The English term "tan" matches the Dutch term "tanen"

other english words that include "tan" : dutch :
confirmation, acceptance, adoption aanneming
acceptance aanvaarding
hesitant aarzelend
accountancy accountancy
accountant accountant
overdue, outstanding achterstallig
adjutant, aide-de-camp adjudant
assistant adjunct
remittance afdracht
Afghanistan Afghanistan
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously aldoor
amateur, dilettante, dabbler, fancier amateur
Brittany, Bretagne, Armorica Armorica
assistent, assistant, helper, aid assistent
charlatan, quack, imposter bedrieger
understandable begrijpelijk
realise, realize, understand begrijpen
acquaintance bekende
serious, important belangrijk
repentance berouw
realize, realise, understand beseffen
permanent, constant, abiding, continual, sustained bestendig
implicate, entangle betrekken
relation, understanding betrekking
sagacious, intelligent, understandable bevattelijk
understand, realize, contain, include, realise bevatten
inhabitant bewoner
withstand bezwaar hebben tegen
Bhutanese Bhoetaans
constantly, continuously, continually bij voortduring
Bodensee, Constance Bodenmeer
inventory, inheritance boedel
accountant boekhoudkundige
Bhutan Boethan
repentance boetvaardigheid
botany botanie
Brittany, Bretagne Bretagne
imposter, charlatan, quack charlatan
continual, constant, permanent, sustained constant
instantly, immediately dadelijk
Dagestan, Daghestan Dagestan
stake, stanchion deurpost
dabbler, fancier, amateur, dilettante dilettant
satang een honderdste baht
simultaneous eigentijds
offset, distance eind
inheritance erfdeel
inheritance erfenis
inheritance erfstuk
serious, very, quite, important erg
serious, earnest, important ernstig
simultaneous gelijktijdig
constant, sustained, continual, permanent gestaag
titanic geweldg
unimportant, good-hearted, benign goedaardig
substance goedje
assistent, helper, assistant, aid helper
stand, cottage huisje
despite, notwithstanding, defiantly in weerwil van
inhabitant ingezetene
repentance inkeer
inhabitant inwoner
Istanbul Istanboel
caftan kaftan
Kazakhstan Kazachstan
shanty, barrack, shack, barn, stand keet
acquaintance, knowledge kennis
dabbler, dilettante knutselaar
Kurdistan Koerdistan
stand kraam
Cretan Kretenzer
charlatan, quack, imposter kwakzalver
tan leerlooien
lightly, facile, clear, weak, easy, insubstantial licht
litany litanie
shanty, shack, barrack, stand, barn loods
tan looien
air-resistance luchtweerstand
Satan Lucifer
tangerine mandarijn (vrucht)
Mauritania Mauretanië
Moor, Mauritanian Mauretaniër
Mauretanian, Moorish, Moresque Mauretanisch
misunderstand misvatten
misunderstanding misverstand
moment, instant moment
Moor, Mauritanian Moor
Moorish, Mauretanian, Moresque Moors
Moor, Mauritanian Moriaan
music-stand muziekstander
bandstand muziektent
Neapolitan Napolitaans
defiantly, notwithstanding, despite niettegenstaande
norm, standard norm
Uzbekistan Oezbekistan
moment, instant ogenblik
relation, understanding, procession omgang
circumstance omstandigheid
unimportant, conceited onbelangrijk
outstanding, overdue onbetaald
immediately, instantly onmiddellijk
acceptance onthaal
détante ontspanning
instant, moment oogwenk
aide-de-camp, adjutant ordonnansofficier
stanchion, rod, stake paal
Pakistan Pakistan
continuously, continually, constantly permanent
botany plantkunde
stanchion, stake, mail post
Protestant protestants
puritan puriteins
rambutan ramboetan
norm, standard regel
acquaintance relatie
tank reservoir
Samaritan Samaritaans
Satan Satan
satang satang
demonic, Satanic satanisch
shack, shanty, stand, barrack, barn schuur
simultaneous simultaan
circumstances, situation situatie
spontaneous spontaan
substance spul
tango stampen
rank, position, circumstances, class, altitude stand
situation, circumstances stand van zaken
standard, norm standaardmaat
withstand standhouden
stanchion, stake, style stijl
dust, subject, substance, theme stof
substance substantie
noun, substantive substantief
sultan sultan
Tadzhikistan Tadzjikistan
Tangier Tanger
tango tango
Tantalus Tantalus
Tanzania Tanzania
Tanzanian Tanzaniaans
cab-stand taxistandplaats
resistance tegenkanting
opposition, resistance tegenstand
resistance tegenweer
moment, instant, regard, pulse tel
Tibetan Tibetaans
Titan Titan
titanic titanisch
remittance transfer
incidental, remote, side, distant, far, remotely ver
bandage, understanding, relation verband
tank vergaarbak
misunderstand verkeerd begrijpen
implicate, entangle verstrikken
distant, far, remote ververwijderd
entangle, implicate verwarren
away, far, remote, distant verwijderd
tangle verwikkeling
important, serious voornaam
chaos, tangle warboel
tangle warnet
substantive, noun zelfstandig naamwoord