung
cheat, crook, rogue Spitzbube
orator Sprecher
display, parade, realm, state Staat
nationality Staatsangehörigkeit
baton, cane, stick, staff Stab
grade, rank, rate, condition, state Stand
statue Standbild
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Stapel
stage, station, stop Station
statistics Statistik
statue Statue
stature Statur
regulations, rules Statut
baton, cane, stick Stecken
path Steg
path Steig
place, location, spot Stelle
agent, representative Stellvertreter
baton, cane, stick, floor, storey, story Stock
cloth, material Stoff
strategy Strategie
match Streichholz
location, place, spot Stätte
corrosive sublimate Sublimat
matter, stuff, substance Substanz
sympathy Sympathie
labour union, trade union, syndicate Syndikat
fresh water Süßwasser
index, table, tablet, tabulation Tabelle
observation, remark, reproof, reproach Tadel
plate, sheet, slab, board, plank Tafel
about face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation Tausch
apathy Teilnahmslosigkeit
plate Teller
temperature Temperatur
location, place, spot, earth, land, soil Terrain
certificate, testimony Testimonium
lucifer, satan, devil Teufel
theatrical Theater
theatre Theater
death Tod
agony, death throes Todeskampf
tomato Tomate
fool, gate, gateway, portal Tor
peat Torf
satellite Trabant
contract, treaty Traktat
rostrum, speaker’s platform Tribüne
consolation Trost
agitation, riot, tumult Tumult
watch, clock, hour, o’clock, time Uhr
watchmaker Uhrmacher
ultimatum Ultimatum
inquiry, investigation Umfrage
recreation, refashioning, regeneration, transformation, alteration, change, conversion Umänderung
subordinate Untergebene
conversation Unterhaltung
trading, treatment Unterhandlung
conversation Unterredung
education Unterricht
petticoat Unterrock
signature Unterschrift
exploration, investigation, research Untersuchung
fore , greatgrand Ur
great grandfather, forefather Urahn
greatgrandson Urenkel
great grandfather Urgroßvater
father Vater
fatherland Vaterland
vatican, the vatican Vatikan
electric fan, ventilator Ventilator
association, connection, league, relation Verbindung
adjudication, verdict Verdikt
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
association Vereinigung
favor, favour, privilege, abatement, discount, rebate Vergünstigung
abatement, discount, rebate Vergütung
treatment Verhandlung
relation, understanding, proportion, rate Verhältnis
fate, ill fate, destiny, fortune, luck Verhängnis
abnegation Verleugnung
notice, observation Vermerk
assemblage, gathering, meeting Versammlung
aberration, error, mistake Versehen
insurance, affirmation Versicherung
affirmation, promise Versprechen
conception, idea, notion, sense, realization Verständnis
experiment, attempt, effort, test Versuch
temptation Versuchung
agent, representative Vertreter
administrator, manager Verwalter
administration, management Verwaltung
metamorphosis, transformation Verwandlung
relative Verwandter
relations, relatives, affiliation, blood relationship, affinity, relationship Verwandtschaft
administrator, manager Verweser
index, catalogue, directory, list, table, tablet, tabulation Verzeichnis
cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender Verzichtleistung
adornment, decoration, ornament Verzierung
alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face Veränderung
flutter, vibration Vibration
flutter, vibration Vibrieren
livestock, head of cattle Vieh
folk, nation, people Volk
indication, omen, presage, portent, sign Vorbedeutung
condition, stipulation, terms Vorbehalt
preparation Vorbereitung
front, battlefront, frontage Vorderseite
forefather Vorfahr
presentation Vorlegung
apparatus, device, set Vorrichtung
idea, presentation Vorstellung
indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign Vorzeichen
motto, watchword, slogan Wahlspruch
indication, omen, presage, portent, sign Wahrsagung
adjudication, verdict Wahrspruch
tub, vat Wanne
chamois, chamois leather Waschleder
water Wasser
waterfall Wasserfall
water melon Wassermelone
exchange, bill of exchange, draft, alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face Wechsel
wheat Weizen
affair, business, business deal, case, matter, work Werk
vest, waistcoat Weste
weather Wetter
arbiter, arbitrator Willkür
temperature, weather Witterung
habitation Wohnen
abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence Wohnhaus
abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence Wohnung
debate Wortstreit
dignity, grade, rank, rate Würde
central heating Zentralheizung
anatomy Zergliederungskunst
certificate, testimony Zertifikat
cloth, material Zeug
certificate, testimony Zeugnis
she goat Zicke
she goat, goat Ziege
he goat Ziegenbock
adornment, decoration, ornament Zierat
circulation, traffic Zirkulation
citation, quotation Zitat
civilization Zivilisation
tub, vat Zober
tub, vat Zuber
education, chastity, purity Zucht
train, feature, trait Zug
corporation, trade union Zunft
acceptance, admission, affirmation, promise Zusage
agglomeration Zusammenballen
relation, understanding Zusammenhang
assemblage, gathering, meeting Zusammenkunft
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount Zusammenstellung
spectator Zuschauer
admonition, exhortation Zuspruch
circumstances, condition, situation, state Zustand
data, material Zutat
affiliate, affiliation, branch Zweigniederlassung
ennumeration, calculation, computation Zählung
education Züchtung
match Zündholz
other english words that include "haze" : german :
hazelnut Haselnuß