The English term "into, a, inside, in, within, per, on" matches the Dutch term "te"

other english words that include "in" : dutch :
barge, maple, Rhine-barge aak
padre, chaplain aalmoezenier
eel-skin aalsvel
sink aan de grond raken
behind aan het einde
commence, moor, begin aanbinden
building aanbouw
moving aandoenlijk
bring, fetch aandragen
insistence, crush, impulse, urgency, congestion aandrang
instinct, impulse aandrift
insist aandringen
suggest, indicate aanduiden
concerning aangaande
congentital, inbred, inborn, native, congenital aangeboren
matter, affair, business, case, concern aangelegenheid
tipsy, winged, wounded aangeschoten
denounce, suggest, register, convey, indicate aangeven
adjacent, neighbouring aangrenzend
touching aangrijpend
affectionate, cuddlesome, caressing, cuddly aanhalig
pending aanhangig
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
lasting, abiding aanhoudend
complaint, accusation, indictment, charge aanklacht
build, construct, level, aim, install aanleggen
landing-stage, wharf, quay, pier aanlegplaats
inducement, motive aanleiding
adjacent, neighbouring aanliggend
enticing, tempting, attractive, alluring aanlokkelijk
manifacture, making aanmaak
fabricate, do, manufacture, prepare, kindle, light aanmaken
assumingness, arrogance, overbearingness, pretence aanmatiging
planting aanplanting
invoke aanroepen
junction, joining aansluiting
admonish, encourage, instigate, urge, scold aansporen
incitement, exhortation, stimulus aansporing
catching, contagious, infectious aanstekelijk
light, kindle, infect aansteken
appoint aanstellen
attitudinizer, poseur aansteller
appointment aanstelling
finish aantikken
indicative aantonende wijs
see, find, encounter aantreffen
pleasing, attractive aantrekkelijk
beginning, commencement aanvang
commence, begin aanvangen
inclination, temptation, disposal aanvechting
fan, urge, instigate, encourage aanvuren
instigate, encourage, excite, fan, freshen, urge aanwakkeren
indicate, suggest aanwijzen
directions, instruction aanwijzing
asset, accession, gain aanwinst
eminent, sizable, considerably, considerable aanzienlijk
good-natured, affable, pretty, friendly, amusing aardig
entertainment aardigheid
earthing, grounding aarding
grounding, earthing aardleiding
goblin, gnome, brownie, imp aardmannetje
wavering, hesitation aarzeling
Abyssinia, Ethiopia Abessinië
Abyssinian Abessinisch
aborigine aboriginal
absinth, absinthe absint
absinth, absinthe absintlikeur
abstinence, teetotalism abstinentie
think, opine, esteem achten
Indo-China Achter-Indië
behind achteraan
remain achterblijven
backbiting, scandal achterklap
hinterland achterland
overdue, outstanding achterstallig
rump, backside, hind, hindmost achterste
subordinate achterstellen
slighting achterstelling
accession, gain acquest
breath-taking adembenemend
adequate, conforming adequaat
vein aderen
blood-letting, bleeding aderlating
administrator, manager administrateur
administrative administratief
administration, management administratiekantoor
manage, administer administreren
adrenaline adrenaline
addressograph, addressing-machine adresseermachine
repayment, instalment afbetalingstermijn
haggle, bargain afdingen
expedite, settle, finnish, conclude afdoen
drain afdruipen
drainer afdruiprek
print, track, copy, imprint afdruk
wrest, wring, extort afdwingen
affair, case, matter, business affaire
affinity affiniteit
insult, offend affronteren
brimming, replete afgeladen
done, finished, over, ready afgelopen
distracted, absent-minded, abstract, abstracted afgetrokken
done, used, finished, over afgewerkt
awful, horrible, hideous, ghastly, abominable afgrijselijk
finnish, expedite, settle, conclude afhandelen
origin, lineage afkomst
coming afkomstig
indulgence aflaat
induce, extract, gather, infer, deduce, divert afleiden
sloping aflopend
terminate afmaken
abatement, diminution afname
wane, diminish, decline afnemen
wrest, wring, extort afpersen
forbidding, deterrent afschrikwekkend
terminate, obstruct, bar afsluiten
rinse, gargle afspoelen
cede, relinquish, yield afstaan
originate, result, come afstammen
lineage afstamming
infuse, rebate, retreat, subtract aftrekken
eliminate afvoeren
absence, shortage, shortcoming afwezigheid
liquidate, unroll, finnish, expedite, conclude afwikkelen
alternate, alternating, variable afwisselend
divide, isolate, insulate, seclude afzonderen
abet, incite, agitate agiteren
air-conditioning air-conditioning
air-conditioning airco
columbine akelei
ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously aldoor
singly, alone, only, solely alleen
everything allemaal
everything alles
mountaineering alpensport
mountaineering alpinisme
aluminum, aluminium aluminium
Amboina Ambon
Amboinese Ambonees
entertaining, funny, amusing amusant
amusement, fun, entertainment amusement
pineapple, pine-apple ananas
nightmare, incubus angstdroom
instalment, repayment annuïteit
Apennines Apennijnen
Argentinean, Argentine Argentijns
Argentina Argentinië
insidious arglistig
maintain argumenteren
arrogance, presumption, overbearingness arrogantie
pharmaceutical, medicine artsenij
axis, ash, cinder, axle as
aspirin aspirine
Cinderella Assepoester
insurance assurantie
insure assureren
aubergine aubergine
aborigine Australische inboorling
genuine, authentic authentiek
evening avond
vinegar azijn
bathing-suit badpak
Bahrein Bahrein
Bahraini Bahreins
tub, vessel, manger, trough, container, vat, ferry bak
rock, swing balanceren
Balinese Balinees
orchestra, binding, bond, tyre, ribbon, brim band
brutal, unkind, unpleasant, gruff, surly bars
fancy, invent, imagine bedenken
septic, infected bederf veroorzakend
putrefy, spoil, rot, bribe, injure bederven
Bedouin, Beduin Bedoeïen
intentional bedoeld
intend bedoelen
intention, plan, meaning bedoeling
false, contrived, misleading bedrieglijk
vex, chagrin, grieve, afflict bedroeven
check, bridle, restrain bedwingen
over, finished, done beëindigd
terminate beëindigen
inherit beërven
commencement, beginning begin
beginner beginneling
commence, begin beginnen
beginner beginner
principle, element beginsel
inter, bury, entomb begraven
restricted, limited, confined begrensd
limit, abridge, restrict, confine begrenzen
nice, enjoyable, lovely, pleasing, agreeable behaaglijk
get, win, acquire, accomplish, attain, earn, reach behalen
administrator, manager beheerder
include, contain behelzen
administer, manage beheren
proper, fitting, suitable, properly, decently behoorlijk
influence beïnvloeden
acquaintance bekende
protocol, minutes bekeuring
basin, bowl, pelvis bekken
stain bekladden
limit, abridge, restrict, confine beknotten
invent bekokstoven
intrigue bekonkelen
charming, pleasing bekoorlijk
finance bekostigen
interest belang inboezemen
interested belangstellend
interesting belangwekkend
carrying belastend
insult, offend beledigen
bother, obstruct, disturb, hinder, oppose, bar belemmeren
adjoin, abut belenden
hinder, prevent, inhibit beletten
lovable, dainty, pretty beminnelijk
Benedictine Benedictijner monnik
Benin Benin
Beninese Benins
appoint, call benoemen
appointment, nomad benoeming
petrol, gasolene, gasoline benzine
intend beogen
undoubtedly, certainly bepaald
fasten, define, secure bepalen
definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause bepaling
abridge, restrict, limit, confine beperken
confined, limited, restricted beperkt
obliging bereidvaardig
obliging bereidwillig
mountain berg
mountaineering bergbeklimming
inform, communicate, report berichten
Berlin Berlijn
Berliner Berlijner
injure, spoil beschadigen
intoxicated, drunk beschonken
dash-board, wainscot, panel beschot
indictment, accusation, complaint, charge beschuldiging
indecisive besluiteloos
decide, induce, infer besluiten
smear, anoint besmeren
infectious, contagious, catching besmettelijk
infect besmetten
infection besmetting
earmark, destine, ordain bestemmen
fate, destiny bestemming
permanent, constant, abiding, continual, sustained bestendig
continuation bestendiging
guide, administer, direct, govern, manage, steer besturen
reign, control, stage, administration, rule bestuur
administrative bestuurlijk
proper, fitting, becoming, decent, suitable betamelijk
bridle, restrain, check beteugelen
maintain betogen
bridle, restrain, check betomen
fascinate betoveren
delightful, fascinating, enchanting, absorbing betoverend
concerning betreffende
relation, understanding betrekking
trolley, ring beugel
insignificant, trifling beuzelachtig
sagacious, intelligent, understandable bevattelijk
understand, realize, contain, include, realise bevatten
intelligence bevattingsvermogen
injunction bevel
find, ascertain bevinden
amazing, astonishing bevreemdend
inert, motionless bewegingloos
minister bewindsman
admiring bewonderend
inhabitant bewoner
inspire, animate bezielen
inspiring bezielend
sing bezingen
stain bezoedelen
fetch, bring bezorgen
side, incidental bij-
constantly, continuously, continually bij voortduring
gathering, assemblage bijeenkomst
coordinate, co-ordinate bijeenschakelen
bee-keeping bijenteelt
accompanying bijgaand
concubine bijvrouw
exceedingly, extraordinarily, extraordinary, very bijzonder
bikini bikini
binary binair
bind binden
inside, until, within, into, a, per, in binnen
domestic, inner, internal binnenlands
invade binnenrukken
inner, internal, centre, center, interior binnenste
invade binnenvallen
inwards binnenwaarts
binoculars binocle
cinema bioscoop
wind-instrument blaasinstrument
leaf, sheet, magazine, gazette, newspaper, plateau blad
badge, insignia blazoen
injury blessure
abiding, lasting blijvend
tin blikken
tin-opener blikopener
lightning bliksem
blind blind
blindness blindheid
shine blinken
incest bloedschande
Bloemfontein Bloemfontein
extinguish blussen
spool, bobbin, coil bobine
inventory, inheritance boedel
fascinating, absorbing boeiend
printer boekdrukker
book-keeping boekhouden
book-keeping boekhouding
box, boxing boksen
boxing bokssport
globe, ball-bearing, sphere, vault bol
replete, brimming boordevol
Bosnia-Hercegovina Bosnië-Hercegovina
structure, building, culture bouw
bowling bowling
Brabantine Brabants
urgent, pressing brandend
incendiary brandstichtend
restraints breidel
brain brein
wear, carry, fetch, bring brengen
writing-paper briefpapier
Britain Brittannië
incubate, sit broeden
sit, incubate broeden op
sibling, brother broeder
brother, sibling broer
wedding-party, wedding bruiloft
wedding-party, wedding bruiloftsfeest
impertinent, intrepid, bold, audacious, daring brutaal
impertinence brutaliteit
gain, booty, asset, accession buit
obtain, acquire, attain, get buit maken
formidable, extraordinary, exceedingly buitengewoon
inordinate, excessive, excessively, extravagant buitensporig
bulletin bulletin
bureau, writing-desk bureau
Byzantine Byzantijns
Calvin Calvijn
firing-cap, capsule capsule
captain captain
Carthaginian Carthaags
casino casino
guinea-pig cavia
charming charmant
chauvinism chauvinisme
chauvinist chauvinist
China China
Chinese Chinees
roller, cylinder cilinder
cinema cinema
cocaine cocaïne
combination combinatie
combine combineren
infer, induce concluderen
conclusion, inference conclusie
coincide congruent zijn
directions, instruction consigne
continual, constant, permanent, sustained constant
ascertain constateren
structure, building constructie
mainland, continent continent
coordinate, co-ordinate coördineren
Corantin Corantijn
Corinth Corinthe
Corinthian Corinthisch
courgette, zucchini courgette
criminal crimineel
quaint, curious curieus
corridor-train D-trein
instantly, immediately dadelijk
equinox dag- en nachtevening
shingle dakplankje
wane, decline dalen
landing daling
king, queen, dam, dame dam
intestine darm
wainscot, dash-board, panel dashboard
dominate de baas zijn
mine de mijne
initiate de stoot geven tot
invoice, declare declareren
painful deerlijk
define definiëren
definition definitie
definitely, definite, definitive, positively definitief
delicate, refined delicaat
pine, fir den
pine denneboom
disinfect desinfecteren
fix, determine determineren
retain, detain detineren
thoroughgoing diepgaand
veterinarian dierenarts
hide, skin dierevel
dinner diner
matter, object, affair, thing, business, case ding
things, stuff dingen
thingamajig, whatchamacallit dinges
Dinkel Dinkel
discipline discipline
discrimination discriminatie
inconsonant disharmonisch
painting, curtain doek
plan, goal, meaning, intention, purpose doel
light, kindle doen ontbranden
rock, swing doen schommelen
mad, insane, crazy, intoxicated, furious, rabid dol
crazy, insane, mad dolzinnig
dwelling-place, abode domicilie
Dominican Dominicaans
dominion dominion
coffin doodkist
melting dooi
hinder doorkruisen
continuous doorlopend
anoint, smear doorsmeren
cunning, sly, smart doortrapt
container, vessel doos
capsule, firing-cap doosvrucht
extinguish doven
Trinity Drieëenheid
pressing, urgent dringend
drink drinken
drinking-water drinkwater
intoxicated, drunk dronken
drainer druiprek
printer drukker
interpret duiden
diving-bell duikerklok
inch duim als lengtemaat
indistinct, murk, darkness duister
infernal, diabolical, devilish duivels
dizziness, vertigo duizeligheid
dizziness, vertigo duizeling
dizzying duizelingwekkend
opinion dunk
marriage, really, authentic, genuinely, matrimony echt
vinegar edik
abominate, loathe, abhor een afschuw hebben van
intone een lied aanheffen
singly één per keer
urinate een plas doen
interrogate een verhoor afnemen
backbiting, scandal eerroof
honest, worthy, above-board, deserving eerzaam
dining-room eetzaal
leaving-certificate einddiploma
finally, ultimately eindelijk
Eindhoven Eindhoven
restricted, limited, confined eindig
end-of-the-line eindstation
protein eiwit
remove, eliminate elimineren
coincide elkaar dekken
Alsace-Lorraine Elzas-Lotharingen
eminent eminent
touching emotioneel
inert energieloos
inquiry enquête
inoculate enten
vaccine entstof
inheritance erfdeel
inheritance erfenis
inheritance erfstuk
inherit erven
cabinet etagère
Ethiopia, Abyssinia Ethiopië
Abyssinian Ethiopisch
etching ets
container, vessel etui
shortcoming, shortage euvel
eventuality, contingency eventualiteit
contingent, eventual eventueel
examination, investigation, test examen
examine examineren
inordinate, excessively, excessive excessief
excursion, outing excursie
explore, investigate exploreren
extreme, excessive, inordinate extreem
making, manifacture fabricage
making, manifacture fabricatie
invoice factureren
fascinate fascineren
absorbing, fascinating fascinerend
finalize fatsoeneren
fitting, suitable, decent, proper fatsoenlijk
factual, indeed feitelijk
sharp, intensive, lurid, intense, abrasive fel
beautiful, refined, handsome, tasty, subtle, fine fijn
mince, dice, chop fijnhakken
philately, stamp-collecting filatelie
Filipino Filippijn
Philippines Filippijnen
Philippine Filippijns
Filipino Filippino
Philistine Filistijn
Finn Fin
final, decisive, wholly finaal
financial financieel
finance financieren
Finland Finland
Finnish Fins
install fitten
inlet, fjord, loch fjord
phlegm, indifference flegma
lightning flits
holder, vessel, container, socket foedraal
fountain fontein
photoprint fotocopie
photoprint, xerography fotokopie
error, erroneous, incorrect, mistaken, mistake fout
beautiful, handsome, fine fraai
frindge franje
swindle, defraud frauderen
frivolity, silliness frivoliteit
furrow, wrinkle fronsen
willingly gaarne
gaberdine gabardine
aperture, rump, backside, opening gat
contingent, eventual gebeurlijk
fascinated, gripped geboeid
shortcoming, shortage, poverty, vice gebrek
infirm, crippled, disabled gebrekkig
thought, opinion gedachte
during, for, while, whilst gedurende
intrepid, bold, daring, audacious gedurfd
intellect, mind, spirit, phantom, soul, ghost geest
fellow-thinker geestverwant
famine geeuwhonger
gripped, fascinated gefascineerd
strained geforceerd
hammering gehamer
whole, entirety, overall, integer, entire, fully geheel
teetotalism, abstinence geheelonthouding
audience, hearing gehoor
interested geïnteresseerd
insane, lunatic, peculiar, crazy, mad, ridiculous gek
tolling geklep
grating geknars
grating gekras
carrying geladen met
financial geldelijk
coin geldstuk
joint, node geleding
cultured, well-informed, educated, learned geleerd
joint gelid
deem, think, believe, opine geloven
tolling gelui
success, luck, happiness, prosperity geluk
ginger gember
shortage, shortcoming gemis
pharmaceutical, medicine geneesmiddel
inclined genegen
inclined geneigd
incline geneigd zijn
incline geneigd zijn tot
ingenious geniaal
seemly, becoming, appropriate gepast
striking geprononceerd
little, diminutive, small gering
writing geschrift
strained gespannen
constant, sustained, continual, permanent gestaag
tramping gestamp
institute gesticht
rigorous, stringent gestreng
streamlined gestroomlijnd
tramping getrappel
fragrant, aromatic, good-smelling, nutty geurig
sentiment, feeling gevoel
sensitive, impressible, delicate, refined gevoelig
consistency, consequence, train, suite gevolg
conclusion, inference gevolgtrekking
hesitation, wavering geweifel
provincial, regional gewestelijk
cunning, sly, smart gewiekst
willing gewillig
certain, sure gewis
injured gewond
ordinarily, usually gewoonlijk
joint gewricht
homy, intimate gezellig
viewpoint gezichtspunt
inclined gezind
well-being, health gezondheid
miserly, avaricious, stingy gierig
watering-can gieter
icing glacé
shine, glaze glanzen
sloping glooiend
goblin, brownie, gnome gnoom
divine goddelijk
well-being goede gezondheid
cheap, inexpensive goedkoop
good-looking goeduitziend
curtain gordijn
rinse, gargle gorgelen
Gorcum, Gorinchem Gorinchem
Gorcum, Gorinchem Gorkum
province, government gouvernement
rank, degree, heading, grade graad
willingly graag
engraving graveerwerk
engraving gravure
adjoin, abut grenzen aan
influenza, flu griep
inexperienced, green groen
greeting groet
principle grondbeginsel
thoroughgoing, thoroughly, radically, radical grondig
Groningen Groningen
Britain Groot-Brittannië
moraine gruiswal
horror, atrocity, abomination, abhorrence gruwel
atrocity, horror, abomination, abhorrence gruweldaad
Guinea Guinea
guinea-pig Guinees biggetje
hair-splitting haarkloverij
stubborn, obstinate halsstarrig
commerce, trading handel
businessman, merchant handelaar
negotiate, trading handeldrijven
wavering, hesitation hapering
stubborn, obstinate hardnekkig
herring haring
resin hars
spoil, injure havenen
stingy, miserly, avaricious hebzuchtig
integer, completely, entirely, wholly, fully, very heel
saint heilige
distinct, serene, untroubled, pure, acute, clearly helder
cleanliness, purity helderheid
heroine heldin
sloping hellend
infernal hels
Helsinki Helsinki
lightning hemelvuur
line hengelsnoer
hostel, tavern, inn herberg
reprint herdruk
remind herinneren
ruminant herkauwer
origin herkomst
heroin heroïne
ado, din, noise, tumult, riot herrie
brain hersenen
brain hersens
come, originate, result het gevolg zijn van
mine het mijne
relinquish, cede, yield het veld ruimen
Hindu, Hindoo hindoeïstisch
whinny hinniken
hobby, sideline hobby
canine honde-
canine honden-
gruff, surly, rude, unkind, unpleasant, brutal honds
impertinence hondsheid
arch-, main, predominant, principal, chief hoofd-
individual hoofdelijk
ceiling hoogtegrens
captain hopman
intermittent hortend
skin, hide huid
living-room, sitting-room huiskamer
painter huisschilder
cottage, cabin, hut hut
delicate, refined iel
something, anything iets
vain, futile, conceited ijdel
silliness, vanity ijdelheid
abominable, dreadful, alien, terrible, gruesome ijselijk
kingfisher ijsvogel
industry, fervour, fervor, zeal ijver
hardworking, diligent, industrious ijverig
illuminate, enlighten illumineren
misleading illusoir
in-, im-, un-, dis im-
imposing imponerend
into, a, per, inside, within, in in
dis-, un-, in-, im in-
principally, mainly, especially, specially in het bijzonder
finalize in het net schrijven
instead in plaats daarvan
seemingly in schijn
increasingly in toenemende mate
despite, notwithstanding, defiantly in weerwil van
singly in zijn eentje
inhale inademen
inauguration inauguratie
inaugural inaugureel
inaugurate inaugureren
imagination, chimera inbeelding
including, inclusively inbegrepen
bind inbinden
inspire inboezemen
aboriginal inboorling
incarnation incarnatie
incest incest
including, inclusively incluis
inclusively, including, inclusive inclusief
incomplete incompleet
inconsistent inconsequent
nightmare, incubus incubus
indeed, actually, genuinly inderdaad
index indexeren
India India
Indian Indiaas
indicative indicatief
introduce indienen
dyspepsia, indigestion indigestie
Indonesian, Indian Indisch
individual individueel
Indo-China Indo-China
Indo-European Indo-europees
enter, insert indoen
Indo-Germanic Indogermaans
Indonesia Indonesië
Indonesian Indonesisch
Indra Indra
imposing indrukwekkend
Indus Indus
industrial industrie-
industrial, industrialist industrieel
shrink ineenkrimpen
shrink ineenkronkelen
vaccinate, inoculate inenten
infantry infanterie
infect infecteren
infection infectie
inflation inflatie
flu, influenza influenza
information informatie
inquiry-office informatiebureau
report, inform informeren
inborn, native, congenital, inbred, innate ingeboren
engineer ingenieur
accompanying ingesloten
inspiration ingeving
intestines ingewanden
inhabitant ingezetene
Ingush Ingoesj
Ingushia Ingoesjië
intervene ingrijpen
miserly, stingy, avaricious inhalig
contain, include inhouden
initial initiaal
inject injecteren
injection injectie
syringe injectiespuit
income inkomen
ink inkt
ink-well inktkoker
ink-well inktpot
introduction, preface inleiding
inform, report inlichten
sympathetic, charming innemend
sincere, intimate, cordial, hearty innig
equipment, institute, apparatus, device, set inrichting
swap, interchange inruilen
manageable, tractable, accommodating inschikkelijk
inscription inscriptie
insect insekt
insignia, badge insigne
insinuate insinueren
revise, inspect inspecteren
auditor, inspector inspecteur
inspection inspectie
inspect inspectie houden
inspire inspireren
indent inspringen
inject inspuiten
injection inspuiting
install installeren
enter, insert insteken
establishment, institution, adjustment instelling
instinct instinct
institute instituut
instructor instructeur
instruction, directions instructie
instruct instrueren
instrument instrument
panel, dash-board, wainscot instrumentenbord
integral integraal
mind, intellect intellect
intellectual intellectueel
sagacious, intelligent intelligent
intelligence intelligentie
superintendant, steward intendant
intensive, intense intens
intensive, intense intensief
interesting interessant
interest interesseren
interface interface
intermittent intermitterend
inner, internal intern
international internationaal
interpretation interpretatie
interpreter interpreter
interpret interpreteren
interpunction, punctuation interpunctie
interrupt interrumperen
interruption interruptie
interval interval
intervene interveniëren
interview interviewen
intimate intiem
intrigue intrigeren
introduction, preface introductie
invasion inval
invasion invasie
inventory inventaris
invitation invitatie
invite inviteren
influence invloed hebben op
input invoer
interior inwendige
inauguration inwijding
inhabitant inwoner
intone inzetten
specially, mainly, chiefly, especially inzonderheid
insulation, isolation isolatie
insulator isolator
insulate, isolate, seclude isoleren
insulation, isolation isolering
on, against jegens
gin jenever
iodine jodium
dame, queen, king jonkvrouw
striking, correct, precise, true juist
booking-office kaartjesloket
wrapping-paper kaftpapier
Cain Kaïn
dressing-gown kamerjas
margin, edge, lace, shore, brim kant
captain kapitein
capsule, firing-cap kapseltje
characteristic, distinctive karakteristiek
small, little, diminutive karig
chewing-gum kauwgom
pin, cone kegel
flint keisteen
acquaintance, knowledge kennis
chain keten
chain ketting
examination, test, investigation keuring
germinate kiemen
delicate, refined kies
flint kiezel
flint kiezelsteen
binocular, eye, binoculars kijker
chin kin
child, infant kind
quinine kinine
coffin kist
over, ready, finished, distinct, clear, done klaar
complain klagen
gin klare
clothing, clothes kleding
diminutive, little, tiny, small klein
wane, decline kleiner worden
pinch klemmen
clothes, clothing kleren
tinkle, clatter, crackle, click, jingle, rattle kletteren
blush, color, colour, paint kleuren
colour-blind kleurenblind
tinkle, jingle klingelen
clinic kliniek
tolling klokgelui
sphere, globe, ball-bearing kloot
spool, coil, bobbin klos
precize, intelligent, handsome, learned, beautiful knap
grind, creak, gnash, grate knarsen
wring, wrest, extort knevelen
pinch knijpen
blink knipogen
blink knipperen
swindle, botch, defraud knoeien
joint, node knoop
intimate knus
bovine, cow koe
frying-pan koekepan
pet, incubate, coddle, pamper, sit koesteren
globe, bullet, ball-bearing kogel
container, vessel koker
hummingbird kolibrie
pelvis, bowl, basin kom
lineage komaf
Comine Komen
princess koningsdochter
kingdom koninkrijk
intrigue konkelen
businessman, merchant koopman
string, cord, rope koorde
heading, cup, pate kop
stubborn, obstinate koppig
granule, pip, grain korrel
breadwinner kostwinner
stocking kous
window-frame kozijn
mad, crazy, insane krankzinnig
newspaper, gazette, journal, magazine, periodical krant
Kremlin Kremlin
insult, offend krenken
offspring kroost
loin, fork kruis
mint kruizemunt
Tjonger, Kuinder Kuinder
cleanliness, purity kuisheid
dwelling, residence, phase kwartier
attitudinizer, fop, poseur, dandy, dude kwast
injury kwetsuur
dame, queen, king lady
bearing lager
landing landing
pier, landing-stage landingsplaats
scandal, backbiting laster
difficult, inconvenient, troublesome lastig
infuse laten trekken
Latin Latijns
latrine latrine
immaterial, lukewarm, dispassionately, indifferent lauw
din, noise, ado lawaai
supporters, party, following, disciples, adherents leden
grief, disappointment, annoyance leed
emptiness leegheid
emptiness leegte
waistline, waist leest
leading leidend
alluring, enticing, tasty, tempting lekker
loin lende
springtime lente
instructor leraar
amusing, entertaining, funny leuk
Louvain Leuven
Levantine Levantijns
noise, din, ado, life leven
lightly, facile, clear, weak, easy, insubstantial licht
member, limb, joint lid
accede, join lid worden
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
kindness liefheid
darling, sweetheart liefje
groin lies
sweetheart, darling lieveling
darling lieverd
lie, recline liggen
lineseed-oil lijnolie
airline-pilot lijnpiloot
lime-tree, linden-tree linde
linden-tree, lime-tree lindeboom
linguist linguïst
linker linker
linen linnen
linoleum linoleum
cunning, smart, sly listig
engine locomotief
squint loensen
inn, hostel logement
dwelling, residence logies
ticket-window loket
fortune, fate, destiny lot
Lorraine, Lothringen Lotharingen
destiny, fate lotsbestemming
refine, cleanse, purge louteren
windpipe, tube luchtpijp
laziness luiheid
insignificant, trifling luizig
inclination, disposal, lust, want lust
little, diminutive, small luttel
virginal, virgin maagdelijk
dunning-letter maanbrief
machine machine
machinery machinerieën
slender, skimpy, skinny, meager, thin mager
tangerine mandarijn (vrucht)
male, masculine mannelijk
haggle, bargain marchanderen
margarine margarine
margin marge
vein marmeren
Marowine Marowijne
Malines, Mechlin Mechelen
fellow-thinker medestander
medicine, pharmaceutical medicijn
Medina Medina
accommodating meegaand
increasingly meer en meer
dominate meester zijn
gathering, assemblage meeting
steward, superintendant meier
mix, blend, mingle, shuffle mengen
opinion, supposition mening
mankind mensdom
mankind mensheid
on, through, against, with met
inquisitively met nieuwsgierigheid
indeed, actually metterdaad
dinner middageten
dinner middagmaal
resources, tool, waist, waistline, means middel
mining mijnbouw
minelayer mijnenlegger
minefield mijnenveld
mining-engineer mijningenieur
miner mijnwerker
intend mikken
intend mikken op
mildness, gentleness, balminess, meekness mildheid
little, small, less, diminutive, minus min
side, incidental minder belangrijk
minority minderheids-
inferior minderwaardig
mineral mineraal
Minerva Minerva
minimum miniem
minimum minimaal
minister minister
ministry ministerie
ministerial ministerieel
minus minus
tiny, midget, dwarf minuscuul
tiny minuskuul
minute minuut
incorrect mis
criminal misdadig
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting misselijk
misunderstanding misverstand
mingle, shuffle, mix, blend mixen
milliner modemaakster
milliner modiste
muezzin moëddzin
deliberately, intentional moedwillig
difficult, inconvenient moeilijk
moment, instant moment
aperture, opening mond
composing, mounting, erecting montage
Montenegrin Montenegrijns
link, mount monteren
setting montuur
beautifully, beautiful, handsome, fine mooi
bloodthirstiness moordlust
moraine morene
morphia, morphine morfine
morphinomaniac morfinist
tomorrow, morning morgen
dirtiness, untidiness morsigheid
muslin mousseline
effervescent, sparkling mousserend
replete, brimming mudvol
muezzin mueddzin
muezzin muezzin
hair-splitting muggezifterij
hinny muilezel
rebel, mutineer muiter
rebellion, mutiny muiterij
multinational multinationaal
multitasking multitasking
mint, coin munt
mint-master, cashier muntmeester
mosquito-net, mosquito-netting muskietengaas
mosquito-netting, mosquito-net muskietennet
wall-painting muurschildering
sewing-class naaicursus
sewing-box naaidoos
sewing-thread naaigaren
sewing-things naaigerei
sewing-machine naaimachine
sewing-basket, work-basket naaimandje
inwards naar binnen
seemingly naar het schijnt
genuinly naar waarheid
industrious, hardworking, diligent naarstig
industry naarstigheid
vicinity, proximity, neighbourhood nabijheid
remain nablijven
neighbouring naburig
night-blind nachtblind
nyctalopia, night-blindness nachtblindheid
incubus, nightmare nachtduivel
nightingale nachtegaal
equinox nachtevening
night-train nachttrein
meditative, thoughtful, pensive, thinking nadenkend
reprint, emphasis nadruk
naphthaline, naphthalene naftaleen
explore, consider, investigate nagaan
revise, examine nakijken
offspring nakomelingschap
determine, fix nauwkeurig bepalen
Nether-Rhine Nederrijn
drain neerdruipen
nine negen
ninth negende
nineteen negentien
ninety negentig
tilt, incline neigen
inclination, disposal neiging
procrastination neiging tot uitstellen
network, elegant, net, fine, beautifully, handsome net
muslin neteldoek
nose, point, summit, peak neus
rhino, rhinoceros neushoorn
niece, cousin nicht
nothing, none niemendal
nothing, none niets
defiantly, notwithstanding, despite niettegenstaande
inquisitive, inquisitively nieuwsgierig
zilch, naught, null, nothing nihil
pinch nijpen
pincers nijptang
hardworking, industrious, diligent nijver
nothing, none niks
invite noden
anew, again nogmaals
coping nok
unkind, surly, gruff, brutal, unpleasant nors
protocol, minutes notulen
nuance, shade, tint nuance
nuance, tint, shade nuancering
brutal, gruff, unpleasant, surly, unkind nurks
futile, good-for-nothing, useless, vain nutteloos
morning ochtend
inoculate oculeren
Odin Odin
Ukrainian Oekraïens
Ukraine Oekraïne
moment, instant ogenblik
oil, petroleum, paraffin-oil olie
relation, understanding, procession omgang
environment, environs, surroundings, sphere omgeving
contour, outline omlijning
define omschrijven
definition omschrijving
surroundings, environs omstreken
environs, outskirts, contour, perimeter, outline omtrek
around, concerning omtrent
in-, dis-, un-, im on-
integral onaangetast
incredible onaannemelijk
unpleasant, unkind, gruff, surly, brutal onaardig
continuous onafgebroken
independant, autonomous onafhankelijk
guiltless, innocent, recent, fresh onbedorven
innocence onbedorvenheid
insignificant, meaningless, trifling onbeduidend
invincible onbedwingbaar
inconceivable, unintelligible onbegrijpelijk
impertinent onbeschaamd
indescribably onbeschrijflijk
outstanding, overdue onbetaald
meaningless onbetekenend
good-for-nothing, useless onbruikbaar
interrupt onderbreken
interruption onderbreking
abdominal onderbuik-
undermine, subvert ondergraven
distinguish, recognise onderkennen
dwelling, residence onderkomen
subvert, undermine ondermijnen
enterprising ondernemend
distinguish onderscheiden
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
heading onderschrift
underline onderstrepen
interrogate ondervragen
instructor onderwijzer
investigation, test, examination onderzoek
investigate, explore, examine onderzoeken
abysmal, inconceivable, unintelligible ondoorgrondelijk
cloudy, indistinct onduidelijk
inexperienced onervaren
vermin ongedierte
single, unmarried ongehuwd
incredible ongelofelijk
virgin, virginal ongerept
integral ongeschonden
unmarried, single ongetrouwd
sincere ongeveinsd
unintentional ongewild
unordinary, unusual ongewoon
definitive, definite onherroepelijk
erroneous, incorrect, wrong, mistaken onjuist
insatiable onlesbaar
mutiny, rebellion onlusten
barbaric, inhuman onmenselijk
immediately, instantly onmiddellijk
indispensable onmisbaar
stupid, innocent, naif, guiltless, naïve, dull onnozel
indispensable onontbeerlijk
unintentional onopzettelijk
invincible onoverwinnelijk
untidiness, dirtiness onreinheid
innocence onschuld
guiltless, benign, innocent onschuldig
disgusting, abhorrant, nauseous onsmakelijk
disappoint ontgoochelen
germinate ontkiemen
moving ontroerend
disinfect ontsmetten
spring ontspringen
commencement, arise, beginning ontstaan
inflammation, ignition ontsteking
startling ontstellend
income ontvangst
cultured, educated, well-informed, learned ontwikkeld
spare, indulge ontzien
inexpressibly onuitsprekelijk
infest onveilig maken
immaterial, indifferent onverschillig
genuine, authentic onvervalst
incomplete onvolledig
indecisive onzeker
instant, moment oogwenk
earring oorring
origin oorsprong
original, originally oorspronkelijk
East-Indian Oostindisch
wind op een klos winden
inflate opblazen
spring opborrelen
income, product opbrengst
increase opdrijven
tin-opener opener
sincerity openhartigheid
maw, opening, aperture, gap opening
inflated opgeschroefd
inhale, lever ophalen
noise, din, ado ophef
provoke, agitate, stimulate, abet, incite, rouse ophitsen
increase ophogen
retain, expire, cease, detain ophouden
opinion opinie
rising opklimmend
again, anew opnieuw
sincere oprecht
sincerity oprechtheid
insubordinate, rebellious oproerig
rebel, mutineer oproerling
agitate, incite, abet opruien
inflammatory opruiend
mutiny, rebellion opstand
insubordinate, rebellious opstandig
abet, incite, agitate opstoken
stuffing opvulsel
spring opwellen
exciting opwindend
intentional opzettelijk
steward, superintendant, checker, controller opzichter
organ-grinder orgeldraaier
original origineel
superfluous, overflowing overbodig
conforming overeenstemmend
curtain overgordijn
remaining, additional overig
remainder overige
overflowing, superfluous overtollig
convince, persuade overtuigen
level-crossing overweg
Palestinian Palestijns
Palestine Palestina
casserole, saucepan, frying-pan pan
paraffin paraffine
conforming, appropriate, seemly, becoming passend
frying-pan pat
recess, intermission pauze
Peiping, Peking Peking
skin, hide pels
penicillin penicilline
medal, coin penning
paintbrush penseel
mint pepermunt
pepsin pepsine
a, in, into, inside, within, through, per per
ultimately, finally per saldo
continuously, continually, constantly permanent
paraffin-oil, petroleum petroleum
summit, peak, point piek
creak, grind, chirp, grate, peep, twitter, gnash piepen
urine pies
urinate piesen
pain pijn
pine pijnboom
troublesome, painful pijnlijk
stab, sting pikken
drink pimpelen
haggle, bargain pingelen
blink pinken
avaricious, miserly, stingy pinnig
urine pis
urinate pissen
kernel, nucleus, wick, core, granule, grain, pip pit
scourge, calamity, infestation plaag
ceiling plafon
ceiling plafond
intention, meaning, plan, scheme plan
swelling, puff poef
swelling, puff pof
pumpkin, squash pompoen
Poppingawier, Poppenwier Poppingawier
writing-paper postpapier
vase, container, vessel pot
preparatory, preliminary preliminair
picture, engraving, image prent
introduce presenteren
entertainment pretje
sting, stab priemen
stab, sting prikken
principle principe
prince prins
principality prinsdom
princess prinses
minutes, protocol proces-verbaal
asset, gain, accession prooi
tiny propperig
protein proteïne
provincial provinciaal
pudding pudding
interpunction, punctuation punctuatie
dot, peak, point, summit punt
pointed, spiked puntig
striking raak
framework, window, cadre raam
window-frame raamkozijn
refinery raffinaderij
refine raffineren
rand, border, margin, brim rand
mutineer, rebel rebel
entertain recipiëren
binding, strip reep
rainbow regenboog
rain regenen
raincoat regenmantel
workbench, cabinet, easel, tressle rek
acquaintance relatie
retain, detain, reserve reserveren
rest, remainder rest
driving-licence rijbewijs
Rhine Rijn
Rhineland Rijnland
hock, Rhine-wine Rijnwijn
furrow, wrinkle rimpelen
ring ring
jingle, tinkle rinkelen
rhino, rhinoceros rinoceros
row-boat, rowing-boat roeiboot
touching, mobile, moving roerend
stingray rog
roller, drum, rôle, cylinder, role rol
roller-blind rolgordijn
robin roodborstje
pink rooskleurig
rose, pink rose
routine routine
mourning rouw
pink, rose roze
pink rozig
spine ruggegraat
swap, interchange ruilen
ruin ruïneren
rhombus, window-glass ruit
noise, ado, din rumoer
bovine rund
recess, intermission, silence rust
resting-place rusthuis
resting-place rustoord
resting-place rustplaats
greeting saluut
assemblage, gathering samenkomst
combine samenvoegen
sardine sardine
Sardina, Sardinia Sardinië
Sardinian Sardisch
sauce, ointment, gravy saus
anoint, pour, smear sauzen
Scandinavia Scandinavië
Scandinavian Scandinavisch
shade, nuance, tint schakering
hinge scharnier
treasure, sweetheart, darling schat
vagina, holder, socket, scabbard schede
slanting, oblique scheef
squint scheelkijken
squint scheelzien
shaving-brush scheerkwast
divide, disintegrate scheiden
curtain, screen scherm
design, drawing schets
lightning schicht
peninsula schiereiland
seem, shine schijnen
painter schilder
paint schilderen
painting schilderij
painting, description schildering
flare, shine schitteren
beautiful, handsome, pure, fine, clean schoon
interrupt schorsen
interruption schorsing
inspection, fireplace schouw
inspection schouwing
skinny, slender, meager, skimpy, thin schraal
lean, support, sustain schragen
writing schriftuur
writing-desk schrijfbureau
writing-paper schrijfpapier
writing-desk schrijftafel
effervescent, sparkling schuimachtig
sparkling, effervescent schuimend
slanting, obscene, oblique, sloping schuin
from, since sedert
infected, septic septisch
napkin servet
shilling shilling
Shintoism shintoïsme
line sim
since sinds
Singapore Singapore
Singaporean Singaporees
Sinhalese, Singhalese Sinhalees
bedroom, sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapkamer
sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapplaats
sleeping-car slaaprijtuig
sleeping-car slaapwagen
indigestion, dyspepsia slechte spijsvertering
towing-line sleepkabel
towing-line sleeptouw
towing-line sleeptros
Schleswig-Holstein Sleeswijk-Holstein
routine sleur
difficult, sly, smart, cunning, inconvenient slim
meander, brandish, oscillate, sway, fling slingeren
longing smachtend
disappointment, annoyance, sorrow, grief smart
painful smartelijk
ointment smeersel
smear, anoint smeren
stain smetten
cord, string snaar
striking, witty, lively snedig
rope, necklace, line snoer
criminal snood
Spain Spanje
spare, indulge sparen
spider, spine spin
spinach spinazie
spin spinnen
spinning-wheel spinnewiel
summit, peak, spiked, pointed, point spits
splinter splinter
urgent, pressing spoedeisend
bobbin, spool, coil, spindle spoel
rinse, gargle, wind spoelen
level-crossing spoorwegovergang
starling spreeuw
skimpy, thin, meager, skinny, slender sprietig
injection spuitje
stuff, things spullen
while, for, whilst, during staande
viewpoint standpunt
chippings, road-metal, stone-chippings steenslag
pier, landing-stage steiger
sting, stab, insert, enter steken
certain, sure stellig
string, cord stemband
intense, strong, intensive sterk
support, groan, lean, sustain steunen
reek, smell, stink stinken
bad-smelling, stinking, odorous, fumy stinkend
adstringent, stopper stopmiddel
unrest, interference, disturbance storing
fearless, daring, intrepid, bold, audacious stout
audacious, intrepid, daring, bold stoutmoedig
tightly, strained strak
plan, intention, meaning strekking
stringent, strict, severe, tight, rigorous streng
stringent, rigorous strikt
binding, strip strip
strip, binding strook
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting stuitend
hut, cabin stulp
support, lean, sustain stutten
joystick, helm, steering-wheel, rudder, handlebars stuur
steering-wheel, joystick stuurtoestel
Surinamese Surinaams
Surinam Suriname
Surinamer Surinamer
brandish, fling swingen
linguistic taal-
linguist taalgeleerde
linguistic taalkundig
linguist taalkundige
waist, waistline taille
ruin te gronde richten
toward, towards, to, against tegen
against tegenaan
disappoint tegenvallen
presage, sign, omen, token, symptom, indication teken
design, drawing tekening
drawing-paper tekenpapier
moment, instant, regard, pulse tel
temper, blend, mingle, shuffle, harden, mix temperen
ultimately, finally ten slotte
inter, entomb ter aarde bestellen
terminal terminal
terminology terminologie
terrain, grounds terrein
while, during, for, whilst terwijl
restraints teugel
point, peak, summit, warning tip
heading titel
Kuinder, Tjonger Tjonger
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage tocht
cede, confess, concede, admit, consent, relinquish toegeven
accommodating toegevend
explain toelichten
voyage, outing, trip, journey, excursion toer
join toetreden
pinch tokkelen
tinder, punk tondel
tinder, punk tonder
punk, tinder tonderzwam
binoculars toneelkijker
restraints toom
leading toonaangevend
leading toongevend
summit, point, peak top
inert traag
battle, scuffle, find treffen
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing trip
indistinct, muddy troebel
czarina tsarina
discipline tucht
gardening tuinieren
Turin Turijn
interval tussenruimte
interjection tussenwerpsel
twins tweeling
twin tweeling-
curious, quaint, typical typisch
extinguish uitblussen
invent uitdenken
extinguish uitdoen
explain uiteenzetten
end, ending uiteinde
final uiteindelijk
ending, exit uitgang
distinct uitgesproken
clarify, lengthen, interpret uitleggen
interpretation uitlegging
invite uitnodigen
invitation uitnodiging
exterminate uitroeien
despairingly uitroepen
eliminate uitschakelen
excursion, outing uitstapje
eminent uitstekend
postpone, procrastinate uitstellen
disseminate uitstrooien
emigrate, earmark, ordain, destine uittrekken
inventor uitvinder
invention uitvinding
introduce, equip, export, play uitvoeren
sow, disseminate uitzaaien
urine urine
indistinct vaag
vaccine vaccin
vaccine vaccine
vaccinate vaccineren
hide, skin vacht
vagina vagina
terminology vakwoordenboek
roller-blind valgordijn
opine, think van mening zijn
originally van oorsprong
anew, again van voren af aan
from, since vanaf
vaseline vaseline
fixed, certain, firm, sure, certainly, stable vast
mainland, continent vasteland
ascertain vaststellen
setting vatting
insure veilig stellen
safety-pin veiligheidsspeld
skin, leaf, hide, sheet vel
padre, chaplain veldprediker
window venster
window-frame vensterkozijn
incidental, remote, side, distant, far, remotely ver
loathe, abominate, abhor verafschuwen
incinerate, cremate verassen
bandage, understanding, relation verband
amazing, astonishing verbazingwekkend
presumption, fiction, imagination, assumingness verbeelding
combine, connect verbinden
combination, connection verbinding
incinerate verbranden
postpone, procrastinate verdagen
exterminate verdelgen
additional, furthermore, moreover, remaining verder
win, deserve, merit, earn verdienen
chagrin, disappointment, annoyance, grief verdriet
bulletin verenigingsorgaan
refine verfijnen
refreshing verfrissend
meeting vergadering
vain, futile vergeefs
colander, strainer vergiet
increase verheffen
prevent, inhibit verhinderen
inhibit, prevent verhoeden
mistaken, wrong, erroneous, incorrect verkeerd
obtainable verkrijgbaar
acquire, attain, get, obtain verkrijgen
longing verlangend
illuminate, facilitate, enlighten verlichten
funny, amusing, entertaining vermakelijk
blend, mix, mingle, shuffle vermengen
diminish, lessen verminderen
crippled, infirm verminkt
indignant verontwaardigd
catching, contagious, infectious verpestend
surprising verrassend
telescope, binocular verrekijker
abomination, abhorrence, horror, atrocity verschrikking
mind, intellect verstand
intellectual verstandelijk
distracted, absent, absent-minded, abstracted verstrooid
maintain vertogen
interpretation vertolking
boring, weary vervelend
colour, paint, color verven
painter verver
continuation vervolg
slighting verwaarlozing
affinity, relationship verwantschap
heating, heater verwarming
confusing verwarrend
injury verwonding
certify, assert, assure, state, insure verzekeren
insurance verzekering
reek, smell, stink vies ruiken
untidiness, dirtiness viesheid
Viking viking
fin vin
find vinden
finger vinger
violin viool
opinion visie
line vislijn
vitamin vitamine
plain vlakte
Flemming Vlaming
braid, plait, wreathe, twine vlechten
incarnation vleeswording
coaxingly vleiend
wing vlerk
pianoforte, wing vleugel
industry vlijt
diligent, hardworking, industrious vlijtig
Flushing Vlissingen
blotter, blotting-paper vloeipapier
linoleum vloerzeil
lining voering
infantry voetvolk
basin, pelvis, bowl vont
last, preliminary, prior, preparatory, former voorafgaand
indication, portent, presage, sign, omen voorbode
positively, definitely voorgoed
springtime voorjaar
friendly, affable, good-natured, kind voorkomend
kindness voorkomendheid
initial voorletter
main, principal, predominant voornaamste
intercede voorspreken
sign, presage, indication, omen, portent voorteken
continuation voortzetting
thing voorwerp
monarch, prince, frost, coping vorst
principality vorstendom
invite, request, ask vragen
peaceloving vredelievend
peaceful, peaceloving vreedzaam
strange, curious, peculiar, quaint vreemd
friendly, good-natured, pretty, kind, affable vriendelijk
impertinent vrijpostig
impertinence vrijpostigheid
willing, voluntary, voluntarily vrijwillig
woman, wife, queen, dame, king vrouw
feminine vrouwelijk
stuffing vulling
fountain-pen vulpen
stuffing vulsel
deserving, merchandise, authentic, where, worthy waar
dignified, worthy, deserving waardig
warning waarschuwing
waiting-room wachtkamer
quay, rampart, shore, ring, edge, wharf wal
wall-painting wandschildering
indecisive wankel
badge, weapon, insignia wapen
cotton-wool, wadding watten
pain, woe wee
inquisitive weetgierig
well-being, though, surely, now, although, source wel
certainly wel degelijk
good-smelling welriekend
continent, mainland werelddeel
real, actual, genuinely, truly, really, factual werkelijk
drawing, design werkje
tool, instrument, means werktuig
spine wervelkolom
rigorous, stringent wettisch
truly, genuinely, really wezenlijk
incense wierook
wine wijn
vine wijnberg
vineyard, vine wijngaard
grapevine wijnstok
willingness wil
wind winden
binding, strip windsel
windlessness windstilte
grapevine wingerd
win, earn winnen
winter winter
interchange, swap wisselen
incandescent witgloeiend
injury wond
dwelling, residence woning
living-room, sitting-room woonkamer
abode, dwelling-place woonplaats
offspring, seed, sperm zaad
grain, granule, pip zaadkorrel
boutique, business, affair, shop, case, matter zaak
meekness, leniency, balminess, mildness zachtaardigheid
mildness, softness, mellowness, balminess zachtheid
businessman, merchant zakenman
singer zangeres
singing-bird, song-bird zangvogel
drunk, intoxicated zat
herring zeebanket
shaving-brush zeepkwast
pain, painful zeer
boon, blessing zegen
blessing, boon zegening
certainly, certain, surely, undoubtedly, sure zeker
independant zelfstandig
mount, infuse, link, typeset zetten
erecting, mounting, composing zetting
join zich aansluiten
attitudinize, pose zich aanstellen
abstain zich abstineren
intrude zich indringen
distinctive zich onderscheidend
abstain zich onthouden
intrude zich opdringen
imagine, fancy zich verbeelden
pose, attitudinize zich voordoen
incidental, side zij-
complain zijn beklag doen
disposal, sentence, want, sense, inclination zin
purity, cleanliness zindelijkheid
sing zingen
zinc zink
sink zinken
hint, allude zinspelen
sitting-room, living-room zitkamer
meeting, session zitting
sweet-smelling zoetgeurend
unordinary zonderling
sin, transgress zondigen
sunshine, sun zonneschijn
drink zuipen
sister, sibling zus
sibling, sister zuster
brandish, fling, wave, sway zwaaien
weak, lightly, weakly, faint zwak
tinder, punk, fungus zwam
swimming-pool, swimming-bath zwembad
swimming-bath zweminrichting
defraud, swindle zwendelen
other english words that include "per" : dutch :
adorer, worshipper aanbidster
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
recuperate, convalesce aansterken
nature, character, sort, personality aard
supersign accent
supersign accentteken
persecute achtervolgen
pursuit, persecution achtervolging
viper adder
verify, audit, supervise aflezen
document, certificate, diploma, paper akte
ampere, ampère ampère
workman, laborer, operative, labourer arbeider
assistent, assistant, helper, aid assistent
supper avondeten
supper avondmaal
flapper bakvis
wrapper banderol
upset, perplexed, dazed bedremmeld
perplexed, upset, dazed beduusd
tapestry, wallpaper behang
proper, fitting, suitable, properly, decently behoorlijk
experience belevenis
perplexity, embarrassment, abashment benardheid
paper bescheid
permanent, constant, abiding, continual, sustained bestendig
proper, fitting, becoming, decent, suitable betamelijk
dazed, perplexed, upset beteuterd
process, operation, adaptation bewerking
temperate, abstemious bezadigd
ranch, estate, property, possession bezitting
bee-keeper bijenhouder
superstition bijgeloof
superstitious bijgelovig
inside, until, within, into, a, per, in binnen
leaf, sheet, magazine, gazette, newspaper, plateau blad
persevere, persist blijven aandringen
prosperity, success bloei
prosper bloeien
estate, ranch, property boerderij
caper bokkesprongen maken
upper bovenste
writing-paper briefpapier
pamphlet, paperback, leaflet brochure
impertinent, intrepid, bold, audacious, daring brutaal
impertinence brutaliteit
bumper, buffer buffer
outer, peripheral, external buiten-
outskirts, periphery, exterior buitenkant
bumper, buffer bumper
carbon-paper carbonpapier
chaperon, duenna chaperonne
supervise, verify, audit checken
outskirts, periphery cirkelomtrek
toilet-paper closetpapier
continual, constant, permanent, sustained constant
supervise, verify, audit controleren
perish creperen
competent, experienced, expert deskundig
paper document
perspective doorkijk
experimental empirisch
experienced ervaren
experience ervaring
Esperantist Esperantist
Esperanto Esperanto
experimental experimenteel
experiment experimenteren
aid, helper famulus
fitting, suitable, decent, proper fatsoenlijk
permission fiat
prosper floreren
whisper fluistering
work, operate, function functioneren
aperture, rump, backside, opening gat
character, nature, personality geaardheid
prosper gedijen
permit gedogen
whisper gefluister
success, luck, happiness, prosperity geluk
experienced geoefend
constant, sustained, continual, permanent gestaag
peril, danger gevaar
slippery glad
slippery glibberig
consent, permission goedvinden
magnificent, grand, superb, grandiose grandioos
inexperienced, green groen
grandiose, magnificent, superb, grand groots
harden, temper harden
assistent, helper, assistant, aid helper
Hesperus Hesperus
work, function, operate het doen
embarrassment, abashment, perplexity hinder
impertinence hondsheid
header, pate, superscription hoofd
housekeeper huishoudster
helper, aid, assistent hulp
bee-keeper iemker
bee-keeper imker
imperialism imperialisme
imperialist imperialist
into, a, per, inside, within, in in
perfect in optima forma
paperbacked ingenaaid
pamphlet, paperback, leaflet ingenaaid boek
operation ingreep
superintendant, steward intendant
wrapping-paper kaftpapier
supersign kapje
personality, character, nature karakter
emperor keizer
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity knelpunt
pet, incubate, coddle, pamper, sit koesteren
copper koperen
newspaper, gazette, journal, magazine, periodical krant
wrapper kruisband
ranch, property, estate landgoed
leper lepralijder
leper leproos
people, persons lieden
abstemious, reasonable, moderate, temperate matig
cooperate, co-operate meewerken
steward, superintendant meier
leper melaatse
persons, people mensen
perhaps, maybe, possibly misschien
possible, perhaps, possibly, maybe mogelijk
possibly, perhaps, maybe mogelijkerwijs
aperture, opening mond
decently, properly naar behoren
persecute, pursue, chase, aspire najagen
shopkeeper neringdoende
decently, properly netjes
peril nood
temperate, sober, abstemious nuchter
perish omkomen
environs, outskirts, contour, perimeter, outline omtrek
impertinent onbeschaamd
perish ondergaan
experience ondervinding
superficial, shallow ondiep
inexperienced onervaren
slippery ongrijpbaar
peril onraad
convalesce, recuperate op verhaal komen
emerge, appear, perform opdagen
appear, emerge, perform opdraven
maw, opening, aperture, gap opening
opera opera
operation operatie
superior opperste
superficial, shallow, shallowly oppervlakkig
superscription opschrift
steward, superintendant, checker, controller opzichter
superfluous, overflowing overbodig
persuasion overreding
overflowing, superfluous overtollig
convince, persuade overtuigen
superb, grand, grandiose, magnificent overweldigend
slipper pantoffel
leaflet, paperback, pamphlet paperback
paper papier
paper-basket papiermand
perfume parfumeren
abashment, perplexity, embarrassment penarie
pepper peperen
a, in, into, inside, within, through, per per
percent, percentage percent
perfect perfect
perfection perfectie
peril, adventure perikel
period periode
periscope periscoop
Perm Perm
Persephone Persephone
Perseus Perseus
person personage
personnel personeel
persons personen
chap, person, guy persoon
personal persoonlijk
perspective perspectief
Peru Peru
Peruvian Peruaans
Peruvian Peruviaans
perverse pervers
Persia, Iran Perzië
Persian Perzisch
superimpose plaatsen bovenop
stopper plug
pluperfect plusquamperfectum
writing-paper postpapier
superior prevalent
percent, percentage procent
stopper, clod, lump, chunk prop
perspective prospect
paper-basket prullenmand
desperate radeloos
peripheral rand-
percentage, percent rente
repertoire repertoire
zipper rits
zipper ritssluiting
copper roodkoperen
co-operate, cooperate samenwerken
writing-paper schrijfpapier
paper-basket snippermand
temperate, abstemious sober
sperm sperma
locust, grasshopper sprinkhaan
temper, harden stalen
stopper stekker
buffer, bumper stootkussen
stopper stop
adstringent, stopper stopmiddel
perturb, disquiet storing veroorzaken
superior superieur
supermarket supermarkt
drawing-paper tekenpapier
temperament temperament
temperature temperatuur
temper, blend, mingle, shuffle, harden, mix temperen
prosper tieren
period tijdvak
permit, tolerate toelaten
permit toestaan
permission toestemming
toilet-paper toiletpapier
zipper treksluiting
pamper, pet, coddle troetelen
superman übermensch
disperse uiteendrijven
disperse uiteenjagen
perseverance vasthoudendheid
perverse verdorven
admirer, adorer, worshipper vereerster
pamper, pet, coddle vertroetelen
persecute vervolgen
pursuit, persecution vervolging
blotter, blotting-paper vloeipapier
persistent volhardend
full, entirely, completely, fully, perfect volkomen
perfection volkomenheid
perfection volmaaktheid
prosperity, success voorspoed
impertinent vrijpostig
impertinence vrijpostigheid
desperate wanhopig
toilet-paper WC-papier
success, prosperity welstand
operative, laborer, labourer, workman, worker werker
workman, laborer, operative, labourer werkkracht
labourer, workman, operative, laborer werkman
wrapper wikkel
shopkeeper winkelier
offspring, seed, sperm zaad
perspiration zweet
other english words that include "on" : dutch :
stroke, fondle, caress, chuck aaien
to, upon, towards, toward, beside, by, at aan
connect aan elkaar vastmaken
recommendation aanbeveling
adoration, worship aanbidding
presentation, suggestion aanbieding
suggestion aanbod
attention aandacht
emotion, disease, illness, affection aandoening
insistence, crush, impulse, urgency, congestion aandrang
concerning aangaande
congentital, inbred, inborn, native, congenital aangeboren
matter, affair, business, case, concern aangelegenheid
denounce, suggest, register, convey, indicate aangeven
chuck, caress, fondle, quote, cite, stroke aanhalen
affectionate, cuddlesome, caressing, cuddly aanhalig
quotation aanhaling
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
apprehension, detention, arrest aanhouding
complaint, accusation, indictment, charge aanklacht
notification, advertisement, announcement, ad aankondiging
aptitude, predisposition, tendency, talent aanleg
build, construct, level, aim, install aanleggen
dun, scold, admonish aanmanen
exhortation aanmaning
considerable, sizable aanmerkelijk
observation, criticism, remark aanmerking
employ, take, affiliate, confirm, receive, hire aannemen
builder, contractor aannemer
confirmation, acceptance, adoption aanneming
accommodation, adaptation aanpassing
convey, hand aanreiken
collision aanrijding
summon aanschrijven
junction, joining aansluiting
admonish, encourage, instigate, urge, scold aansporen
incitement, exhortation, stimulus aansporing
responsible aansprakelijk
catching, contagious, infectious aanstekelijk
affectation aanstellerij
recuperate, convalesce aansterken
annotation aantekening
imputation aantijging
attractiveness, charm, attraction aantrekkelijkheid
collision aanvaring
debatable, questionable aanvechtbaar
inclination, temptation, disposal aanvechting
employment, application, use aanwending
demonstrative aanwijzend voornaamwoord
directions, instruction aanwijzing
asset, accession, gain aanwinst
eminent, sizable, considerably, considerable aanzienlijk
ape, monkey aap
apish, ape-like, monkey-like aapachtig
nature, character, sort, personality aard
earthly, stone, clay, earthen aarden
zone aardgordel
Aaron Aäron
wavering, hesitation aarzeling
bait, carrion, ace aas
aberration aberratie
abnegation abnegatie
subscription abonnement
abortionist aborteur
abortion abortus
abortion abortus provocatus
absolution absolutie
absorption absorptie
abstraction abstract begrip
abstraction abstractie
corner, monopolize accapareren
acceleration acceleratie
acclamation, approval acclamatie
acclimatization acclimatisering
accordion, harmonica accordeon
accordionist accordeonist
accuracy, exactitude, precision accuratesse
acetone aceton
Acheron Acheron
eight, attention acht
suspicion achterdocht
consecutively, ceaselessly achtereen
consecutively achtereenvolgens
greatgrandson achterkleinkind
greatgrandson achterkleinzoon
extension, suffix achtervoegsel
pursuit, persecution achtervolging
octagon achthoek
octagonal achthoekig
accession, gain acquest
asset, acquisition acquisitie
acronym acroniem
document, certificate, testimony acte
activity, share, action actie
respiration ademhaling
adequate, conforming adequaat
adhesion adhesie
administration, management administratiekantoor
Adonis Adonis
adoption adoptie
adoration, worship adoratie
petitioner adressant
diagram, image, representation, picture afbeelding
demolition afbraak
speciality, pigeonhole, detachment, compartment afdeling
expedite, settle, finnish, conclude afdoen
effective, conclusive, effectual, efficacious afdoend
convey afdragen
affection affect
derivation afgeleid woord
done, finished, over, ready afgelopen
done, used, finished, over afgewerkt
hard-worked, hackneyed, commonplace, trite afgezaagd
finnish, expedite, settle, conclude afhandelen
elision afkapping
dislike, aversion, disgust, nausea afkeer
refuse, reprove, reproach, scrap, condemn, rebuke afkeuren
objectionable, blameworthy, condemnable afkeurenswaardig
censure, disapprobation, condemnation, disapproval afkeuring
publication afkondiging
decoction afkooksel
abridgement, abbreviation, abridgment afkorting
abandon afleggen
distraction, derivation afleiding
diversion afleidingsmanoeuvre
substitution, replacement, redemption aflossing
monitor, eavesdrop afluisteren
abatement, diminution afname
extortion, exaction afpersing
adumbration afschaduwing
abolition, abrogation afschaffing
abrasion afschaving
separation, partition, secretion, breakaway afscheiding
redemption afschrijving
auction afslag
auctioneer afslager
reflection afspiegeling
sponge afsponzen
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
contrast afsteken
subtraction aftrekking
delegation afvaardiging
aberration, aberrance, abnormality afwijking
rejection, refusal afwijzing
liquidate, unroll, finnish, expedite, conclude afwikkelen
abjuration afzwering
Agamemnon Agamemnon
commotion agitatie
agony agonie
aggression agressie
air-conditioned air-conditioned
air-conditioning air-conditioning
air-conditioning airco
onion ajuin
aconite, monkshood akoniet
everyone, each, every, although, though, already al
England, Albion Albion
yonder, there aldaar
ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously aldoor
universal, common algemeen
commonplace, trite, daily alledaags
singly, alone, only, solely alleen
monopoly alleenhandel
soliloquy, monologue alleenspraak
each, every, everyone alleman
everyone's aller
soon alras
option, alternative alternatief
almond amandel
almond-eyed amandelogig
Amazon Amazone
occupation, handicraft ambacht
fervor, zeal, ambition, fervour ambitie
Ammon, Amon, Amun Ammon
munition, ammunition ammunitie
redemption amortisatie
amputation amputatie
anemone anemoon
Anglo-Saxon Angelsaksisch
carnation anjelier
carnation anjer
Annunciation Annunciatie
anonymous, nameless anoniem
abolitionism anti-slavernijbeweging
aversion, dislike antipathie
suspicion argwaan
Arizona Arizona
detention, arrest, apprehension arrestatie
arrogance, presumption, overbearingness arrogantie
summons assignatie
association associatie
astronaut, spaceman astronaut
astronomy astronomie
astronomer astronoom
attention attentie
testimony attest
auction auctie
automoton automaat
autonomous autonoom
aviation aviatiek
pioneer baanbreker
Babylon, Babel Babel
Babylonia Babylonië
Babylonian Babylonisch
bayonet bajonet
tub, vessel, manger, trough, container, vat, ferry bak
balcony balkon
balloon, air-balloon ballon
commonplace, trite banaal
orchestra, binding, bond, tyre, ribbon, brim band
confectionery banketbakkerij
Barcelona Barcelona
baboon baviaan
self-conscious, abashed, shy bedeesd
intentional bedoeld
intention, plan, meaning bedoeling
mystification bedotterij
false, contrived, misleading bedrieglijk
profession, certificate, document, enterprise bedrijf
over, finished, done beëindigd
representation, picture, metaphor, diagram, statue beeld
bone, paw, leg been
forgive, pardon begenadigen
illusion begoocheling
restricted, limited, confined begrensd
limit, abridge, restrict, confine begrenzen
concept, notion, idea begrip
alongside behalve
include, contain behelzen
conserve, safe, save, rescue behouden
conservative behoudend
profess, confess bekennen
convert bekeren
concise beknopt
limit, abridge, restrict, confine beknotten
sanction, corroborate bekrachtigen
coronation bekroning
concern belang
compensation beloning
appellation, name benaming
definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause bepaling
abridge, restrict, limit, confine beperken
confined, limited, restricted beperkt
affliction beproeving
save, stow, rescue, conserve bergen
Mons Bergen
remark, observation berisping
occupation, handicraft, vocation, profession beroep
professional beroeps-
commotion beroering
resignation berusting
civilize, civilization beschaven
culture, civilization beschaving
modest, moderate, reasonable, discrete bescheiden
patron beschermheer
patron beschermheilige
protection bescherming
disposition beschikking
consider beschouwen
description beschrijving
indictment, accusation, complaint, charge beschuldiging
consciousness, awareness besef
decision beslissing
decision besluit
infectious, contagious, catching besmettelijk
infection besmetting
discussion bespreking
consist bestaan uit
extend, dimension, room, space, bulk, size bestek
permanent, constant, abiding, continual, sustained bestendig
continuation bestendiging
reign, control, stage, administration, rule bestuur
driver, conductor, manager, chauffeur, director bestuurder
concrete beton
concerning betreffende
relation, understanding betrekking
concerned betrokken
expression betuiging
debatable, questionable betwistbaar
shy, abashed, self-conscious bevangen
understand, realize, contain, include, realise bevatten
injunction bevel
secure, assent, corroborate, fasten, confirm bevestigen
qualification, authorization bevoegdheid
population bevolking
promotion bevordering
amazing, astonishing bevreemdend
guard, conserve bewaren
movement, commotion beweging
inert, motionless bewegingloos
process, operation, adaptation bewerking
token, demonstration bewijs
control, rule, reign bewind
habitation bewoning
expression, word bewoording
concerned, aware, conscious bewust
unconscious bewusteloos
swoon bewusteloos raken
awareness, consciousness bewustzijn
garrison bezetting
alongside bezijden
consciousness, awareness bezinning
assets, possession bezit
ranch, estate, property, possession bezitting
possessions bezittingen
swoon bezwijmen
profess, confess biechten
constantly, continuously, continually bij voortduring
adequate, accessory, secondary bijbehorend
contribution, dues bijdrage
contribute bijdragen
congregate, assemble, meet bijeenkomen
harmonize bijeenpassen
convoke bijeenroepen
superstition bijgeloof
consequently bijgevolg
accessory, secondary bijkomend
secondary, accessory bijkomstig
overtone bijtoon
approval, acclamation bijval
concubine bijvrouw
bond binding
shrill, sharp-toned, tard, snappy bits
bison bizon
remark, observation blaam
along blijkens
shy, self-conscious, abashed blo
congestion bloedaandrang
Bloemfontein Bloemfontein
blond blond
suggestion bod
Bodensee, Constance Bodenmeer
possessions boeltje
apron boezelaar
coupon bon
bon-bon, bonbon bonbon
federation, league, association bond
concise bondig
confederation bondsstaat
bonus bonus
commission, message, errand boodschap
blunt, bone, rough, crude, raw, abrupt bot
collision botsing
bouillon bouillon
build, construct bouwen
builder, contractor bouwondernemer
above-mentioned bovengenoemd
overtone boventoon
speciality, section, compartment, pigeonhole branche
conflagration brand
strong-box brandkast
Breton Breton
fraction, fracture breuk
Briton Brit
bronze bronzen
profession broodwinning
gain, booty, asset, accession buit
unconscious buiten kennis
civilian, bourgeois, middleclass, non-military burgerlijk
give, donate cadeau geven
cannon canon
canyon cañon
carbon-paper carbonpapier
Carboniferous Carboon
Catalonian Catalaans
Catalonia Catalonië
ceremony ceremonie
testimony certificaat
abandonment cessie
Ceylon Ceylon
Ceylonese Ceylons
chanson chanson
chaperon, duenna chaperonne
Charon Charon
surgeon chirurg
chronicler, historian chroniqueur
traffic, circulation circulatie
quotation citaat
lemon citroen
civilian, non-military, civil civiel
separation, partition clausuur
negative, half-tone, cliché, stereotype cliché
jester, buffoon, clown clown
cocoon cocon
combination combinatie
annotation commentaar
errand, commission commissie
communion communie
communication communiqué
compilation compilatie
composition compositie
accomodation compromis
concert concert
concerto concerto
concert-room concertzaal
abandonment concessie
conclusion, inference conclusie
contest concours
condition, stipulation, terms conditie
condolences condoleantie
condom condoom
driver, conductor conducteur
confederation confederatie
conference conferentie
confiscate confisqueren
conflict conflict
Confucius Confucius
congestion congestie
Congo, Zaire Congo
Congolese Congolees
convention, congress congres
compatible, congruent congruent
conjugate conjugeren
conjunction conjunctie
conscientious consciëntieus
consistent consequent
consequence, consistency consequentie
conservative conservatief
directions, instruction consigne
consonant consonant
continual, constant, permanent, sustained constant
consternation consternatie
constipation constipatie
constipate constipatie veroorzaken
constitution constitutie
constitutional constitutioneel
construct, build construeren
consul consul
consulate consulaat
consultation consult
consultation consultatie
consult consulteren
consumer consument
consume consumeren
contact contact hebben
contact contact hebben met
mainland, continent continent
contraband contrabande
contract contract
contrast contrasteren
checker, controller controleur
controversy controverse
converge convergeren
converse converseren
convoke convoceren
corporation corporatie
correspond corresponderen
coupon coupon
cremation crematie
Cronus Cronus
cyclone cycloon
there, yonder, because daar
there, yonder daarginds
Dagon Dagon
summons dagvaarding
phonetic de klankleer betreffend
head, conduct, lead de weg wijzen
statement, proclamation, declaration declaratie
decor, decoration, décor decor
decor, decoration, adornment, décor decoratie
definition definitie
honest, solid, above-board degelijk
delegation delegatie
demon demon
demonic demonisch
demonstration demonstratie
demonstrate demonstreren
fictitious, fictional denkbeeldig
depression depressie
consequently derhalve
concerned desbetreffend
stake, stanchion deurpost
Deuteronomy Deuteronomium
Devon Devoon
deacon diaken
diamond diamant
closed, dense, compact, concentrated, thick dicht
button dichtknopen
digestion digestie
thick, greasy, dense, concentrated, corpulent, fat dik
discrimination discriminatie
discussion discussie
inconsonant disharmonisch
division divisie
plan, goal, meaning, intention, purpose doel
opportune, convenient, handy doelmatig
dominion dominion
Don Don
Donetz Donjets
crimson donkerrood
agony doodsangst
agony doodsstrijd
confuse dooreenhalen
continuous doorlopend
container, vessel doos
soon dra
dragon draak
trigonometry driehoeksmeting
collection, bevy drift
affliction droefheit
illusion drogbeeld
vision droombeeld
abscond drossen
busy, keen, brisk, alert, edition druk
heavy, burdensome, onerous drukkend
push-button drukknoop
dove, pigeon duif
demon, devil duivel
opinion dunk
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
marriage, really, authentic, genuinely, matrimony echt
matrimony, marriage echtverbintenis
economy, economics economie
economical economisch
edition editie
conclusive een conclusie wettigend
converse een gesprek voeren
accident-prone een grotere kans op ongelukken
intone een lied aanheffen
someone, any, anybody, somebody een of ander
somebody, anybody, any, someone een of andere
harmony, unity eendracht
unified, harmonious eendrachtig
twenty-one eenentwintig
once, sometimes, ever eens
monotonous eentonig
lonely eenzaam
gallant, brave, above-board, honest eerlijk
honest, worthy, above-board, deserving eerzaam
ambition eerzucht
aeon, eternity eeuwigheid
effect, impression effect
ownership, possession eigendom
restricted, limited, confined eindig
electronic electronisch
electron elektron
electronics elektronica
electronic elektronisch
every, everyone, each elk
affection emotie
England, Albion Engeland
monkey-wrench Engelse sleutel
alone, someone, any, somebody, unique, anybody enig
sole, ankle, only, solitary, mere enkel
there, yonder er
compassion erbarmen
honorary ere-
honour, honor eren
recognise, corroborate, confess, profess erkennen
Estonia Estland
Estonian Estlands
container, vessel etui
proportional evenredig
rate, proportion evenredigheid
eventuality, contingency eventualiteit
contingent, eventual eventueel
evolution, development evolutie
examination, investigation, test examen
excursion, outing excursie
expansion expansie
expedition expeditie
explanation explicatie
summons exploot
explosion explosie
exposition, exhibition expositie
tressle, ass, workbench, donkey, easel ezel
reputation, hearsay, rumor, rumour, repute, fame faam
relationship familiebetrekking
federation federatie
congratulation felicitatie
congratulate feliciteren
phenomenon fenomeen
permission fiat
fiction fictie
fictitious, fictional fictief
faith, confidence fiducie
representation, diagram, stature figuur
strong fiks
projectionist filmoperateur
holder, vessel, container, socket foedraal
fund, till, money-box fonds
phonetics fonetiek
phonetic fonetisch
mystification fopperij
fortification fort
error, erroneous, incorrect, mistaken, mistake fout
wrong, erroneous, mistaken foutief
fraction fractie
Franconia Frankenland
frontage, battlefront front
functionary functionaris
work, operate, function functioneren
Gabon Gabon
galloon, stripe gallon
resonance galm
garrison garnizoen
Gascon Gasconjer
quickly, swift, quick, swiftly, rapid, soon gauw
character, nature, personality geaardheid
skeleton gebeente
contingent, eventual gebeurlijk
area, sphere, region, territory gebied
thick, concentrated, dense gebonden
accustomed, wonted, customary, usual gebruikelijk
user, consumer gebruiker
commissioner gecommitteerde
thought, opinion gedachte
old-fashioned gedateerd
monument gedenkteken
activity, action gedoe
monstrous gedrochtelijk
strong geducht
no-one, not, nobody, no geen
no-one, nobody geen enkel
nobody, no-one geen enkele
none geen zier
confidential geheim
memory, recollection geheugen
jubilation, exultation gejubel
nonsense gekheid
resignation gelatenheid
money geld
till, money-box geldkist
occasional gelegenheids-
conduct, lead, head geleiden
religion, faith, confidence geloof
congratulation gelukwens
congratulate gelukwensen
facile, handy, convenient, comfortable, opportune gemakkelijk
moderate, reasonable gematigd
vile, abandoned gemeen
common, collective gemeenschappelijk
generation generatie
pioneer geniesoldaat
pioneer genist
academy, association genootschap
retiree, pensioner gepensioneerde
skeleton geraamte
Grammont Geraardsbergen
Teuton Germaan
Teutonic, Germanic Germaans
sensational geruchtmakend
considerable, sizable geruim
convenient, handy, seemly, appropriate, opportune geschikt
oscillation geschommel
clan, race, generation, sex, house, tribe geslacht
copulation geslachtsdaad
conversation gesprek
constant, sustained, continual, permanent gestaag
predisposition, tendency gesteldheid
testimony getuigenis
imprison gevangen zetten
prisoner gevangene
gaol, jail, prison gevangenis
battlefront, façade, frontage, facade gevel
consistency, consequence, train, suite gevolg
conclusion, inference gevolgtrekking
emotion gewaarwording
mention gewag maken van
vegetation, plant gewas
hesitation, wavering geweifel
region gewest
provincial, regional gewestelijk
conscience geweten
conscientious gewetensvol
customary, accustomed, usual, wonted, everyday gewoon
song gezang
songbook gezangboek
songbook gezangbundel
expression gezegde
vision gezicht
horizon gezichtseinder
gibbon gibbon
poisonous giftig
corporation gilde
there, yonder ginds
surmise, conjecture, guess gissen
heat, passion, vivacity, verve gloed
religion godsdienst
consent, permission goedvinden
gonorrhea gonorroe
phonograph, record-player grammofoon
frontier, boundary grens
adhesion grip
bevy, collection, group groep
constitution grondwet
constitutional grondwettelijk
Groningen Groningen
dimension, size, extend, bulk grootte
horror, atrocity, abomination, abhorrence gruwel
atrocity, horror, abomination, abhorrence gruweldaad
haste, soon, almost, nearly haast
hailstone hagelkorrel
hailstone hagelsteen
abalone, haliotis haliotis
activity, action handeling
occupation, handicraft, handiwork handwerk
buffoon, jester hansworst
malfunction haperen
wavering, hesitation hapering
constipated hardlijvig
jester, buffoon harlekijn
harmony harmonie
harmonize harmoniëren
harmonica harmonika
accordionist harmonikaspeler
harmonious harmonisch
passionate hartstochtelijk
affliction hartzeer
surgeon heelmeester
reign, rule, control, power heerschappij
aversion, dislike hekel
mansion herenhuis
repetition herhaling
recollection, memory herinnering
Reformation Hervorming
work, function, operate het doen
agree, consent het eens zijn
confront, face het hoofd bieden
memory, recollection heugenis
consolation heul
den, void, concave, cavern, cavity, empty, hollow hol
Honduras Honduras
Honduran Hondurees
Hongkong Hong Kong
Hongkong Hongkong
honey honing
header, pate, superscription hoofd
crowd, pile, bevy, multitude, mass, collection hoop
horn, earphone hoorn
horizon horizon
horizontal horizontaal
position, attitude, deportment, behaviour houding
honor, honour huldigen
marriage, matrimony huwelijk
honeymoon huwelijksweken
hypothesis, supposition hypothese
mongoose ichneumon
every, each, everyone ieder
every, each, everyone iedere
everyone's ieders
someones iemands
vain, futile, conceited ijdel
iron ijzeren
illusion illusie
illustration illustratie
imitation imitatie
abandonedly, abandoned immoreel
impressionism impressionisme
impressionist impressionist
confiscate, absorb in beslag nemen
fashionable in de mode
conform in overeenstemming zijn
contradict in tegenspraak zijn met
conceive in verwachting raken
fashionable in zwang
inauguration inauguratie
imagination, chimera inbeelding
incarnation incarnatie
inconsistent inconsequent
dyspepsia, indigestion indigestie
Indonesian, Indian Indisch
Indonesia Indonesië
Indonesian Indonesisch
impression, effect indruk
infection infectie
inflation inflatie
information informatie
inborn, native, congenital, inbred, innate ingeboren
concave, hollow ingevallen
inspiration ingeving
along ingevolge
operation ingreep
volume, contents inhoud
contain, include inhouden
injection injectie
introduction, preface inleiding
inscription inscriptie
inspection inspectie
injection inspuiting
establishment, institution, adjustment instelling
instruction, directions instructie
matron intendante
international internationaal
interpretation interpretatie
interpunction, punctuation interpunctie
interruption interruptie
tone intonatie
introduction, preface introductie
invasion inval
invasion invasie
invitation invitatie
inauguration inwijding
intone inzetten
irony ironie
ironic ironisch
insulation, isolation isolatie
insulation, isolation isolering
jargon jargon
Jason Jason
on, against jegens
Ionian Jonisch
dragonfly juffertje
jawbone, jaw, cheek kaak
ticket, coupon, note kaartje
jaw, jawbone kakement
chameleon kameleon
buddy, pal, comrade, companion kameraad
Cameroon, Cameroun Kameroen
champion kampioen
cannon kanon
sermon kanselrede
bonnet kapotjas
condom kapotje
personality, character, nature karakter
crimson karmozijn
money-box, till kas
cotton katoen
cotton katoenen weefsel
occasion, about-face, time keer
pin, cone kegel
characterization kenschets
jail, prison, cell, gaol kerker
concise kernachtig
kettle, boiler, cauldron, steam-boiler ketel
cauldron keteldal
cannon kettingzang
election, choice keur
examination, test, investigation keuring
alternative, choice, option, election keus
election, option, alternative, choice keuze
horizon kim
kimono kimono
over, ready, finished, distinct, clear, done klaar
resonance-box klankkast
phonetics klankleer
sonourous, sonorous klankrijk
coco-nut, cocoa-nut, cocoanut, coconut klapper
coconut-palm klapperboom
coconut, coco-nut, cocoanut, cocoa-nut klappernoot
sensation, beef klapstuk
claw, talon klauw
clay, stone, earthen klei-
grandson kleinkind
grandson kleinzoon
zone klimaatzone
monastery klooster
exaction, extortion knevelarij
tongs knijper
bone knok
confectionery koekbakkerij
dispassionately koel
dome, pavilion, cupola koepel
direction, course koers
container, vessel koker
coco-nut, cocoanut, coconut, cocoa-nut kokosnoot
coconut-palm kokospalm
abyss, chasm, pond, depth kolk
colonel kolonel
colonial koloniaal
colony kolonie
conspiracy komplot
Zaire, Congo Kongo
Congolese Kongolees
cauldron kookketel
pal, buddy, comrade, companion kornuit
brief, concise, short kort
strong, energetic krachtig
exertion krachtsinspanning
bracket, convulsion, staple, spasm, parenthesis kramp
chronicle kroniek
chronicler, historian kroniekschrijver
coronation kroning
season, flavor, spice kruiden
flock, herd, collection, livestock, bevy kudde
Tjonger, Kuinder Kuinder
kiss, cushion kussen
lagoon kustmeer
qualification kwalificatie
plantation kwekerij
quarrel, question kwestie
absolution kwijstschelding
spittoon, cuspidor kwispedoor
condemnable, reprehensible, objectionable laakbaar
lagoon lagune
prolonged, long, protracted, lanky lang
protracted, prolonged langdurig
protracted, prolonged lange tijd
along langs
commissioner lasthebber
difficult, inconvenient, troublesome lastig
immaterial, lukewarm, dispassionately, indifferent lauw
lion leeuw
dandelion leeuwetand
legation legatie
division legerafdeling
legion legioen
conduct leiden
platform, stage, direction leiding
length, longitude lengte
longitude lengte (geo.)
lesson les
Lebanon Libanon
Lebanon Libanongebergte
dragonfly libel
chanson, song lied
people, persons lieden
caress, stroke, fondle, chuck liefkozen
Livonia Lijfland
Livonian Lijflands
cremation lijkverbranding
lemonade limonade
ribbon lint
Lisbon Lissabon
spot, location lokaliteit
London Londen
pulmonaria, lungwort longkruid
pneumonia longontsteking
tuberculosis, consumption longtering
compensation, wage, wages, salary loon
solitary, mere, sole, alone louter
balloon, air-balloon luchtballon
air-squadron luchteskader
air-cushion luchtkussen
air-pollution luchtverontreiniging
aviation luchvaart
inclination, disposal, lust, want lust
lifeless, dispassionately, apathetic lusteloos
occasion, time maal
moon maan
lunar, moon maan-
month maand
monthly maand-
Monday maandag
monthly maandelijks
but, only, however, solely maar
pal, companion, comrade, buddy, tact maat
macaroni macaroni
Macedonia Macedonië
Macedonian Macedonisch
authorization machtiging
Madonna Madonna
pal, comrade, companion, buddy makker
Mammon Mammon
authorization, mandate mandaat
dun, admonish, scold manen
mongoose mangoest
monastery mannenklooster
Annunciation Maria-Boodschap
Assumption Maria-Hemelvaart
puppet, marionette marionet
contest match
abstemious, reasonable, moderate, temperate matig
moderation matigheid
compassion mededogen
consonant medeklinker
compassion medelijden
resources, environment medium
Mekong Mekong
melon meloen
one men
opinion, supposition mening
persons, people mensen
on, through, against, with met
mason metselaar
masonry metselwerk
microphone microfoon
Micronesia Micronesië
noon, midday, afternoon middag
milestone, milepost, landmark mijlpaal
auction, my mijn
environment milieu
million miljoen
contempt minachting
mission missie
missionary missionaris
mnemonic mnemonisch
fashion mode
fashionable mode-
fashionable modieus
adaptation modificatie
fashion modus
deliberately, intentional moedwillig
difficult, inconvenient moeilijk
Monaco Monaco
monarch monarch
harmonica mondharmonika
Monacan Monegask
Monegasque Monegaskisch
Mongolia Mongolië
Mongol Mongool
Mongolian Mongools
monk monnik
monkshood, aconite monnikskap
monocle monocle
soliloquy, monologue monoloog
monopoly monopolie
monotonous monotoon
monsignor monseigneur
monstrous monsterachtig
monstrosity monsterachtigheid
monstrance monstrans
pre-fabrication, prefabrication montagebouw
photomontage montagefoto
montbretia montbretia
Montenegrin Montenegrijns
Montenegro Montenegro
monument monument
monumental monumentaal
monster mormel
Mormon mormoons
stone-dead morsdood
motion, resolution motie
motivation motivatie
bonnet motorkap
rebellion, mutiny muiterij
rat-poison muizengif
multinational multinationaal
mummification mummificatie
mongoose mungo
ammunition, munition munitie
mutation mutatie
cramp-iron muuranker
music-lesson muziekles
concert-room muziekzaal
mystification mystificatie
conifer naaldboom
appellation, name, reputation naam
anonymous, nameless naamloos
name, appellation naamwoord
toward, ill, towards, along, sick, to, bleak naar
by, nearest, at, beside, next, alongside naast
nationalize naasten
nationalization naasting
imitation nabootsing
explore, consider, investigate nagaan
resonance naklank
afternoon namiddag
nation natie
national nationaal
nationalize nationaliseren
nationality nationaliteit
exactitude, accuracy, precision nauwgezetheid
navigation navigatie
imitation navolging
question navraag
colony nederzetting
half-tone, negative negatief
inclination, disposal neiging
procrastination neiging tot uitstellen
neon neon-
no-one, nobody niemand
no-one's niemands
nothing, none niemendal
conceited nietig
nothing, none niets
nothing, none niks
mention, cite, call, quote noemen
midday, noon noen
nonsense nonsens
communication-cord noodrem
gaol, prison, jail nor
nylon nylon-
Oberon Oberon
obsession obsessie
constipation obstipatie
functionary official
on, around om
relation, understanding, procession omgang
environment, environs, surroundings, sphere omgeving
contour, outline omlijning
circulation, traffic omloop
definition omschrijving
surroundings, environs omstreken
environs, outskirts, contour, perimeter, outline omtrek
around, concerning omtrent
extend, dimension, bulk, size omvang
revolution omwenteling
continuous onafgebroken
independant, autonomous onafhankelijk
inconceivable, unintelligible onbegrijpelijk
unimportant, conceited onbelangrijk
motionless, fixed onbeweeglijk
interruption onderbreking
conversation onderhoud
noncom onderofficier
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
subjunction onderschikkend voegwoord
supposition, hypothesis onderstelling
investigation, test, examination onderzoek
abysmal, inconceivable, unintelligible ondoorgrondelijk
anonymous ongenoemd
unintentional ongewild
erroneous, incorrect, wrong, mistaken onjuist
mutiny, rebellion onlusten
affectation onnatuurlijkheid
unintentional onopzettelijk
ignition ontbranding
abstention onthouding
demolition ontmanteling
explosion ontploffing
abdication ontslagname
abdication ontslagneming
inflammation, ignition ontsteking
consternation ontsteltenis
recipient, consignee ontvanger
reception-room ontvangkamer
conceal ontveinzen
abduction ontvoering
evolution, development, growth, output ontwikkeling
abandoned onzedelijk
nonsense onzin
monocle oogglas
spot, location, place oord
reason oorzaak
upon, worn, up, upwards, exhausted, on op
once, sometimes op een keer
season, flavor op smaak brengen
convalesce, recuperate op verhaal komen
telephone opbellen
commission, mission, errand opdracht
publication openbaarmaking
projectionist operateur
operation operatie
abandon, lose, say, renounce, tell opgeven
opinion opinie
monopolize, corner opkopen
solution oplossing
opposition oppositie
Gascon opschepper
superscription opschrift
absorption opslorping
imprison opsluiten
mutiny, rebellion opstand
addition optelling
choice, election optie
procession optocht
activity, action, presentation optreden
concept opvatting
education opvoeding
requisition opvorderen
excitation, excitement opwinding
intentional opzettelijk
steward, superintendant, checker, controller opzichter
organization organisatie
Orion Orion
orchestration orkestratie
ancient, old-fashioned, antique ouderwets
ovation ovatie
conforming overeenstemmend
remaining, additional overig
tradition overlevering
persuasion overreding
convince, persuade overtuigen
conviction, belief overtuiging
consider overwegen
translation overzetting
ozone ozon
stanchion, rod, stake paal
dandelion paardebloem
copulation paring
parishioner parochiaan
faction partij
passport, only pas
conform, befit passen
conforming, appropriate, seemly, becoming passend
Patagonia Patagonië
recess, intermission pauze
pavilion paviljoen
controversy pennestrijd
pension, retirement pensioen
retiree, pensioner pensioentrekker
perfection perfectie
lawn, bed, frontier, boundary perk
continuously, continually, constantly permanent
Persephone Persephone
person personage
personnel personeel
persons personen
chap, person, guy persoon
personal persoonlijk
petition petitie
petition petitionnement
Phaeton Phaëthon
icon pictogram
scourge, calamity, infestation plaag
village, spot, location, town, courtyard, place plaats
intention, meaning, plan, scheme plan
vegetation, plant plant
plantation plantage
horizontal platliggend
stiff, ceremonious, measured, formal, solemn plechtig
ceremony plechtigheid
majestic, solemn, ceremonious plechtstatig
duty, obligation plicht
money poen
controversy polemiek
police-station politiebureau
police-station politiepost
spoon pollepel
pony pony
Poseidon Poseidon
position positie
stanchion, stake, mail post
vase, container, vessel pot
sermon preek
presentation presentatie
abandon prijsgeven
procession processie
product, production produktie
professional professioneel
promotion promotie
asset, gain, accession prooi
rate, proportion proportie
proportional proportioneel
protectionist protectionistisch
proton proton
pseudonym pseudoniem
interpunction, punctuation punctuatie
Python Python
consult raadplegen
rational rationeel
reaction reactie
reactionary reactionair
react, respond reageren
recipe, prescription recept
receptionist receptioniste
recommendation recommandatie
rational redelijk
reason reden
Reformation Reformatie
region regio
regional regionaal
rules, regulations reglement
heron reiger
calculation, account rekening
calculation rekenschap
requisition rekwireren
religion religie
repetition repetitie
reproduction reproduktie
reputation reputatie
motion, resolution resolutie
resonance resonantie
revolution revolutie
revolutionary revolutionair
direction richting
direction richtlijn
rhododendron rododendron
cry, reputation roep
motionless roerloos
monster rotbeest
traffic, circulation roulatie
condolences rouwbeklag
Rubicon Rubicon
room, spot, location, space ruimte
spaceman, astronaut ruimtevaarder
recess, intermission, silence rust
lifeless, tiresome, monotonous saai
strong-box, safe safe
Saxe, Saxony Saksen
Saxon Saksisch
Salomon Salomon
lounge, salon, parlour salon
connection, unity samenhang
harmony, agreement samenklank
assemble, congregate, converge, meet samenkomen
converge samenlopen
conspire samenspannen
conspiracy samenspanning
conspire samenzweren
sanction sanctioneren
sarong sarong
demonic, Satanic satanisch
saxophone saxofoon
tongs, scissors schaar
contempt schamperheid
mutton schapevlees
collection, band, bevy, gang schare
donate, give schenken
separation, partition schifting
painting, description schildering
oscillation schommeling
bone schonk
euphonious schoonklinkend
scorpion schorpioen
interruption schorsing
apron schort
inspection, fireplace schouw
inspection schouwing
trombone schuiftrompet
pseudonym schuilnaam
convict schuldig bevinden
breakaway, secession secessie
sensation sensatie
sensational sensationeel
sermon sermoen
session sessie
tobacconist's sigarenwinkel
circumstances, situation situatie
skeleton skelet
bedroom, sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapkamer
sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapplaats
Slavonia Slavonië
Slavonian Slavonisch
indigestion, dyspepsia slechte spijsvertering
only, solely slechts
difficult, sly, smart, cunning, inconvenient slim
underhanded, contrived slinks
apron sloof
demolition sloop
consume slopen
longing smachtend
contraband smokkelwaar
shrill, snappy, sharp-toned, tard snibbig
sonata sonate
economy spaarzaamheid
voltage, tension spanning
bacon spek
research, quest, search, exploration speurtocht
exploration, research, search, quest speurwerk
digestion spijsvertering
swift, quick, speedy, soon, rapid spoedig
spongy sponsachtig
spontaneous spontaan
spongy sponzig
waggon spoorwagen
injection spuitje
spittoon, cuspidor spuugbak
spittoon, cuspidor spuwbak
staff, baton, cane staf
rank, position, circumstances, class, altitude stand
situation, circumstances stand van zaken
acceptation standaardbetekenis v.e. woord
observation, remark standje
ceremonious, majestic, solemn statig
station station
station-master stationschef
station stationsgebouw
chippings, road-metal, stone-chippings steenslag
faction stem
sonorous, sonourous stemhebbend
intense, strong, intensive sterk
strength, quantity, fortification sterkte
astronomy sterrenkunde
astronomer sterrenkundige
foundation stichting
stanchion, stake, style stijl
precision, exactitude, accuracy, exactness stiptheid
procession stoet
cane, baton stok
constipate, cease, clog stoppen
punishment, strong, strict, severe straf
region, subterfuge, streak, trickery streek
regional streek-
plan, intention, meaning strekking
chuck, stroke, fondle, caress strelen
contrary strijdig
convulsion stuip
convulsion stuiptrekking
malfunction stuk gaan
extension, suffix suffix
controller, checker supervisor
symphony symfonie
symphonic symfonisch
synchronous synchronisch
syndicate, labour-union syndicaat
jargon taaltje
tabulation, table, tablet tabel
tablet, tabulation, table tafel
description, scene tafereel
branch, speciality, section, compartment, bough tak
tambon tambon
pigeon, dove tamme duif
tampon tampon
reversed, contrary tegengesteld
contrary tegenliggend
contradict tegenspreken
opposition, resistance tegenstand
adversary, opponent tegenstander
abolitionist tegenstander van slavernij
dislike, aversion tegenzin
complexion teint
presage, sign, omen, token, symptom, indication teken
telephone telefoneren
earphone telefoonhoorn
television, TV televisie
temptation temptatie
exposition, exhibition tentoonstelling
tuberculosis, consumption tering
abstention terughoudendheid
satisfied, pleased, contented tevreden
contentment, satisfaction tevredenheid
teaspoon theelepeltje
temporarily, provisional, temporary tijdelijk
self-conscious, abashed, shy timide
hue, complexion tint
champion titelhouder
Kuinder, Tjonger Tjonger
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage tocht
cede, confess, concede, admit, consent, relinquish toegeven
abandonment toegeving
acclamation, approval toejuiching
explanation toelichting
use, employment, application toepassing
voyage, outing, trip, journey, excursion toer
allusion toespeling
permission toestemming
accidental, random, occasional, chance toevallig
confide toevertrouwen
barrel, ton ton
tongue tong
tone toon
composition toondicht
composition toonzetting
on, toward, to, as, until, towards, like tot
tradition traditie
traditional traditioneel
transaction transactie
transliteration transcriptie
transliteration transkriptie
translation translaat
translation translatie
transliteration transport
accordion trekharmonika
trigonometry trigonometrie
trillion triljoen
vibration trilling
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing trip
Triton Triton
trombone trombone
throne troon
consolation troost
console troosten
Tsonga Tsonga
Tsonga Tsonga-taal
tuberculosis, consumption tuberculose
pavilion tuinhuis
between, among tussen
interjection tussenwerpsel
second tweede
contralto tweede alt
secondhand tweedehands
contort twijnen
typhoon tyfoon
witticism, onion ui
old-fashioned uit de mode
explosion uitbarsting
expenses, edition uitgaaf
edition uitgave
interpretation uitlegging
decide, constitute uitmaken
invitation uitnodiging
distribution uitreiking
write, convoke, organize, launch uitschrijven
debauchery, dissipation uitspatting
statement, pronunciation, decision, verdict uitspraak
pronounce uitspreken
excursion, outing uitstapje
postpone, procrastinate uitstellen
renounce, malfunction uitvallen
invention uitvinding
version uitvoering
expansion uitzetting
exception uitzondering
exceptional uitzonderlijk
union unie
national vaderlands
vagabond vagebond
section, pigeonhole, compartment, speciality vak
vacation vakantie
syndicate, labour-union vakbond
corporation, trade-union, syndicate, labour-union vakvereniging
earthen, clay, stone van klei
confuse van zijn stuk brengen
tonight vannacht
mainland, continent vasteland
auction veiling
auctioneer veilingmeester
auction vendu
auctioneer vendumeester
poisonous venijnig
abjection verachtelijkheid
contempt verachting
responsible verantwoordelijk
responsibility verantwoordelijkheid
cremation verassing
bandage, understanding, relation verband
amazing, astonishing verbazingwekkend
presumption, fiction, imagination, assumingness verbeelding
conceal verbergen
combine, connect verbinden
combination, connection verbinding
contract verbintenis
combustion verbranding
consume verbruiken
consumer verbruiker
contort verbuigen
postpone, procrastinate verdagen
distribution verdeling
additional, furthermore, moreover, remaining verder
beyond verderop
fictional, fictitious verdicht
fiction verdichtsel
contort verdraaien
honor, honour vereren
congregate, meet, assemble vergaderen
poison vergallen
compensation vergelding
comparison vergelijking
satisfied, contented, pleased vergenoegd
poison, pardon, forgive vergeven
poisonous vergiftig
poison vergiftigen
conceal verhelen
rate, proportion verhouding
mistaken, wrong, erroneous, incorrect verkeerd
choice, election verkiezing
proclamation, declaration verklaring
announcement, notification verkondiging
longing verlangend
alone verlaten
temptation verleiding
illustration verluchting
exhortation vermaan
admonish, scold vermanen
mention vermelden
conjecture, suppose, surmise vermoeden
destruction vernietiging
conquer veroveren
catching, contagious, infectious verpestend
obligation, duty verplichting
fortification verschansing
phenomenon, symptom verschijnsel
abomination, abhorrence, horror, atrocity verschrikking
version versie
acceleration versnelling
abnegation versterving
constipation verstopping
constipated verstopt
distraction verstrooiing
interpretation vertolking
demonstrate vertonen
demonstration vertoning
delay, retardation vertraging
console vertroosten
consolation vertroosting
confidential vertrouwelijk
confide, trust, faith, confidence vertrouwen
replacement, substitution vervanging
conjugate vervoegen
continuation vervolg
pursuit, persecution vervolging
affinity, relationship verwantschap
confusion verwardheid
confusing verwarrend
confusion verwarring
censure, disapproval, rejection, disapprobation verwerping
wonderful verwonderend
compilation verzamelwerk
vibration vibratie
celebration viering
pond vijver
opinion visie
vision visioen
bouillon vleesnat
incarnation vleeswording
dragon, aviator vlieger
air-squadron vliegeskader
aviation vliegwezen
pleased, satisfied, contented voldaan
folk, nation, people volk
perfection volkomenheid
colony volksplanting
perfection volmaaktheid
preparation voorbereiding
preparation voorbereidsel
indication, portent, presage, sign, omen voorbode
frontage, front, battlefront voorkant
provisional voorlopig
apron voorschoot
regulation voorschrift
suggestion voorslag
production voortbrenging
sign, presage, indication, omen, portent voorteken
continuation voortzetting
apostle, champion voorvechter
clause, stipulation, terms, condition voorwaarde
preposition voorzetsel
battlefront, frontage, front voorzijde
requisition vorderen
constitute, form, shape vormen
education vorming
confirmation vormsel
monarch, prince, frost, coping vorst
coupon voucher
question vraag
Mason, freemason vrijmetselaar
masonic vrijmetselaars-
absolution vrijspraak
fervour, heat, fervor, passion, zeal, impetus vuur
cannon vuurmond
conflagration vuurzee
Walloon Waals
warn, caution waarschuwen
bonnet wagenkap
waggon wagon
Wallonia Wallonië
suspicion wantrouwen
badge, weapon, insignia wapen
ablution wassing
dragonfly waterjuffer
cauldron waterketel
water-melon watermeloen
horizontal waterpas
pond, lake waterplas
cotton-wool, wadding watten
competition, rivalry wedijver
contest wedstrijd
reproduction weergave
reflection weerglans
abscond weglopen
amputation wegneming
abscond wegrennen
aware, conscious welbewust
honorary weledel
honorary weledelgeboren
euphonious welluidend
continent, mainland werelddeel
cyclone wervelstorm
fashion, melody, wise wijs
tendency, predisposition wilsbeschikking
wonderful, miraculous wonderbaar
dictionary woordenboek
disapprobation, disapproval, censure, condemnation wraking
friction wrijving
lounge, salon, parlour zaal
salmon zalm
song zang
songbook zangboek
singing-bird, song-bird zangvogel
boon, blessing zegen
blessing, boon zegening
autonomous zelfbesturend
self-assured, confident zelfbewust
confident, self-assured zelfverzekerd
missionary zendeling
mission zending
nonsense, saliva zever
marvel, wonder zich verbazen
marvel, wonder zich verwonderen
disposal, sentence, want, sense, inclination zin
allusion zinspeling
meeting, session zitting
session zittingsperiode
consequently zodoende
transgression zonde
zone zone
son zoon
piston zuiger
burdensome, deep, onerous, difficult, heavy zwaar
conceive zwanger raken
perspiration zweet
vagabond zwerver