The English term "little, small, less, diminutive, minus" matches the Dutch term "min"

other english words that include "less" : dutch :
devoted, selfless aanhankelijk
consecutively, ceaselessly achtereen
breathless ademloos
ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously aldoor
breathless amechtig
anonymous, nameless anoniem
inert, motionless bewegingloos
shameless bokkig
valiant, fearless, courageous boud
breathless buiten adem
valiant, brave, fearless, gallant, courageous dapper
nevertheless desondanks
wireless, radio draadloze
robust, energetic, brave, sturdy, fearless ferm
selfless, devoted gehecht
noiseless geluidloos
noiseless geruisloos
weightlessness gewichtloosheid
helpless hulpeloos
abbreviate, lessen, shorten inkorten
bless inzegenen
lesson les
lifeless, dispassionately, apathetic lusteloos
selflessly, devotedly met overgave
less minder
noiseless muisstil
music-lesson muziekles
seamless naadloos
anonymous, nameless naamloos
neglectful, remiss, careless, negligent nalatig
remissness, carelessness, negligence nalatigheid
abject, worthless nietswaardig
nevertheless, however niettemin
negligence, carelessness, remissness nonchalance
negligent, careless, remiss, neglectful nonchalant
futile, good-for-nothing, useless, vain nutteloos
remiss, negligent, neglectful, careless onachtzaam
guiltless, innocent, recent, fresh onbedorven
insignificant, meaningless, trifling onbeduidend
meaningless onbetekenend
motionless, fixed onbeweeglijk
bloodless onbloedig
good-for-nothing, useless onbruikbaar
needless onnodig
stupid, innocent, naif, guiltless, naïve, dull onnozel
ceaselessly onophoudelijk
priceless onschatbaar
guiltless, benign, innocent onschuldig
countless ontelbaar
fearless onvervaard
priceless onwaardeerbaar
wireless, radio radio
motionless roerloos
lifeless, tiresome, monotonous saai
tasteless smaakloos
tasteless smakeloos
speechless, dumb, mute sprakeloos
noiseless, silently, calm, quiet, silent stil
speechless, dumb, mute stom
fearless, daring, intrepid, bold, audacious stout
unless tenzij
endlessly tot in het oneindige
diminish, lessen verminderen
worthless voos
helpless waar niet aan te doen valt
worthless waardeloos
bless wijden
windlessness windstilte
boon, blessing zegen
bless zegenen
blessing, boon zegening
friendless zonder vrienden
other english words that include "minus" : dutch :
minus minus