The English term "saint nicholas, st. nicholas" matches the German term "Sankt Niklas"

other english words that include "nicholas" : german :
saint nicholas, st. nicholas Sankt Nikolaus
other english words that include "st_" : german :
superstition Aberglaube
distance, offset Abstand
abstention, abstinence Abstinenz
teetotaller, total abstainer Abstinenzler
acuity, advertence, advertency, attention, esteem, regard, respect Achtung
impress, strike Achtung einflößen
assistant Adjunkt
meteoric stone Aerolith
notice, placard, poster Affiche
afghanistan Afghanistan
accumulator, battery, storage battery Akkumulator
achrostic Akrostikon
acoustics Akustik
accent, stress Akzent
alabaster Alabaster
alp, mountain pasture Alm
alp, mountain pasture Alpe
act of grace, amnesty Amnestie
amsterdam Amsterdam
district Amtsbezirk
access, impetus, impulse, insistence, pressure, urgency Andrang
beginning, commencement, start Anfang
declaration, proclamation, statement Angabe
custom, habit, way Angewohnheit
starter Anlasser
attraction, impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreiz
impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreizung
notice, placard, poster, assault, knock Anschlag
notice, placard, poster Anschlagzettel
reputation, appearance, esteem, regard, respect Ansehen
place, institute Anstalt
ad, advertisement, declaration, proclamation, statement, accusation Anzeige
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Anzug
apostle Apostel
apostrophe Apostroph
chemist’s shop, drugstore Apotheke
aristocrat Aristokrat
apprehension, arrest, detention Arrest
arrested person, prisoner Arrestant
asbestos Asbest
aid, assistant, helper Assistent
aster Aster
asteroid Asteroide
asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness Asthma
astrology Astrologie
astronomer Astronom
astronomy Astronomie
asturias Asturien
certificate, testimony Attest
stay Aufenthalt
ado, din, noise, astonishment, wonder, surprise Aufsehen
activist, agitator Aufwiegler
oculist, ophtalmologist Augenarzt
instant, moment Augenblick
augean stable Augiasstall
augustus, august August
refuse, rubbish, waste, committee Ausschuß
oyster Auster
australia Australien
australian Australier
australian woman Australierin
décor, decoration, distinction, renown Auszeichnung
stream Bach
station Bahnhof
station master Bahnhofsvorsteher
litter, strecher Bahre
ballistics Ballistik
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing Balustrade
banner, flag, standard Banner
barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed, stand, tent Baracke
basalt, whimstone Basalt
bastard Bastard
bastion Bastei
bastion Bastion
batiste, cambric, lawn Batist
stomach ache, tummy ache Bauchweh
estate, farm, property, ranch Bauernhof
stem, trunk Baumstamm
condition, stipulation, terms Bedingung
steak, beefsteak Beefsteak
borscht, borstch Beetensuppe
beginning, commencement, start Beginn
act of grace, amnesty, absolution, pardon Begnadigung
cistern, tank, jug, box, container, vessel, vase Behälter
directions, instruction Belehrung
modesty Bescheidenheit
estate, farm, property, ranch, possession Besitzung
existence Bestehen
destiny, fate, definition Bestimmung
accent, stress Betonung
circumstance Bewandnis
district, circle Bezirk
statue Bildsäule
civilization, structure Bildung
binding, strip, tape, braid, fillet, string, tie Binde
glamor, glamour, prestige Blendwerk
bodensee, constance Bodensee
bastion Bollwerk
custom, habit, way, mores Brauch
stamp, postage stamp Briefmarke
postman Briefträger
bosom, breast, chest, teat Brust
bookshop, bookstore Buchhandlung
barn, shed, stand Bude
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, connection, league Bund
castle Burg
bosom, breast, chest Busen
boutique, shop, store Butike
stock exchange, purse, wallet Börse
stock exchange Börsengebäude
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, packet, parcel Bündel
mayor, burgomaster, provost Bürgermeister
bourgeoisie, city state Bürgerschaft
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf, tuft Büschel
charlatan, imposter, quack Charlatan
chemistry Chemie
chrestomathy Chrestomatie
christian Christ
christianity Christentum
east germany, gdr DDR
steam, vapor, vapour Dampf
steamship Dampfer
intestine Darm
existence Dasein
demonstration Demonstration
demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun Demonstrativpronomen
east germany, gdr Deutsche Demokratische Republik
abstraction, theft Diebstahl
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
assistant Dienstgehilfe
modesty Diskretion
district Distrikt
burgomaster, mayor, provost Dorfschulze
dyspepsia, indigestion Dyspepsie
aristocrat, nobleman Edelmann
selfinterest, selfishness Egoismus
fast train Eilzug
impress, strike Eindruck machen auf
inside, intestines Eingeweide
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, institution, organization Einrichtung
registered letter Einschreibebrief
mutual understanding, accommodation, accord, agreement Einverständnis
disgust, nausea Ekel
ecstasy Ekstase
excellency, majesty Eminenz
inquiry, investigation Enquete
distance, offset Entfernung
abstention, abstinence Enthaltung
ecstasy Entzückung
epistle, letter Epistel
strawberry Erdbeere
distraction, diversion Erholung
excellency, majesty Erlaucht
first aid Erste Hilfe
account, narrative, story, tale Erzählung
test, trial Essay
hearth, chimney, smokestack Esse
estonian Este
estonia Estland
platform, stage Estrade
establishment Etablissement
floor, storey, story Etage
investigation, examination, test Examen
existence Existenz
excellency, majesty Exzellenz
banner, flag, standard, tail Fahne
bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf Fascikel
bulk, dimension, extend, size, circumstances, condition, situation Fassung
aberration, error, mistake, absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Fehler
celebration, festival, party, ceremony Feier
celebration, festival, party Fest
sinew, string, tendon Flechse
industry Fleiß
consequence, consistency Folge
forest, woods Forst
question Frage
postage Frankatur
foreigner, stranger Fremder
foreigner, stranger Fremdling
pedestrian Fußgänger
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Fügung
district Gau
mistress Gebieterin
custom, habit, way, use Gebrauch
gesture Gebärde
accompanist, companian, companion Gefährte
resistance Gegenwehr
mystery, secret Geheimnis
aid, assistent, helper, boy, servant Gehilfe
hostage Geisel
ghost, phantom, intellect, mind, spirit, wit Geist
clergyman, pastor, priest Geistliche
avarice, miserliness, stinginess Geiz
cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money box, till Geldkasten
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing Geländer
states general Generalstaaten
custom, habit, way Gepflogenheit
justice, righteousness Gerechtigkeit
story, history, account, narrative, tale Geschichte
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Geschick
taste Geschmack
floor, storey, story Geschoß
brothers and sisters, siblings Geschwister
boutique, shop, store, warehouse Geschäft
ghost, phantom Gespenst
figure, diagram, image, picture, representation, form, shape, stature Gestalt
stench Gestank
gesture Geste
box room, storage room Gewahrsam
authority, force, strength, vigour, power, ability Gewalt
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Gewand
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
custom, habit, way Gewohnheit
hailstone Graupeln
stylus Griffel
groom, stableman Groan
estate, farm, property, ranch, possession Gut
gymnastics Gymnastik
apprehension, arrest, detention Haft
hailstone Hagelkorn
faucet, tap, cock, rooster, trigger Hahn
blade, stalk Halm
stop, stage, station Haltestelle
halt, come to a halt, stop Halt machen
buffoon, jester Hanswurst
buffoon, jester Harlekin
noun, substantive Hauptwort
poop, poopdeck, stern Heck
nostalgia Heimweh
stallion Hengst
hostel, inn Herberge
hearth, firebox, furnace, kiln, oven, stove Herd
livestock Herde
boss, chief, leader, gentleman, lord, mister, mr., sir Herr
mistress, lady Herrin
ruler, head of state Herrscher
astronomy Himmelskunde
story, history Historie
wedding, wedding feast, wedding party Hochzeit
testicle Hode
excellency, majesty Hoheit
lobster Hummer
hysteria Hysterie
barn, shed, stand, cottage, cabin, hut, shack Hütte
illustration Illustration
industry Industrie
instinct Instinkt
institute Institut
institution Institution
directions, instruction Instruktion
instrument Instrument
agent, steward, superintendant Intendant
interest, gain, profit, advantage, benefit Interesse
aberration, error, mistake Irrtum
jurist, lawyer Jurist
justice, righteousness Justiz
youngster, youth Jüngling
action, battle, scuffle, struggle Kampf
cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money box, till Kasse
chestnut, horse chestnut Kastanie
chestnut tree Kastanienbaum
castle Kastell
castile Kastillien
catastrophe Katastrophe
clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple Klammer
condition, stipulation, terms Klausel
client, customer Klient
monastery Kloster
piston Kolben
chest, dresser Kommode
consequence, consistency Konsequenz
constitution Konstitution
costa rica Kostarika
costume, outfit, suit Kostüm
force, strength, vigour, ability Kraft
boutique, shop, store Kramladen
clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple Krampe
crystal Kristall
client, customer Kunde
shorthand, stenography Kurzschrift
monster Köter
coast, seaside, shore Küste
boutique, shop, store Laden
circumstances, condition, situation Lage
estate, farm, property, ranch Landgut
instructor, teacher Lehrer
lust, passion Leidenschaft
cord, rope, string Leine
handlebars, helm, rudder, joystick, steering wheel Lenkrad
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Los
desire, want, wish, disposal, inclination, tendency, lust, passion, sexual pleasure Lust
stomach Magen
master Magister
excellency, majesty Majestät
chestnut Marone
adept, maestro, master Meister
meteoric stone Meteorstein
minister Minister
ministry Ministerium
bastard Mischling
instant, moment Moment
monster Monstrum
mustard Mostrich
breast, teat Mutterbrust
mystery Mysterium
mystification Mystifikation
mysticism Mystizismus
quest, search Nachsuchung
instinct Naturtrieb
norm, standard Norm
short story Novelle
furnace, kiln, oven, stove Ofen
oculist, ophtalmologist Okulist
orchestra Orchester
east asia Ostasien
easter Ostern
palestine Palästina
lust, passion Passion
dough, paste Pasta
dough, paste Paste
pastel Pastell
pastor, clergyman, priest Pastor
die, stamp Patrize
pestilence, plague Pest
stake Pfahl
pastor, clergyman, priest Pfarrer
whistle, pipe Pfeife
pole, post, stanchion, stake Pfeiler
pentecost, whitsunday Pfingsten
pavement, plaster Pflaster
pole, post, stanchion, stake Pfosten
cork, plug, electric plug, stopper Pfropfen
pound sterling Pfund Sterling
ghost, phantom Phantom
phase, stage Phase
philately, stamp collecting Philatelie
pedestal Piedestal
prick, spades, sting Pik
pestle Pistill
pistol, spray gun Pistole
police station Polizeiamt
police station Polizeiwache
postage Porto
pedestal Postament
post office Postamt
be on duty, stand guard Posten stehen
postcard Postkarte
clergyman, pastor, priest Priester
attempt, test, sample, specimen Probe
forecast, prognosis Prognose
charlatan, imposter, quack Quacksalber
district, neighbourhood, quarter Quartier
rock crystal Quarz
jurist, lawyer Rechtsgelehrter
stage manager Regisseur
realm, state Reich
tourist agency, travel agency Reisebüro
groom, stableman Reitknecht
restaurant Restaurant
restaurant Restauration
norm, standard Richtschnur
strap Riemen
skate, stingray Rochen
inquiry, investigation Rundfrage
cord, string Saite
saint nicholas, st. nicholas Sankt Nikolaus
barn, shed, stand Scheune
destiny, fate, fortune, luck Schicksal
action, battle, scuffle, struggle Schlacht
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy, blow, kind, sort Schlag
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy Schlagfluß
castle, palace, lock Schloß
hailstone Schloße
shoe lace, cord, rope, string Schnur
moustache Schnurrbart
chimney, smokestack Schornstein
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing, dam, barrier, fence, bar, boundary, frontier, limit, handic Schranke
adjustable wrench, spanner Schraubenschlüssel
stationer’s shop Schreibwarenhandlung
pace, step, stride Schritt
brimstone, sulphur Schwefel
sister Schwester
lobster Seekrabbe
sinew, string, tendon Sehne
cord, rope, string Seil
selfinterest, selfishness Selbstsucht
epistle, letter Sendschreiben
mustard Senf
livestock, meadow Senne
custom, mores Sitte
circumstances, condition, situation Situation
head of state, sovereign Souverän
stroll, walk Spaziergang
alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits, strong drink Spirituosen
ghost, phantom Spuk
plug, electric plug, stopper Spund
display, parade, realm, state Staat
baton, cane, stick, staff Stab
thorn, sting Stachel
stadium, stage Stadium
district, neighbourhood, quarter Stadtviertel
degree, grade, bench, easel, tressle, workbench, stair, step, rung Staffel
steel Stahl
stake Staket
stable, stall, sty Stall
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, stem, trunk Stamm
grade, rank, rate, condition, state Stand
flag, standard Standarte
statue Standbild
starling Star
stage, station, stop Station
statistics Statistik
statue Statue
stature Statur
baton, cane, stick Stecken
steepness Steilheit
stone Stein
stone cutter, stonemason Steinmetz
pestle Stempel
stalk, stem, blade Stengel
shorthand, stenography Stenographie
moor, steppe Steppe
stereotype Stereotyp
star Stern
astrology Sterndeutung
astronomy Sternkunde
handlebars, helm, rudder, tax, joystick, steering wheel Steuer
joystick, steering wheel Steuerrad
prick, spades, sting, grasp Stich
airless, oppressive, stiffling, sultry Stick
staircase, stairs Stiege
handle, knob, blade, stalk Stiel
institution Stiftung
style Stil
impetus, incitement, stimulus Stimulation
baton, cane, stick, floor, storey, story Stock
stockholm Stockholm
floor, storey, story Stockwerk
stork Storch
act of grace, amnesty Straferlaß
cord, rope, string Strang
strategy Strategie
ostrich Strauß
strasbourg Straßburg
street Straße
streetcar, tram Straßenbahn
wrapper, binding, strip, tape, ray, stripe Streifen
strike Streik
severity, rigour, sterness Strenge
line, streak, stroke Strich
cord, rope, string Strick
strike Strike
straw Stroh
strontium Strontium
structure Struktur
stocking Strumpf
stem, trunk Strunk
current, flow, stream Strömung
academic, student Student
study, studio Studium
degree, grade, stair, step, rung Stufe
storm Sturm
force, strength Stärke
cork, plug, electric plug, stopper Stöpsel
sturgeon Stör
noun, substantive Substantiv
matter, stuff, substance Substanz
quest, search Suche
quest, search Suchen
the power of suggestion Suggestion
system System
stool Taburett
waist, waistline Taille
tapestry, wall covering Tapete
baptism, christening Taufe
dough, paste Teig
testament, will Testament
certificate, testimony Testimonium
accent, stress, clay, hue, nuance, shade, tint, sound, tone Ton
costume, outfit, suit Tracht
travesty Travestie
staircase, stairs Treppe
rostrum, speaker’s platform Tribüne
access, impetus, impulse, instinct, push Trieb
livestock, meadow Trift
walk, pace, step, stride Tritt
litter, strecher, porter Träger
castle, tower Turm
inquiry, investigation Umfrage
circumstance Umstand
first aid Unfallhilfe
monster Ungeheuer
monster Ungetüm
monster Unhold
exploration, investigation, research Untersuchung
prehistory Urgeschichte
custom, habit, way Usus
bandage, braid, fillet, string, tie, connection, league Verband
dyspepsia, indigestion Verdauungsschwäche
esteem, regard Verehrung
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
constitution Verfassung
directions, instruction Verhaltungsbefehl
relation, understanding, proportion, rate Verhältnis
fate, ill fate, destiny, fortune, luck Verhängnis
gift, present, inheritance, testament, will Vermächtnis
aberration, error, mistake Versehen
distributor Verteiler
confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust Vertrauen setzen in
administrator, manager Verwalter
administration, management Verwaltung
administrator, manager Verweser
astonishment, wonder, surprise Verwunderung
index, catalogue, directory, list, table, tablet, tabulation Verzeichnis
livestock, head of cattle Vieh
quarter of an hour, district, neighbourhood, quarter Viertel
condition, stipulation, terms Vorbehalt
first name Vorname
forest, woods Wald
christmas, yule Weihnachten
directions, instruction, command, order Weisung
distance, offset Weite
agent, means, tool, instrument Werkzeug
vest, waistcoat Weste
resistance Widerstand
host, innkeeper, landlord, boss, master Wirt
economy, hostel, inn Wirtschaft
hostel, inn Wirtshaus
dish cloth, dust rag Wischtuch
good taste Wohlgeschmack
tungsten Wolfram
lust, sexual pleasure Wollust
lust, sexual pleasure Wonne
miracle, astonishment, wonder, surprise Wunder
tooth paste Zahnpasta
tooth paste Zahnpaste
bridle, check, restraints Zaum
stake Zaunpfahl
certificate, testimony Zertifikat
certificate, testimony Zeugnis
cigar end, cigar stub Zigarrenstummel
interest, percent, percentage Zins
cistern, tank Zisterne
customs Zollamt
education, chastity, purity Zucht
relation, understanding Zusammenhang
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount Zusammenstellung
circumstances, condition, situation, state Zustand
castle, tower Zwinger
bridle, check, restraints Zäumung