The English term "together, co-, fellow" matches the Dutch term "samen"

other english words that include "together" : dutch :
altogether alles wel beschouwd
together bijeen
together ineen
together tezamen
other english words that include "co" : dutch :
cormorant aalscholver
connect aan elkaar vastmaken
recommend aanbevelen
recommendable aanbevelenswaardig
recommendation aanbeveling
recommended aanbevolen
commence, moor, begin aanbinden
insistence, crush, impulse, urgency, congestion aandrang
concerning aangaande
congentital, inbred, inborn, native, congenital aangeboren
matter, affair, business, case, concern aangelegenheid
pleasant, comfortably, nice, agreeable, enjoyable aangenaam
denounce, suggest, register, convey, indicate aangeven
codicil, rider, appendix, accessorie, side-issue aanhangsel
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
complaint, accusation, indictment, charge aanklacht
counsel, notify, announce, advise, advertise aankondigen
build, construct, level, aim, install aanleggen
dun, scold, admonish aanmanen
considerable, sizable aanmerkelijk
encouragement aanmoediging
employ, take, affiliate, confirm, receive, hire aannemen
builder, contractor aannemer
confirmation, acceptance, adoption aanneming
adjust, accomodate, accommodate, adapt, fit aanpassen
accommodation, adaptation aanpassing
recommend aanprijzen
convey, hand aanreiken
run, collide aanrijden
collision aanrijding
admonish, encourage, instigate, urge, scold aansporen
get-at-able, communicative, approachable aanspreekbaar
catching, contagious, infectious aanstekelijk
recuperate, convalesce aansterken
assault, attack, corrode aantasten
see, find, encounter aantreffen
beginning, commencement aanvang
commence, begin aanvangen
collision aanvaring
boss, chief, leader, commander aanvoerder
govern, command, order aanvoeren
complementary, supplementary aanvullend
fan, urge, instigate, encourage aanvuren
instigate, encourage, excite, fan, freshen, urge aanwakkeren
eminent, sizable, considerably, considerable aanzienlijk
apricot abrikoos
corner, monopolize accapareren
accomodate accommoderen
escort, accompaniment accompagnement
accompany accompagneren
accord, settlement, chord accoord
accordion, harmonica accordeon
accordionist accordeonist
accountancy accountancy
accountant accountant
consecutively, ceaselessly achtereen
consecutively achtereenvolgens
acolyte acoliet
acoustics acoustiek
acoustic acoustisch
fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate adapteren
adequate, conforming adequaat
advise, notify, counsel adviseren
counsellor adviseur
countermand, cancel afbestellen
speciality, pigeonhole, detachment, compartment afdeling
expedite, settle, finnish, conclude afdoen
effective, conclusive, effectual, efficacious afdoend
convey afdragen
print, track, copy, imprint afdruk
hard-worked, hackneyed, commonplace, trite afgezaagd
unhook, uncouple afhaken
finnish, expedite, settle, conclude afhandelen
refuse, reprove, reproach, scrap, condemn, rebuke afkeuren
objectionable, blameworthy, condemnable afkeurenswaardig
censure, disapprobation, condemnation, disapproval afkeuring
cool afkoelen
coming afkomstig
decoction afkooksel
uncouple afkoppelen
scare, deter, discourage afschrikken
originate, result, come afstammen
contrast afsteken
adapt, accommodate, fit, adjust afstemmen
absence, shortage, shortcoming afwezigheid
liquidate, unroll, finnish, expedite, conclude afwikkelen
commotion agitatie
recognize, acknowledge agnosceren
air-conditioned air-conditioned
air-conditioning air-conditioning
air-conditioning airco
columbine akelei
acoustics akoestiek
acoustic akoestisch
aconite, monkshood akoniet
alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits alcohol
alcohol, booze, spirits, liquor alcoholische drank
boozer, alcoholic alcoholist
ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously aldoor
universal, common algemeen
commonplace, trite, daily alledaags
acknowledge, recognize als waarheid aannemen
acolyte altaardienaar
colleague ambtgenoot
comment annoteren
codicil, rider, appendix appendix
water-colour aquarel
archive, archives, records, files archief
article, paragraph, commodity artikel
orbit, passage, corridor, road baan
tub, vessel, manger, trough, container, vat, ferry bak
colossus bakbeest
balcony balkon
commonplace, trite banaal
tape-recorder bandrecorder
confectionery banketbakkerij
self-conscious, abashed, shy bedeesd
cover bedekken
false, contrived, misleading bedrieglijk
accompany begeleiden
accompanist, companian begeleider
accompaniment, escort begeleiding
commencement, beginning begin
commence, begin beginnen
restricted, limited, confined begrensd
limit, abridge, restrict, confine begrenzen
concept, notion, idea begrip
coquettish behaagziek
get, win, acquire, accomplish, attain, earn, reach behalen
include, contain behelzen
conserve, safe, save, rescue behouden
conservative behoudend
advise, notify, counsel bekendmaken
profess, confess bekennen
convert bekeren
protocol, minutes bekeuring
concise beknopt
limit, abridge, restrict, confine beknotten
sanction, corroborate bekrachtigen
coronation bekroning
concern belang
cover beleggen
compensation beloning
encouragement bemoediging
definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause bepaling
abridge, restrict, limit, confine beperken
confined, limited, restricted beperkt
reach, accomplish bereiken
calculate, compute berekenen
save, stow, rescue, conserve bergen
inform, communicate, report berichten
commotion beroering
gentlemanlike, polite, courteous, well-mannered beschaafd
dash-board, wainscot, panel beschot
consider beschouwen
indictment, accusation, complaint, charge beschuldiging
consciousness, awareness besef
garnish, occupy, trim, comprise beslaan
infectious, contagious, catching besmettelijk
consist bestaan uit
permanent, constant, abiding, continual, sustained bestendig
continuation bestendiging
reign, control, stage, administration, rule bestuur
driver, conductor, manager, chauffeur, director bestuurder
proper, fitting, becoming, decent, suitable betamelijk
recover beter worden
concrete beton
concerning betreffende
concerned betrokken
shy, abashed, self-conscious bevangen
understand, realize, contain, include, realise bevatten
command, order bevelen
secure, assent, corroborate, fasten, confirm bevestigen
competent bevoegd
guard, conserve bewaren
movement, commotion beweging
control, rule, reign bewind
compatriot bewoner van een land
concerned, aware, conscious bewust
unconscious bewusteloos
awareness, consciousness bewustzijn
consciousness, awareness bezinning
profess, confess biechten
constantly, continuously, continually bij voortduring
adequate, accessory, secondary bijbehorend
contribution, dues bijdrage
contribute bijdragen
congregate, assemble, meet bijeenkomen
convoke bijeenroepen
coordinate, co-ordinate bijeenschakelen
accompanying bijgaand
consequently bijgevolg
accessory, secondary bijkomend
secondary, accessory bijkomstig
codicil, appendix, rider bijlage
bite, corrode bijten
concubine bijvrouw
compulsory bindend
courtyard binnenplaats
encore bis
episcopal bisschoppelijk
comedy blijspel
shy, self-conscious, abashed blo
congestion bloedaandrang
spool, bobbin, coil bobine
Bodensee, Constance Bodenmeer
accountant boekhoudkundige
countryman, rancher boer
coupon bon
concise bondig
confederation bondsstaat
multicoloured bont
commission, message, errand boodschap
bean, haricot boon
brim, edge, collar, shore boord
collision botsing
valiant, fearless, courageous boud
build, construct bouwen
builder, contractor bouwondernemer
speciality, section, compartment, pigeonhole branche
conflagration brand
brandy, cognac brandy
cobra brilslang
broccoli, brocoli brocoli
brocoli, broccoli brocolie
unconscious buiten kennis
cocoa cacao
cowl capuchon
coach-work, body carrosserie
commissar ceremoniemeester
chocolate chocola
chocolate chocolade
chicory cichorei
co-, fellow co-
cobra cobra
cocaine cocaïne
cocktail cocktail
cocoon cocon
code code
encode codificeren
cognac cognac
collect collecteren
collective collectief
colleague collega
college college
Colombia Colombia
Colombian Colombiaans
pillar, column colonne
Columbus Columbus
combination combinatie
combine combineren
comfort comfort
comfortable comfortabel
committee comité
commander commandant
order, command commanderen
comment commentaar leveren op
commissar commissaris
errand, commission commissie
commodore commodore
communion communie
communication communiqué
communism communisme
communist communist
compact compact
coupé compartiment
compensate compenseren
competent competent
compilation compilatie
compiler compiler
compile compileren
entire, complete, whole, full compleet
complex complex
complicate compliceren
compliment complimenteren
compose componeren
composer componist
composition compositie
compress comprimeren
accomodation compromis
computer computer
concert concert
concerto concerto
concert-room concertzaal
conclusion, inference conclusie
contest concours
rival, compete concurreren
condition, stipulation, terms conditie
condolences condoleantie
condom condoom
driver, conductor conducteur
confederation confederatie
conference conferentie
confiscate confisqueren
conflict conflict
Confucius Confucius
congestion congestie
Congo, Zaire Congo
Congolese Congolees
convention, congress congres
compatible, congruent congruent
coincide congruent zijn
conjugate conjugeren
conjunction conjunctie
conscientious consciëntieus
consistent consequent
consequence, consistency consequentie
conservative conservatief
consonant consonant
continual, constant, permanent, sustained constant
consternation consternatie
constipation constipatie
constipate constipatie veroorzaken
constitution constitutie
constitutional constitutioneel
construct, build construeren
consul consul
consulate consulaat
consultation consult
consultation consultatie
consult consulteren
consumer consument
consume consumeren
contact contact hebben
contact contact hebben met
mainland, continent continent
account conto
contraband contrabande
contract contract
contrast contrasteren
checker, controller controleur
controversy controverse
converge convergeren
converse converseren
convoke convoceren
coordinate, co-ordinate coördineren
copyright copyright
Corantin Corantijn
Corinth Corinthe
Corinthian Corinthisch
corporation corporatie
corps corps
correct correct
correspond corresponderen
corrode corroderen
Corsica Corsica
Corsican Corsicaans
costume costuum
coupé coupé
coupon coupon
courgette, zucchini courgette
cowboy cowboy
coyote coyote
course cursus
corridor-train D-trein
valiant, brave, fearless, gallant, courageous dapper
courage dapperheid
wainscot, dash-board, panel dashboard
head, conduct, lead de weg wijzen
fiasco, failure debâcle
decode decoderen
decor, decoration, décor decor
decor, decoration, adornment, décor decoratie
cover dekken
consequently derhalve
concerned desbetreffend
competent, experienced, expert deskundig
deacon diaken
closed, dense, compact, concentrated, thick dicht
thick, greasy, dense, concentrated, corpulent, fat dik
discount disconto
record, discus, disk, disc discus
inconsonant disharmonisch
divan, couch divan
opportune, convenient, handy doelmatig
coffin doodkist
confuse dooreenhalen
continuous doorlopend
episcopal doorluchtig
container, vessel doos
charcoal dovekool
costume dracht
alcohol, beverage, spirits, booze, liquor drank
alcoholic, boozer drankzuchtige
collection, bevy drift
abscond drossen
courage durf
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
compel dwingen
compulsory dwingend
fiasco, failure echec
couple echtelieden
couple echtpaar
economy, economics economie
economical economisch
corn eelt
conclusive een conclusie wettigend
converse een gesprek voeren
unicorn eenhoorn
accolade, homage eerbetoon
accolade eerbetuiging
acorn eikel
restricted, limited, confined eindig
corn eksteroog
coincide elkaar dekken
compassion erbarmen
courtyard erf
recognise, corroborate, confess, profess erkennen
container, vessel etui
shortcoming, shortage euvel
eventuality, contingency eventualiteit
contingent, eventual eventueel
copy exemplaar
welcome feestelijk inhalen
congratulation felicitatie
congratulate feliciteren
failure, fiasco fiasco
faith, confidence fiducie
philately, stamp-collecting filatelie
company firma
fiasco, failure flop
holder, vessel, container, socket foedraal
error, erroneous, incorrect, mistaken, mistake fout
Franconia Frankenland
passage, corridor, gallery gang
Gascon Gasconjer
contingent, eventual gebeurlijk
thick, concentrated, dense gebonden
shortcoming, shortage, poverty, vice gebrek
user, consumer gebruiker
commissioner gecommitteerde
complicated gecompliceerd
recollect, recall, remember gedenken
compulsory gedwongen
confidential geheim
memory, recollection geheugen
cooked gekookt
coin geldstuk
conduct, lead, head geleiden
religion, faith, confidence geloof
acoustics geluidsleer
congratulation gelukwens
congratulate gelukwensen
comfort gemak
facile, handy, convenient, comfortable, opportune gemakkelijk
community gemeenschap
common, collective gemeenschappelijk
community gemeente
shortage, shortcoming gemis
heal, remedy, recover genezen
seemly, becoming, appropriate gepast
comfort gerief
comfortable geriefelijk
considerable, sizable geruim
convenient, handy, seemly, appropriate, opportune geschikt
copulation geslachtsdaad
conversation gesprek
constant, sustained, continual, permanent gestaag
colossus gevaarte
consistency, consequence, train, suite gevolg
conclusion, inference gevolgtrekking
garment, costume gewaad
colossal, immense geweldig
conscience geweten
conscientious gewetensvol
corporation gilde
surmise, conjecture, guess gissen
OK, okay, estate, O.K., good, well, correct, ranch goed
become goed staan
compensate goedmaken
consent, permission goedvinden
gold-coloured goudkleurig
county graafschap
phonograph, record-player grammofoon
disc, disk, record grammofoonplaat
comical, comic grappig
bevy, collection, group groep
crude, everyday, coarse, rough, raw grof
constitution grondwet
constitutional grondwettelijk
gyroscope gyroscoop
collar halsboord
commerce, trading handel
commodity, article handelsartikel
company handelsfirma
company handelshuis
cockfight hanengevecht
coarse hardhandig
constipated hardlijvig
accordionist harmonikaspeler
hearty, cordial hartelijk
integer, completely, entirely, wholly, fully, very heel
cosmos, universe heelal
reign, rule, control, power heerschappij
recover, remedy, heal helen
waistcoat herenvest
recollection, memory herinnering
recognise herkennen
agree, consent het eens zijn
come, originate, result het gevolg zijn van
court, woo het hof maken
confront, face het hoofd bieden
memory, recollection heugenis
consolation heul
hiccough, hiccup hikken
coltsfoot hoefblad
coop hoenderhok
cough hoesten
courtyard, garden hof
den, void, concave, cavern, cavity, empty, hollow hol
couch-grass hondsgras
crowd, pile, bevy, multitude, mass, collection hoop
horoscope horoscoop
charcoal houtskool
cowl huik
stand, cottage huisje
squat, crouch, cower hurken
cottage, cabin, hut hut
vain, futile, conceited ijdel
count in aanmerking komen
confiscate, absorb in beslag nemen
cower, crouch, squat in elkaar duiken
conform in overeenstemming zijn
contradict in tegenspraak zijn met
conceive in verwachting raken
incomplete incompleet
inconsistent inconsequent
collapse ineenstorten
inborn, native, congenital, inbred, innate ingeboren
accompanying ingesloten
concave, hollow ingevallen
complicated ingewikkeld
complicate ingewikkeld maken
pass, accomplish, overtake, reach, overhaul inhalen
volume, contents inhoud
contain, include inhouden
income inkomen
collect innen
sincere, intimate, cordial, hearty innig
manageable, tractable, accommodating inschikkelijk
collapse instorten
panel, dash-board, wainscot instrumentenbord
collect inzamelen
Jacob Jakob
coat, mantle, cloak, overcoat jas
prick, youngster, cock jongeheer
striking, correct, precise, true juist
ticket, coupon, note kaartje
cod, codfish kabeljauw
cadaver, corpse kadaver
cockroach kakkerlak
buddy, pal, comrade, companion kameraad
comb kammen
gear, cogwheel kamrad
gear, cogwheel kamwiel
lamp-shade, roof, cowl kap
condom kapotje
cotton katoen
cotton katoenen weefsel
pin, cone kegel
essence, kernel, nucleus, core, gist kern
concise kernachtig
Cologne Keulen
cot kinderbed
coop kippenhok
coop kippenren
coffin kist
complain klagen
coco-nut, cocoa-nut, cocoanut, coconut klapper
coconut-palm klapperboom
coconut, coco-nut, cocoanut, cocoa-nut klappernoot
costume klederdracht
coltsfoot klein hoefblad
blush, color, colour, paint kleuren
colour-blind kleurenblind
coterie, junto, clique kliek
courageous, valiant kloek
spool, coil, bobbin klos
comical, comic koddig
bovine, cow koe
confectionery koekbakkerij
courageous, valiant koen
direction, course koers
pet, incubate, coddle, pamper, sit koesteren
coffee koffie
coffee-pot koffiekan
coffee-pot koffiepot
cook, boil koken
container, vessel koker
coquettish koket
coco-nut, cocoanut, coconut, cocoa-nut kokosnoot
coconut-palm kokospalm
column, pillar kolom
colonel kolonel
colonial koloniaal
colony kolonie
colossus kolos
colossal kolossaal
comedy komedie
Comine Komen
comic, comical komisch
comma komma
compass kompas
conspiracy komplot
Zaire, Congo Kongo
Congolese Kongolees
junto, clique, coterie kongsi
cabbage, coal kool
commerce koopmanschap
coir, chorus koor
string, cord, rope koorde
Copenhagen Kopenhagen
copper koperen
copyright kopijrecht
pal, buddy, comrade, companion kornuit
corporal korporaal
corps korps
brief, concise, short kort
Courtrai Kortrijk
cosmos kosmos
costly, expensive, valuable kostbaar
cost, expense kosten
chilly, frigid, cold koud
collar kraag
bracket, convulsion, staple, spasm, parenthesis kramp
corpse, cadaver kreng
crocodile krokodillen
coronation kroning
flock, herd, collection, livestock, bevy kudde
cork kurk
corkscrew, cork-screw kurketrekker
coast, edge, shore, seaside kust
seaside, coast kustlijn
couch-grass kweek
couch-grass kweekgras
condemnable, reprehensible, objectionable laakbaar
cowardice lafhartigheid
cowardice lafheid
peasant, countryman landman
commissioner lasthebber
difficult, inconvenient, troublesome lastig
course leergang
courage lef
corps legerkorps
conduct leiden
prick, cock leuter
codfish-oil levertraan
cadaver, corpse lijk
corpulent, comprehensive, fat lijvig
corn likdoorn
scoundrel loeder
chicory, glory lof
decoy, lure lokken
rude, rag, coarse lomp
tuberculosis, consumption longtering
compensation, wage, wages, salary loon
laud, commend, glorify, praise loven
prick, cock lul
pal, companion, comrade, buddy, tact maat
tape-recorder magnetofoon
pal, comrade, companion, buddy makker
dun, admonish, scold manen
cowl mantelkap
Morocco Marokko
contest match
abettor, accomplice, abetter mededader
communicate mededelen
compassion mededogen
consonant medeklinker
compassion medelijden
abetter, abettor, accomplice medeplichtige
communicate meedelen
compete, rival meedingen
accommodating meegaand
count meetellen
cooperate, co-operate meewerken
counsellor mentor
compute, measure meten
accompanist, companian metgezel
Mexico Mexico
microscope microscoop
contempt minachting
incorrect mis
courage moed
courageous, valiant moedig
difficult, inconvenient moeilijk
Monaco Monaco
monkshood, aconite monnikskap
composing, mounting, erecting montage
coaxer, flatterer mooiprater
comic, comical moppig
Moscow Moskou
Muscovite Moskovitisch
motorial, locomotive motorisch
mint, coin munt
musicology muziekwetenschap
concert-room muziekzaal
conifer naaldboom
commentary nabeschouwing
explore, consider, investigate nagaan
colony nederzetting
commerce nering
niece, cousin nicht
conceited nietig
encore nog eens
coping nok
communication-cord noodrem
compel noodzaken
protocol, minutes notulen
constipation obstipatie
commute omleggen
contour, outline omlijning
commute omschakelen
environs, outskirts, contour, perimeter, outline omtrek
around, concerning omtrent
comprise omvatten
continuous onafgebroken
inconceivable, unintelligible onbegrijpelijk
unimportant, conceited onbelangrijk
conversation onderhoud
distinguish, recognise onderkennen
noncom onderofficier
petticoat onderrok
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
tutor, coach onderwijzen
abysmal, inconceivable, unintelligible ondoorgrondelijk
corrugate onduleren
uncooked ongekookt
discomfort ongemak
discomfort ongerief
erroneous, incorrect, wrong, mistaken onjuist
coarse onkies
discover, uncover ontdekken
discovery ontdekking
countless ontelbaar
recollect, recall, remember onthouden
uncouple ontkoppelen
see, encounter ontmoeten
commencement, arise, beginning ontstaan
consternation ontsteltenis
recipient, consignee ontvanger
income ontvangst
conceal ontveinzen
colossal ontzaglijk
incomplete onvolledig
convalesce, recuperate op verhaal komen
income, product opbrengst
commission, mission, errand opdracht
countryside, country open veld
monopolize, corner opkopen
Gascon opschepper
concept opvatting
coach, tutor opvoeden
steward, superintendant, checker, controller opzichter
orange-coloured, orange oranje
orchestrate, score orkestreren
oscilloscope oscillograaf
conforming overeenstemmend
agreement, settlement, chord, accord overeenstemming
overcoat, coat overjas
passage, corridor overloop
commute overschakelen
convince, persuade overtuigen
conviction, belief overtuiging
consider overwegen
corral paardestal
scout, boyscout padvinder
junto, coterie, clique, firmly pal
copulation paring
conform, befit passen
conforming, appropriate, seemly, becoming passend
peacock pauw
controversy pennestrijd
medal, coin penning
periscope periscoop
continuously, continually, constantly permanent
icon pictogram
prick, cock pik
pillar, column pilaar
marble, corpuscle pilletje
Pentecost, Whitsunday Pinksteren
Whitsunday, Pentecost Pinksterfeest
kernel, nucleus, wick, core, granule, grain, pip pit
scourge, calamity, infestation plaag
plate, image, disc, record, disk, slab, picture plaat
village, spot, location, town, courtyard, place plaats
countryside, country platteland
peasant, countryman plattelander
crook, rogue, scoundrel ploert
controversy polemiek
vase, container, vessel pot
coyote prairiewolf
glorify, praise, commend, laud prijzen
haricot prinsesseboon
minutes, protocol proces-verbaal
advice, council raad
council raadgevend lichaam
counsellor raadgever
consult raadplegen
advisable, recommendable raadzaam
hoarse, uncooked rauw
courtroom rechtszaal
recommendation recommandatie
recommend recommanderen
raincoat regenmantel
chorus, coir rei
calculation, account rekening
passage, corridor rijstrook
glorify, commend, praise, laud roemen
dress-coat, skirt, tails rok
copper roodkoperen
scoundrel rotzak
course, road, route route
condolences rouwbeklag
Rubicon Rubicon
couch, divan rustbank
coarse, brute, harsh ruw
co-, fellow samen-
complex samengesteld
connection, unity samenhang
assemble, congregate, converge, meet samenkomen
converge samenlopen
conspire samenspannen
conspiracy samenspanning
compile, compose samenstellen
combine samenvoegen
co-operate, cooperate samenwerken
conspire samenzweren
contempt schamperheid
collection, band, bevy, gang schare
fumble, scratch, court, woo scharrelen
disk, slice, record, pulley, disc schijf
scoundrel schoelje
scorpion schorpioen
Scot, Scotsman Schot
Scotland Schotland
Scottish Schots
Scotswoman Schotse
convict schuldig bevinden
tobacconist's sigarenwinkel
bedroom, sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapkamer
sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapplaats
mucous slijmerig
difficult, sly, smart, cunning, inconvenient slim
underhanded, contrived slinks
consume slopen
contraband smokkelwaar
cord, string snaar
haricot snijboon
prick, cock snikkel
mucous snotterig
economy spaarzaamheid
bacon spek
bobbin, spool, coil, spindle spoel
corral stal
Capricorn Steenbok
coal steenkool
string, cord stemband
telescope sterrenkijker
column, pillar steunpilaar
encouragement stijving
constipate, cease, clog stoppen
street-corner straathoek
contrary strijdig
convulsion stuip
convulsion stuiptrekking
controller, checker supervisor
tobacco tabak
branch, speciality, section, compartment, bough tak
cogwheel, gear tandrad
cogwheel, gear tandwiel
reversed, contrary tegengesteld
contrary tegenliggend
contradict tegenspreken
complexion teint
telescope telescoop
tuberculosis, consumption tering
satisfied, pleased, contented tevreden
contentment, satisfaction tevredenheid
self-conscious, abashed, shy timide
hue, complexion tint
cover toedekken
cede, confess, concede, admit, consent, relinquish toegeven
accommodating toegevend
confide toevertrouwen
composition toondicht
composer toondichter
composition toonzetting
entirely, completely totaliter
course, route tracé
coupé treincoupé
accordion trekharmonika
coterie, band, clique, troupe, gang, junto troep
pamper, pet, coddle troetelen
consolation troost
console troosten
tuberculosis, consumption tuberculose
divan, couch Turkse staatsraad
second tweede
contralto tweede alt
secondhand tweedehands
contort twijnen
collapse uiteenvallen
ample, extensive, bulky, comprehensively uitgebreid
comb, rake uitkammen
decide, constitute uitmaken
write, convoke, organize, launch uitschrijven
section, pigeonhole, compartment, speciality vak
corporation, trade-union, syndicate, labour-union vakvereniging
confuse van zijn stuk brengen
mainland, continent vasteland
multicoloured veelkleurig
ample, extensive, comprehensive, bulky veelomvattend
contempt verachting
conceal verbergen
combine, connect verbinden
combination, connection verbinding
contract verbintenis
combustion verbranding
consume verbruiken
consumer verbruiker
contort verbuigen
contort verdraaien
congregate, meet, assemble vergaderen
compensation vergelding
compare vergelijken
comparatively vergelijkenderwijs
comparison vergelijking
satisfied, contented, pleased vergenoegd
accompany vergezellen
colander, strainer vergiet
compensate vergoeden
praise, glorify, laud, commend verheerlijken
conceal verhelen
deter, expel, scare, discourage verjagen
mistaken, wrong, erroneous, incorrect verkeerd
scout, boyscout verkenner
admonish, scold vermanen
conjecture, suppose, surmise vermoeden
conquer veroveren
catching, contagious, infectious verpestend
compel verplichten
telescope, binocular verrekijker
adorn, decorate, ornament versieren
constipation verstopping
constipated verstopt
pamper, pet, coddle vertroetelen
console vertroosten
consolation vertroosting
confidential vertrouwelijk
confide, trust, faith, confidence vertrouwen
counterfeit vervalsing
colour, paint, color verven
conjugate vervoegen
continuation vervolg
confusion verwardheid
confusing verwarrend
confusion verwarring
compilation verzamelwerk
waistcoat vest
video-recorder videorecorder
coaxingly vleiend
completed volbracht
pleased, satisfied, contented voldaan
full, entirely, completely, fully, perfect volkomen
colony volksplanting
complete volledig
collide, run voorrijden
continuation voortzetting
clause, stipulation, terms, condition voorwaarde
constitute, form, shape vormen
confirmation vormsel
monarch, prince, frost, coping vorst
coupon voucher
woo, court vrijen
conflagration vuurzee
costly, valuable waardevol
water-colour waterverfschilderij
cotton-wool, wadding watten
competition, rivalry wedijver
rival, compete wedijveren
contest wedstrijd
abscond weglopen
abscond wegrennen
aware, conscious welbewust
polite, courteous, well-mannered welgemanierd
courteous, well-mannered, polite wellevend
continent, mainland werelddeel
disapprobation, disapproval, censure, condemnation wraking
coir, chorus zangkoor
coast, seaside zeekant
seaside, coast zeekust
self-assured, confident zelfbewust
confident, self-assured zelfverzekerd
erecting, mounting, composing zetting
recall, recollect, remember zich herinneren
complain zijn beklag doen
silver-coloured zilverkleurig
consequently zodoende
portico zuilengalerij
porch, portico zuilengang
boozer, alcoholic zuiplap
conceive zwanger raken