The English term "aix la chapelle" matches the German term "Aachen"

other english words that include "la" : german :
plaice Aalbutt
lineage, clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Abkunft
ablative Ablativ
child, offspring, young, layer Ableger
design, diagram, plan, plane Abriß
layer Absenker
intention, meaning, plan Absicht
latrine Abtrittsgrube
agriculture, farming, tillage Ackerbau
notice, placard, poster Affiche
clasp, hook Agraffe
accumulator, battery, storage battery Akkumulator
alabaster Alabaster
alarm Alarm
alaska Alaska
albanian, albanian language Albanesisch
albanian, albanian language Albanisch
allah Allah
hanging lamp Ampel
blackbird Amsel
declaration, proclamation, statement Angabe
angola Angola
planting, plant, garden Anlage
planting, plant Anpflanzen
planting, plant Anpflanzung
notice, placard, poster, assault, knock Anschlag
notice, placard, poster Anschlagzettel
claim, presumption, pretence Anspruch
claim, presume Anspruch machen auf
place, institute Anstalt
accretion, growth, enlargement, increase Anwuchs
ad, advertisement, declaration, proclamation, statement, accusation Anzeige
apartment, flat Appartement
acclamation, acclaim, approval Applaus
acclaim, approval Approbation
worker, hand, laborer, labourer, operative, working man, workman Arbeiter
archipelago Archipel
aroma, flavour Aroma
cinderella Aschenbrödel
asylum, place of refuge, shelter Asyl
workplace, workshop Atelier
atlantean, atlantic Atlantik
atlantic, atlantic ocean Atlantischer Ozean
atlas Atlas
civilization, account, explanation Aufklärung
account, explanation Aufschluß
adjournment, delay Aufschub
glasses, spectacles Augengläser
slap Backenstreich
platform, quay, wharf, railway platform Bahnsteig
ballad, ballade Ballade
ballast Ballast
banner, flag, standard Banner
basque, basque language Baskisch
batiste, cambric, lawn Batist
lackey Bedienter
condition, stipulation, terms Bedingung
accent, emphasis, alacrity, enthusiasm, verve, vivacity Begeisterung
acclaim, acclamation, approval Beifall
acclaim, applaud, clap Beifall spenden
belladonna Belladonna
berliner, berlin lady, berlin woman Berlinerin
complaint Beschwerde
blanket Bettdecke
laundry Beuchhaus
population Bevölkerung
relation Beziehung
balance sheet Bilanz
binoculars Binokel
bladder, bubble Blase
sheet metal, tin, tin plate Blech
glamor, glamour, prestige Blendwerk
bottom, foundation, ground, floor, attic, earth, land, soil Boden
bechuanaland, botswana Botswana
tenor violin, viola Bratsche
methylated spirit Brennspiritus
shelf, board, plank Brett
glasses, spectacles Brille
blackberry Brombeere
iron, flat iron Bügeleisen
middleclass citizen Bürger
charlatan, imposter, quack Charlatan
chinese, chinese language Chinesisch
dame, lady Dame
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Damen und Herren
cover, hood, lid, blanket, ceiling Decke
german, german language Deutsch
girl, lass, wench Dirne
dollar Dollar
cathedral, cupola, dome Dom
village Dorf
aroma, flavour Duft
villager Dörfler
plain Ebene
son in law Eidam
island Eiland
england England
english, english language Englisch
alacrity, enthusiasm Enthusiasmus
design, diagram, plan, plane, project, scheme, outline, sketch Entwurf
alarm, terror Entzetzen
earth, land, soil Erdboden
earth, land, soil Erde
layer, layer of earth Erdschicht
continent, mainland Erdteil
account, explanation, annotation, note Erläuterung
platform, stage Estrade
apartment, flat Etagenwohnung
banner, flag, standard, tail Fahne
lasso Fangseil
absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Fehlen
aberration, error, mistake, absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Fehler
flask, canteen, water bottle Feldflasche
window glass Fensterscheibe
binoculars Fernglas
binocular, binoculars Fernrohr
continent, mainland Festland
decider, play off Finale
lacquer Firnis
flax Flachs
flan, tard Fladen
banner, flag Flagge
flame Flamme
flanders Flandern
flannel Flanell
location, place, spot, blot, bit, lump, piece Fleck
lilac Flieder
anathema, ban, excommunication, blasphemy Fluch
aeroplane, airplane, plane Flugmaschine
aeroplane, airplane, plane, aircraft Flugzeug
formula Formel
blank, form Formular
french, french language Französisch
place of refuge, shelter Freistätte
platform, railway platform Freitreppe
fun, pleasure, gladness, joy Freude
blasphemy, crime Frevel
salary, wage, wages Gage
display, parade Gala
alley, lane Gasse
bulk, dimension, extend, size, salary, wage, wages Gehalt
place, room, space Gelaß
laughter Gelächter
apartment, flat, chamber, room Gemach
display, parade, pomp, splender Gepränge
generation, clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, sex Geschlecht
law Gesetz
garland, wreath Gewinde
cupola, dome Gewölbedach
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Gezücht
garland, wreath Girlande
glass Glas
glasgow Glasgow
glaze Glasur
congratulation Glückwünsch
clap, gonorrhea Gonorrhöe
gorilla Gorilla
congratulation Gratulation
alarm, terror Grauen
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil Grund
design, diagram, plan, plane Grundriß
greenland Grönland
garland, wreath Guirlande
gaelic, gaelic language Gälisch
agitation, alarm Gärung
peninsula Halbinsel
blade, stalk Halm
aggregate, accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Haufen
hebrew, hebrew language Hebräisch
fatherland Heimat
mistress, lady Herrin
authority, ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herrschaft
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herr und Frau
relation Hinsicht
plane Hobel
holland Holland
dutchman, hollander Holländer
hospital, place of refuge, shelter Hospiz
island Insel
archipelago Inselgruppe
archipelago Inselmeer
ireland Irland
islam Islam
iceland Island
insulator Isolator
thermos bottle, thermos, thermos flask Isolier Gefäß
japanese, japanese language Japanisch
yugoslavia Jugoslawien
boy, lad, laddie Junge
jurist, lawyer Jurist
platform, quay, wharf Kai
calabria Kalabrien
account, bill, calculation Kalkul
calculation, computation Kalkulation
fireplace, hearth Kamin
canary islands Kanarische Inseln
larynx Kehlkopf
basement, cellar Keller
church, church building, house of worship, place of worship Kirche
complaint Klage
clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple Klammer
class Klasse
claw Klaue
condition, stipulation, terms Klausel
blade Klinge
boy, lad, laddie Knabe
slave Knecht
column, pillar Kolumne
jam, marmelade Konfitüre
consulate Konsulat
continent, mainland Kontinent
collar Kragen
claw Kralle
clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple Krampe
flat Kulisse
cupola, dome Kuppel
direction, class, course Kurs
class, course Kursus
calabash, gourd, pumpkin, squash Kürbis
laboratory Laboratorium
laughter Lache
laugh Lachen
lacquer Lack
lagoon Lagune
layman Laie
lackey Lakai
lamb Lamm
lamp Lampe
country, countryside, land, earth, soil Land
landscape, scenery Landschaft
lance, spear Lanze
lapland Lappland
laplander, lapp Lappländer
grub, larva Larve
larynx Larynx
lasso Lasso
latin Latein
lantern Laterne
latrine Latrine
lath, slat Latte
lava Lava
lavender Lawendel
avalanche Lawine
clay Lehm
flax Lein
flax Leinpflanze
director, manager, ladder Leiter
lark Lerche
laurel Lorbeer
laurel Lorbeerbaum
larch Lärche
milan Mailand
malaria Malaria
malay Malaye
absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Manko
ladybug Marienkäfer
annunciation, lady day Mariä Verkündigung
market, marketplace Marktplatz
jam, marmelade Marmelade
melancholy Melancholie
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile, quantity Menge
salamander Molch
girl, lass, wench Mädchen
appellation, name Name
holland, the netherlands Niederlande
numberplate Nummerschild
place, location, spot, city, town, village Ort
palace Palast
palladium Palladium
poplar Pappel
display, parade Parade
display, parade Parade machen
binocular, binoculars Perspektiv
pestilence, plague Pest
planting, plant Pflanzen
planting, plant Pflanzung
pavement, plaster Pflaster
philately, stamp collecting Philatelie
intention, meaning, plan, design, diagram, plane, project, scheme Plan
planet Planet
plane, plane tree, sycamore Platane
platinum Platin
place, location, spot, plaza, square, public square Platz
platform, podium Podium
poland Polen
portuguese, portuguese language Portugiesisch
plan, project, scheme Projekt
proclamation Proklamation
action, lawsuit Prozeß
charlatan, imposter, quack Quacksalber
caterpillar Raupe
jurist, lawyer Rechtsgelehrter
regulation, rule Regel
umbrella Regenschirm
design, diagram, plan, plane Riß
erysipelas, rose Rose
erysipelas Rotlauf
circular Rundschreiben
russian, russian language Russisch
salamander Salamander
lettuce, salad Salat
balance Saldo
salary, wage, wages Salär
saint nicholas, st. nicholas Sankt Niklas
saint nicholas, st. nicholas Sankt Nikolaus
regulations, rules Satzungen
layer, slice Scheibe
layer Schicht
slate Schiefertafel
sleeping accomodation, sleeping place Schlafgemach
castle, palace, lock Schloß
balance sheet Schlußrechnung
snowflake Schneeflocke
shoe lace, cord, rope, string Schnur
chocolate Schokolade
plaice Scholle
scotland Schottland
alarm, terror Schreck
alarm, terror Schrecken
shoe lace Schuhband
shoulderblade Schulterbein
shoulderblade Schulterblatt
brother in law Schwager
black Schwarz
black forest Schwarzwald
switzerland Schweiz
melancholy Schwermut
by marriage, in law Schwieger
son in law Schwiegersohn
father in law Schwiegervater
blackness Schwärze
pupil, scholar Schüler
lake, loch, sea See
zealand Seeland
syllable Silbe
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Sippe
slave Sklave
slav Slave
crack, crevice, column, pillar Spalte
clasp, hook, buckle Spange
spanish, spanish language Spanisch
lance, spear Speer
looking glass, mirror Spiegel
peak, point, tip, summit, lace Spitze
language, tongue Sprache
display, parade, realm, state Staat
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, stem, trunk Stamm
flag, standard Standarte
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile Stapel
bit player, supporting actor Statist
regulations, rules Statut
place, location, spot Stelle
stalk, stem, blade Stengel
handle, knob, blade, stalk Stiel
location, place, spot Stätte
labour union, trade union, syndicate Syndikat
column, pillar Säule
index, table, tablet, tabulation Tabelle
plate, sheet, slab, board, plank Tafel
tarantula Tarantel
plate Teller
location, place, spot, earth, land, soil Terrain
melancholy Tiefsinn
belladonna Tollkirsche
accent, stress, clay, hue, nuance, shade, tint, sound, tone Ton
clay Tonerde
rostrum, speaker’s platform Tribüne
clap, gonorrhea Tripper
consolation Trost
melancholy Trübsinn
czech, czech language Tschechisch
vanilla Vanille
fatherland Vaterland
electric fan, ventilator Ventilator
association, connection, league, relation Verbindung
crime, blame, fault, guilt Vergehen
aggrandizement, enlargement, increase Vergrößerung
relation, understanding, proportion, rate Verhältnis
accretion, growth, enlargement, increase Vermehrung
assemblage, gathering, meeting Versammlung
relative Verwandter
relations, relatives, affiliation, blood relationship, affinity, relationship Verwandtschaft
index, catalogue, directory, list, table, tablet, tabulation Verzeichnis
adjournment, delay Verzögerung
condition, stipulation, terms Vorbehalt
blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold Vorwürfe machen
laundry Waschanstalt
laundress Waschfrau
alarm, alarmclock Wecker
plaintain Wegerich
melancholy Wehmut
workplace, workshop Werkstatt
host, innkeeper, landlord, boss, master Wirt
abode, dwelling place, residence, dwelling place residence Wohnort
abode, dwelling place, residence Wohnsitz
dictionary, vocabulary Wörterbuch
circular Zirkular
circulation, traffic Zirkulation
place of refuge, shelter, refuge Zuflucht
growth, accretion, enlargement, increase Zunahme
relation, understanding Zusammenhang
assemblage, gathering, meeting Zusammenkunft
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount Zusammenstellung
ennumeration, calculation, computation Zählung