The English term "make after" matches the Swedish term "rusa efter"

other english words that include "make" : swedish :
book-maker vadhållningsagent
cabinet-maker möbelsnickare
dressmaker sömmerska
lawmaker lagstiftare
level make avjämna
make åstadkomma, förfärdiga, skapa, tillverka, göra
make-believe overklighet, fantasi, låtsaslek, låtsad
make-up sammansättning, smink, sminkning
make a bet slå vad
make a blunder dabba
make a confession avlägga bekännelse
make a fortune skapa en förmögenhet
make a fuss fjäska
make a journey göra en resa
make a mistake missta sig
make a noise bullra, väsnas, stoja
make a person believe inbilla
make an appointment with beställa tid hos
make an impression imponera
make as if låtsas som om
make away with a person röja någon ur vägen
make clear klargöra
make dirty smutsa
make do with få klara sig med
make fast förtöja
make fun of gäckas med
make haste raska på
make it up bli sams, enas
make jam sylta
make known kungöra
make light of bagatellisera
make love to kurtisera
make nervous enervera
make one's voice heard göra sin röst hörd
make ons's début debutera
make port angöra hamn
make sure of förvissa sig om
make the bed bädda
make the price faststalla priset
make tight täta
make up ones mind föresätta sig
make use of använda, nyttja
make worse förvärra
maker fabrikant, tillverkare, skapare
makers tillverkare
makes gör
makeshift nödfallsutväg, provisorisk
makeweight fyllnadsgods
matchmaker äktenskapsmäklare
moviemaker filmskapare
shoemaker skomakare
trouble-maker bråkmakare
watchmaker urmakare
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.