The English term "topical, current, present-day, up-to-date, present" matches the Dutch term "actueel"

other english words that include "current" : dutch :
nowadays, topical, present-day, currently, present tegenwoordig
other english words that include "up" : dutch :
to, upon, towards, toward, beside, by, at aan
party, adherents, followers, supporters, disciples aanhang
supporter, adept, member aanhanger
recuperate, convalesce aansterken
supply, arrival, arrivals aanvoer
complementary, supplementary aanvullend
occupant aanwezige
abrupt, abruptly abrupt
supersign accent
supersign accentteken
eightfold, octuple achtvoudig
acupuncturist acupuncteur
acupuncture acupunctuur
supporter, adept adept
unhook, uncouple afhaken
uncouple afkoppelen
verify, audit, supervise aflezen
occupation, handicraft ambacht
Eros, Cupid Amor
supper avondeten
supper avondmaal
bankrupt bankroet
upset, perplexed, dazed bedremmeld
perplexed, upset, dazed beduusd
occupy, clothe bekleden
supporter, adept beoefenaar
occupation, handicraft, vocation, profession beroep
garnish, occupy, trim, comprise beslaan
dazed, perplexed, upset beteuterd
occupy bezetten
arrivals, supply, arrival bezorging
superstition bijgeloof
superstitious bijgelovig
make-up blanketsel
coupon bon
blunt, bone, rough, crude, raw, abrupt bot
abruptly botweg
upstairs boven
upper bovenste
abrupt bruusk
supervise, verify, audit checken
coupé compartiment
supervise, verify, audit controleren
coupé coupé
coupon coupon
Cupid, Eros Cupido
stupid, dull, cathedral, foolish dom
couple echtelieden
couple echtpaar
backup een backup maken
backup een backup maken van
Euphrates Eufraat
dull, stupid flauw
voluptuous geil
magnificent, grand, superb, grandiose grandioos
bevy, collection, group groep
group groepering
grandiose, magnificent, superb, grand groots
occupation, handicraft, handiwork handwerk
hiccough, hiccup hikken
header, pate, superscription hoofd
hypothesis, supposition hypothese
superintendant, steward intendant
interrupt interrumperen
interruption interruptie
Jove, Jupiter Jupiter
ticket, coupon, note kaartje
supersign kapje
sideboard, closet, cupboard kast
paid-up kiet
cupcake koekje
dome, pavilion, cupola koepel
heading, cup, pate kop
cup kopje
abruptly, abrupt kortaf
supporters, party, following, disciples, adherents leden
empty, vacant, unoccupied, void leeg
make-up make-up
puppet, marionette marionet
full-grown, grown-up meerderjarig
steward, superintendant meier
suppose, deem, believe menen
opinion, supposition mening
grown-up, full-grown mondig
cupcake, witticism, blot, joke mop
duplicate, multiply multipliceren
upwards, up naar boven
after-treatment, follow-up nabehandeling
up, upwards omhoog
vacant, unoccupied, free onbezet
interrupt onderbreken
interruption onderbreking
quell, suffocate, suppress onderdrukken
supposition, hypothesis onderstelling
superficial, shallow ondiep
stupid, innocent, naif, guiltless, naïve, dull onnozel
uncouple ontkoppelen
upon, worn, up, upwards, exhausted, on op
convalesce, recuperate op verhaal komen
unoccupied, vacant, free open
suppress opkroppen
superior opperste
superficial, shallow, shallowly oppervlakkig
superscription opschrift
upholster opvullen
upwards, up opwaarts
tousle, upholster opzetten
steward, superintendant, checker, controller opzichter
superfluous, overflowing overbodig
overflowing, superfluous overtollig
superb, grand, grandiose, magnificent overweldigend
superimpose plaatsen bovenop
pluperfect plusquamperfectum
superior prevalent
larder, store-cupboard, pantry provisiekast
paid-up quitte
buttercup ranonkel
make-up schmink
euphonious schoonklinkend
interrupt schorsen
interruption schorsing
lean, support, sustain schragen
dull, stupid simpel
syrup siroop
soup soep
steep, abrupt steil
suppose stellen
support, groan, lean, sustain steunen
syrup stroop
support, lean, sustain stutten
superior superieur
supermarket supermarkt
tomato-soup tomatensoep
coupé treincoupé
coterie, band, clique, troupe, gang, junto troep
superman übermensch
upload uploaden
repulse, suppress verdringen
conjecture, suppose, surmise vermoeden
duplicate verveelvoudigen
close-up, foreground voorgrond
coupon voucher
vacant, sufficiently, unoccupied vrij
upholster, fill vullen
euphonious welluidend
voluptuous, sensual, sensuous wellustig
voluptuous wulps
other english words that include "to" : dutch :
to, upon, towards, toward, beside, by, at aan
keepsake, memento, souvenir aandenken
touching aangrijpend
builder, contractor aannemer
moisture, touch, scale, assessment aanslag
aspect, tolerate aanzien
potato aardappel
earthly, stone, clay, earthen aarden
slaughterhouse, abattoir abattoir
abductor abductor
abstinence, teetotalism abstinentie
accelerator accelerateur
acceptor acceptant
accumulator, battery accu
accumulator, battery accumulator
acetone aceton
background, ground, bottom achtergrond
actor acteur
topicality, topic actualiteit
administrator, manager administrateur
directory adresboek
token adstructie
tea-towel afdroogdoek
wrest, wring, extort afdwingen
idolator afgodendienaar
top, truncate afknotten
stoop, peal, expire aflopen
monitor, eavesdrop afluisteren
buyer, customer, purchaser, client afnemer
wrest, wring, extort afpersen
extortion, exaction afpersing
abductor afvoerder
total, overall algeheel
altogether alles wel beschouwd
alligator alligator
Anatolia Anatolië
anthology, chrestomathy antologie
drugstore apotheek
referee, arbiter, arbitrator, umpire arbiter
aristocrat aristocraat
Aristotle Aristoteles
atomic atomair
atom atoom
atomic atoom-
car, motor-car, automobile auto
motorway, turnpike autobaan
autobiography autobiografie
bus, autobus, omnibus autobus
automoton automaat
automatic automatisch
automobile, motor-car automobiel
autonomous autonoom
turnpike, motorway autosnelweg
aviator aviateur
territory ban
inter, bury, entomb begraven
administrator, manager beheerder
protocol, minutes bekeuring
save, stow, rescue, conserve bergen
torrent, volley bergstroom
intoxicated, drunk beschonken
driver, conductor, manager, chauffeur, director bestuurder
satisfactory bevredigend
amazing, astonishing bevreemdend
adaptor, adapter bewerker
token, demonstration bewijs
visitor, caller bezoeker
towards, by, at, beside, toward, to, bee bij
together bijeen
overtone bijtoon
retouch bijwerken
buttock bil
inside, until, within, into, a, per, in binnen
buttocks bips
shrill, sharp-toned, tard, snappy bits
ghost, phantom blinde
ghost, phantom blinde bij kaarspel
chrestomathy, anthology bloemlezing
soil, bottom, hull, ground bodem
inventory, inheritance boedel
tow boegseren
tea-towel bordendoek
builder, contractor bouwondernemer
overtone boventoon
toast, roast braden
toast, roast, distil branden
Breton Breton
Briton Brit
tilt, bend, curtsy, stoop buigen
autobus, mailbox, letterbox, omnibus, drum, hub bus
busstop bushalte
hamlet, township buurtschap
calculator calculator
Callisto Callisto
capitol capitool
carburettor carburateur
Castor Castor
Khartoum, Khartum Chartoem
chronicler, historian chroniqueur
negative, half-tone, cliché, stereotype cliché
customer cliënt
toilet-paper closetpapier
concerto concerto
driver, conductor conducteur
stout corpulent
motto, watchword, slogan devies
button dichtknopen
dictator dictator
dictatorship dictatuur
director directeur
doctor doctor
mad, insane, crazy, intoxicated, furious, rabid dol
customs douane
custom-house douanekantoor
intoxicated, drunk dronken
push-button drukknoop
tolerate dulden
editor editor
intone een lied aanheffen
monotonous eentonig
touching emotioneel
equator equator
Esperanto Esperanto
Estonia Estland
Estonian Estlands
floor, story, storey etage
equator evenaar
also, too eveneens
equator evennachtslijn
equally, also, too evenzeer
factory fabriek
torch fakkel
torch flambouw
torture folteren
photoprint fotocopie
photographer fotograaf
photograph fotograferen
photography fotografie
photoprint, xerography fotokopie
accelerator gaspedaal
skeleton gebeente
area, sphere, region, territory gebied
way, custom, mores gebruik
accustomed, wonted, customary, usual gebruikelijk
souvenir, keepsake, memento gedenkschrift
intellect, mind, spirit, phantom, soul, ghost geest
teetotalism, abstinence geheelonthouding
hamlet, township gehucht
tolling geklep
tolling gelui
town-hall, townhall gemeentehuis
skeleton geraamte
Teuton Germaan
Teutonic, Germanic Germaans
torn gescheurd
history geschiedenis
accustom gewend zijn
customary, accustomed, usual, wonted, everyday gewoon
accustom gewoon zijn
custom, way gewoonte
stout gezet
throw, toss gooien
grave, tomb graf
custom-house grenskantoor
hole, grave, pit, ditch, tomb groeve
basis, soil, ground, bottom grond
territory grondgebied
cavern, grotto, cave, den grot
hailstone hagelkorrel
hailstone hagelsteen
towel handdoek
hectolitre hectoliter
Hector Hector
to-day, today heden
idolator heiden
stoop hellen
history historie
topic iets actueels
into, a, per, inside, within, in in
together ineen
stow, surround, imply insluiten
auditor, inspector inspecteur
instructor instructeur
tone intonatie
inventory inventaris
intone inzetten
insulator isolator
stove, heater, kiln, furnace, oven kachel
cotton katoen
cotton katoenen weefsel
photograph kieken
toothache kiespijn
customer, buyer, purchaser, client klant
clay, stone, earthen klei-
coterie, junto, clique kliek
tolling klokgelui
exaction, extortion knevelarij
wring, wrest, extort knevelen
tongs knijper
torment koeioneren
refrigerator koelcel
refrigerator koelkast
actor komediant
junto, clique, coterie kongsi
backside, rump, buttocks kont
stocking kous
chronicler, historian kroniekschrijver
handle, stool, crutch kruk
flock, herd, collection, livestock, bevy kudde
torment, pulverize kwellen
spittoon, cuspidor kwispedoor
laboratory laboratorium
rennet-stomach lebmaag
lector, lecturer lector
instructor leraar
motto, watchword, slogan leus
motto, watchword, slogan leuze
livestock levende have
elevator lift
tolerate lijden
watchword, motto, slogan lijfspreuk
stop, stay logeren
stomach maag
mistletoe maretak
torture, torment martelen
too, also mede
abettor, accomplice, abetter mededader
abetter, abettor, accomplice medeplichtige
Mephistopheles Mefistofeles
resources, tool, waist, waistline, means middel
milestone, milepost, landmark mijlpaal
prospector mijnbouwkundig onderzoeker
monotonous monotoon
photomontage montagefoto
moratorium moratorium
tomorrow, morning morgen
stone-dead morsdood
motorcycle, motor motor
motor-boat, motor-launch motorboot
motorcycle motorfiets
motorial, locomotive motorisch
motorize motoriseren
motor-cyclist motorrijder
hectolitre mud
mulatto mulattin
mosquito muskiet
mosquito-net, mosquito-netting muskietengaas
mosquito-netting, mosquito-net muskietennet
myxomatosis myxomatose
toward, ill, towards, along, sick, to, bleak naar
half-tone, negative negatief
protocol, minutes notulen
octopus octopus
October oktober
contour, outline omlijning
environs, outskirts, contour, perimeter, outline omtrek
independant, autonomous onafhankelijk
bottom, ground, soil ondergrond
tutor, coach onderwijzen
instructor onderwijzer
stork ooievaar
too, also ook
stow opbergen
toss opgooien
inflammatory opruiend
stock opslaan
coach, tutor opvoeden
tousle, upholster opzetten
oratorical oratorisch
oscillator oscillator
Ottoman Osmaans
kiln, oven, stove, furnace oven
stoop overhellen
victory overwinning
path, toad pad
idolator paganist
junto, coterie, clique, firmly pal
pantomime pantomime spelen
vicar, priest, pastor pastoor
a, in, into, inside, within, through, per per
Phaeton Phaëthon
potato pieper
torture pijnigen
pistol pistool
village, spot, location, town, courtyard, place plaats
Plato Plato
accustom plegen
Pleistocene Pleistoceen
stopper plug
Pluto Pluto
prehistory prehistorie
preparatory, preliminary preliminair
Pretoria Pretoria
toilet privaat
minutes, protocol proces-verbaal
projector projectietoestel
projector projector
promotor promotor
stopper, clod, lump, chunk prop
proton proton
prototype prototype
larder, store-cupboard, pantry provisiekast
purgatory purgatorium
town-hall, townhall raadhuis
radiator radiator
tousle rechtop zetten
rector rector
orator redenaar
oratorical redenaars-
oratory, rhetoric rederijkerskunst
calculator rekenmachine
repertoire repertoire
rhetoric, oratory retoriek
Rhaeto-Romance, Romanche Retoromaans
retouch retoucheren
auditor revisor
touching, mobile, moving roerend
escalator roltrap
tour rondreis
roast, toast roosteren
lifeless, tiresome, monotonous saai
together, co-, fellow samen
tongs, scissors schaar
mutton schapevlees
umpire, arbiter, arbitrator, referee scheidsrechter
tortoise schildpad
toilet secreet
sector sector
Shintoism shintoïsme
tobacconist's sigarenwinkel
skeleton skelet
abattoir, slaughterhouse slachterij
slaughterhouse, abattoir slachthuis
towing-line sleepkabel
towing-line sleeptouw
towing-line sleeptros
tow slepen
motorway snelweg
shrill, snappy, sharp-toned, tard snibbig
toy speelbal
toy speeltuig
actor speler
spittoon, cuspidor spuugbak
spittoon, cuspidor spuwbak
town stad
townhall stadhuis
town stadje
staff, baton, cane staf
tournament steekspel
chippings, road-metal, stone-chippings steenslag
stopper stekker
Stockholm Stockholm
stoical, stoic stoïcijns
stoical, stoic stoïsch
cane, baton stok
stoke stoken
stopper stop
adstringent, stopper stopmiddel
tempest, storm storm
torrent, river, volley, stream stroom
toy stuk speelgoed
moratorium surséance
symptom symptoom
tobacco tabak
stool taboeret
tooth tand
tooth-brush tandenborstel
toothpick tandenstoker
tooth-paste tandpasta
toothache tandpijn
tattoo taptoe
into, a, inside, in, within, per, on te
toe teen
toward, towards, to, against tegen
nowadays, topical, present-day, currently, present tegenwoordig
presage, sign, omen, token, symptom, indication teken
inter, entomb ter aarde bestellen
territory territoir
territorial territoriaal
together tezamen
permit, tolerate toelaten
tourism toerisme
tourist toerist
tournament toernooi
spectator toeschouwer
Togo, Togoland Togo
toilet toilet
toilet-paper toiletpapier
tomato tomaat
tomato-soup tomatensoep
barrel, ton ton
tongue tong
tone toon
torch toorts
transistor, beetle tor
tower toren
torpedo torpederen
on, toward, to, as, until, towards, like tot
total, sum, full, overall totaal
totalitarianism totalitarisme
totem totem
tour tournee
tractor tractor
transistor transistor
tow, migrate, wander, haul, drag, roam trekken
tractor trekker
Triton Triton
coterie, band, clique, troupe, gang, junto troep
contralto tweede alt
contort twijnen
inventor uitvinder
custom, way usance
Utopia Utopia
utopian utopisch
utopian utopistisch
purgatory vagevuur
earthen, clay, stone van klei
today, to-day vandaag
tonight vannacht
livestock vee
livestock veestapel
ventilator ventilator
amazing, astonishing verbazingwekkend
contort verbuigen
distributor verdeler
story, storey, floor verdieping
contort verdraaien
carburettor vergasser
history, tale, narrative verhaal
phenomenon, symptom verschijnsel
accelerator versneller
stoke verwarmen
victory victorie
hamlet, township vlek
aviator vliegenier
dragon, aviator vlieger
volley, torrent vloed
mistletoe vogellijm
to, towards, until, like, before, toward, as voor
last, preliminary, prior, preparatory, former voorafgaand
prehistory voorgeschiedenis
ventilator wan
cotton-wool, wadding watten
toilet-paper WC-papier
tool, instrument, means werktuig
automatic, mechanical werktuiglijk
October wijnmaand
boutique, store, shop winkel
drunk, intoxicated zat
sea-bottom zeebodem
victory zege
autonomous zelfbesturend
automatic zelfwerkend
buttocks zitvlak
piston zuiger
stout zwaarlijvig