The English term "end-of-the-line" matches the Dutch term "eindstation"

other english words that include "end" : dutch :
tender aanbesteding
recommend aanbevelen
recommendable aanbevelenswaardig
recommendation aanbeveling
recommended aanbevolen
accused, defendant aangeklaagde
pending aanhangig
codicil, rider, appendix, accessorie, side-issue aanhangsel
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
aptitude, predisposition, tendency, talent aanleg
recommend aanprijzen
good-natured, affable, pretty, friendly, amusing aardig
descend afdalen
insult, offend affronteren
depend afhangen
dependent afhankelijk
depend afhankelijk zijn
dependence afhankelijkheid
rendezvous afspraak
sender afzender
agenda agenda
codicil, rider, appendix appendix
bartender, barman barman
intend bedoelen
endow begiftigen
defendant, accused beklaagde
endure beklijven
insult, offend beledigen
intend beogen
defendant, accused beschuldigde
spend besteden
extend, dimension, room, space, bulk, size bestek
codicil, appendix, rider bijlage
appendicitis blindedarmontsteking
mend boeten
incendiary brandstichtend
suspenders, braces bretels
tilt, bend, curtsy, stoop buigen
surrender, capitulate capituleren
agenda dagorde
tenderness delicaatheid
Dender Dender
feign, pretend doen alsof
transmit, send doen toekomen
bend doorbuigen
slender dun
endure duren
end einde
endorser endossant
endorsement endossement
endorse endosseren
tenderness fijnheid
mend flikken
endorsee geëndosseerde
patrolman, gendarme gendarme
predisposition, tendency gesteldheid
endorse gireren
endorsement giro
Grendel Grendel
dimension, size, extend, bulk grootte
tender gunning
endanger in gevaar brengen
superintendant, steward intendant
calendar kalender
tenderness kiesheid
insult, offend krenken
mend lappen
legendary legendarisch
legend legende
borrow, loan, lend lenen
expensive, lovable, affable, sweetheart, friendly lief
laud, commend, glorify, praise loven
fresh, impulsive, slender, recent, flighty luchtig
pomp, splender luister
resplendant luisterrijk
slender, skimpy, skinny, meager, thin mager
endow meegeven
steward, superintendant meier
mix, blend, mingle, shuffle mengen
intend mikken
intend mikken op
mingle, shuffle, mix, blend mixen
attempt, endeavour moeite doen
descend naar beneden gaan
bend ombuigen
extend, dimension, bulk, size omvang
independant, autonomous onafhankelijk
dependent onderhorig
Ostend, Ostende Oostende
ascend opgaan
resplendant opgeprikt
ascend opkomen
defend opkomen voor
mend oplappen
rise, ascend opstaan
send, transmit opsturen
steward, superintendant, checker, controller opzichter
vend, sell overdoen
endorser overdrager
cigarette-end, stub, cigar-stub, cigar-end peuk
stub, cigarette-end, cigar-stub, cigar-end peukje
endeavour, try, attempt pogen
resplendant pompeus
splender, pomp praal
pomp, splender pracht
glorify, praise, commend, laud prijzen
advisable, recommendable raadzaam
recommendation recommandatie
recommend recommanderen
rendezvous rendez-vous
return, reproduce, render reproduceren
ascend rijzen
rhododendron rododendron
glorify, commend, praise, laud roemen
skinny, slender, meager, skimpy, thin schraal
cigar-stub, cigar-end sigarepeuk
cigar-stub, cigar-end sigarepeukje
dedicate, spend, devote spanderen
spend, devote, dedicate spenderen
skimpy, thin, meager, skinny, slender sprietig
attendant steward
attempt, try, endeavour streven
send, transmit sturen
vend, release, sell tappen
Tashkent, Tashkend Tasjkent
temper, blend, mingle, shuffle, harden, mix temperen
tendentious, tendencious tendentieus
endlessly tot in het oneindige
endeavour, attempt trachten
end, ending uiteinde
end uiterste deel
ending, exit uitgang
lend uitlenen
patrolman, gendarme veldwachter
Venda Venda
Venda Vendataal
defend verdedigen
vend, sell verhandelen
praise, glorify, laud, commend verheerlijken
blend, mix, mingle, shuffle vermengen
attend, nurse verplegen
pomp, splender vertoon
defend verweren
sender verzender
attend, nurse verzorgen
legend volksoverlevering
pretend voorgeven
friendly, affable, good-natured, kind voorkomend
lend voorschieten
pretend voorwenden
friendly, good-natured, pretty, kind, affable vriendelijk
lover, friend vriendin
friendship vriendschap
week-end weekeinde
week-end weekend
reproduce, render weergeven
resplendant weids
endorse wenden
tendency, predisposition wilsbeschikking
independant zelfstandig
capitulate, surrender zich overgeven
friendless zonder vrienden
nurse, attend zorgen voor
other english words that include "of" : dutch :
offensive aanvallend
offer, proposal aanzoek
cast-off afdankertje
insult, offend affronteren
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
official ambtelijk
profit baat
profession, certificate, document, enterprise bedrijf
profess, confess bekennen
insult, offend beledigen
occupation, handicraft, vocation, profession beroep
professional beroeps-
profess, confess biechten
profession broodwinning
sofa canapé
roof dak
profound diep
often, regularly, frequently dikwijls
coffin doodkist
proof drukproef
offset, distance eind
recognise, corroborate, confess, profess erkennen
regularly, frequently, often gedurig
well-off, wealthy, rich gefortuneerd
profit gewin
hoof hoef
tall, high, lofty hoog
proposal, offer huwelijksaanzoek
inquiry-office informatiebureau
booking-office kaartjesloket
office, bureau kantoor
lamp-shade, roof, cowl kap
profile karakterschets
coffin kist
coffee koffie
coffee-pot koffiekan
coffee-pot koffiepot
insult, offend krenken
offspring kroost
gentle, soft liefelijk
Lofoten Lofoten
softness, mellowness malsheid
often, regularly, frequently menigmaal
microfilm microfilm
offspring nakomelingschap
offensive offensief
official officieel
officer officier
defile, profane ontheiligen
defile, profane ontwijden
roof overkapping
post-office postkantoor
defile, profane profaneren
professional professioneel
professor professor
wealthy, realm, rich, abundant, well-off, empire rijk
Sofia Sofia
regularly, often, frequently vaak
profit verdienste
high, lofty, tall verheven
well-off, wealthy, rich vermogend
pianoforte, wing vleugel
pianoforte vleugelpiano
softness, mellowness weekheid
profit winst
offspring, seed, sperm zaad
soft, gentle, mild zacht
mildness, softness, mellowness, balminess zachtheid
soft, sweet, gentle zoet
other english words that include "the" : dutch :
the aan de
the aan het
them aan hun
them aan ze
clothe aankleden
earthly, stone, clay, earthen aarden
crockery, earthenware, pottery aardewerk
absinth, absinthe absint
absinth, absinthe absintlikeur
gather, deduce abstraheren
exhale, breathe ademen
breathe ademhalen
breather adempauze
induce, extract, gather, infer, deduce, divert afleiden
yonder, there aldaar
altogether alles wel beschouwd
else, another, other ander
anesthesia, anaesthesia anesthesie
apathetic apathisch
theme apropos
Athenian Atheens
atheism atheïsme
Athena, Athene, Athens Athene
genuine, authentic authentiek
bathe baden
occupy, clothe bekleden
bother, obstruct, disturb, hinder, oppose, bar belemmeren
together bijeen
gathering, assemblage bijeenkomst
brothel bordeel
furthermore bovendien
sibling, brother broeder
brother, sibling broer
there, yonder, because daar
thence daar, vandaan
furthermore daarenboven
there, yonder daarginds
thither daarheen
thereafter daarop
thence daarvan
the de
theirs de hunne
deduce, gather deduceren
nevertheless desondanks
theft diefstal
thesis, essay dissertatie
this, these dit
these, this dit hier
stupid, dull, cathedral, foolish dom
saturate, lengthen doortrekken
heather dophei
heather dopheide
lathe draaibank
lathe draaischijf
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
marriage, really, authentic, genuinely, matrimony echt
abominate, loathe, abhor een afschuw hebben van
rather een klein beetje
there, yonder er
therefore, then, so ergo
neither evenmin
there, yonder ginds
theology godgeleerdheid
atheism godloochenarij
Gothenburg Gotenburg
grandmother grootmoeder
grandfather grootvader
bracket, clamp, hook, staple, parenthesis haakje
brackets, parantheses haakjes
she, its, her, hair, hairs, their haar
wardrobe, clothes-press hangkast
they hen
the, it het
theirs het hunne
whether hetzij
here, hither, behold hier
hither, here hierheen
disturb, bother hinderen
brothel hoerenkast
its, her, them, their, they hun
hymn, anthem hymne
hypothesis, supposition hypothese
hypothetical hypothetisch
rather ietwat
bathe in bad doen
together ineen
sympathetic, charming innemend
cathedral kathedraal
anthem, hymn kerkgezang
church-father kerkvader
clamp, bracket, staple, parenthesis klamp
clothe kleden
clothing, clothes kleding
wardrobe, clothes-press kleerkast
clay, stone, earthen klei-
clothes, clothing kleren
bracket, convulsion, staple, spasm, parenthesis kramp
wither kwijnen
leather lederen
leather leerachtig
leather, learn leren
Lethe Lethe
rather lichtelijk
expensive, lovable, affable, sweetheart, friendly lief
darling, sweetheart liefje
sweetheart, darling lieveling
panther, leopard luipaard
lifeless, dispassionately, apathetic lusteloos
mathematics mathematica
mathematician mathematicus
mathematical mathematisch
gathering, assemblage meeting
tiresome, apathetic melig
mother moeder
godfather naamgever
the naar de
nearer, further nader
Nether-Rhine Nederrijn
clamp, staple, parenthesis, bracket nietje
nevertheless, however niettemin
neither noch
northern noordelijk
northern noords
or, whether of
granny, grandmother oma
clothe omkleden
supposition, hypothesis onderstelling
subject, object, theme onderwerp
theft ontvreemding
genuine, authentic onvervalst
then, therefore, so ook weer
grandfather, granddad opa
father, elder, parent, older, mother ouder
great-grandmother overgrootmoeder
great-grandfather overgrootvader
panther, leopard panter
father papa
father pater
godfather peet
godfather peetvader
feather pen
godfather peter
feather pluim
thesis, essay proefschrift
Prometheus Prometheus
lengthen rekken
together, co-, fellow samen
assemblage, gathering samenkomst
treasure, sweetheart, darling schat
theatre schouwburg
theatrical schouwburg-
brothel seksclub
lather, sauce, gravy sop
writhe, struggle, flounder spartelen
forefather stamvader
essay, thesis, theorem stelling
stepmother, step-mother stiefmoeder
step-father, stepfather stiefvader
dust, subject, substance, theme stof
disturb, bother storen
sympathetic sympathiek
tiresome, leather taai
together tezamen
theatre theater
theatrical theater-
theme thema
theology theologie
theologian theoloog
theorem theorema
theory theorie
therapy therapie
thermometer thermometer
thermos thermosfles
thermostat thermostaat
then, surely, therefore, however, so toch
theatre, scene toneel
theatrical toneel-
clarify, lengthen, interpret uitleggen
father vaartje
father vader
fatherland vaderland
earthen, clay, stone van klei
thence vandaar
feather veder
feather veer
loathe, abominate, abhor verafschuwen
additional, furthermore, moreover, remaining verder
wither verdorren
anesthesia, anaesthesia verdoving
wither verflensen
hypothesize veronderstellen
thereafter vervolgens
braid, plait, wreathe, twine vlechten
furthermore voorts
forefather, great-grandfather voorvader
forefather voorzaat
deserving, merchandise, authentic, where, worthy waar
thermometer warmtemeter
wash, bathe wassen
weather weder
defense, weather, defence weer
weather weersomstandigheden
mathematics wiskunde
mathematical wiskundig
mathematician wiskundige
wrestle, struggle, writhe, flounder worstelen
they, them, she ze
lather zeepsop
scythe zeis
flounder, struggle, writhe zich aftobben
sympathetic zielsverwant
they, silk, she zij
southern, south zuidelijk