The English term "the, it" matches the Dutch term "het"

other english words that include "the" : dutch :
the aan de
the aan het
them aan hun
them aan ze
clothe aankleden
earthly, stone, clay, earthen aarden
crockery, earthenware, pottery aardewerk
absinth, absinthe absint
absinth, absinthe absintlikeur
gather, deduce abstraheren
exhale, breathe ademen
breathe ademhalen
breather adempauze
induce, extract, gather, infer, deduce, divert afleiden
yonder, there aldaar
altogether alles wel beschouwd
else, another, other ander
anesthesia, anaesthesia anesthesie
apathetic apathisch
theme apropos
Athenian Atheens
atheism atheïsme
Athena, Athene, Athens Athene
genuine, authentic authentiek
bathe baden
occupy, clothe bekleden
bother, obstruct, disturb, hinder, oppose, bar belemmeren
together bijeen
gathering, assemblage bijeenkomst
brothel bordeel
furthermore bovendien
sibling, brother broeder
brother, sibling broer
there, yonder, because daar
thence daar, vandaan
furthermore daarenboven
there, yonder daarginds
thither daarheen
thereafter daarop
thence daarvan
the de
theirs de hunne
deduce, gather deduceren
nevertheless desondanks
theft diefstal
thesis, essay dissertatie
this, these dit
these, this dit hier
stupid, dull, cathedral, foolish dom
saturate, lengthen doortrekken
heather dophei
heather dopheide
lathe draaibank
lathe draaischijf
therefore, consequently, so, then dus
marriage, really, authentic, genuinely, matrimony echt
abominate, loathe, abhor een afschuw hebben van
rather een klein beetje
end-of-the-line eindstation
there, yonder er
therefore, then, so ergo
neither evenmin
there, yonder ginds
theology godgeleerdheid
atheism godloochenarij
Gothenburg Gotenburg
grandmother grootmoeder
grandfather grootvader
bracket, clamp, hook, staple, parenthesis haakje
brackets, parantheses haakjes
she, its, her, hair, hairs, their haar
wardrobe, clothes-press hangkast
they hen
theirs het hunne
whether hetzij
here, hither, behold hier
hither, here hierheen
disturb, bother hinderen
brothel hoerenkast
its, her, them, their, they hun
hymn, anthem hymne
hypothesis, supposition hypothese
hypothetical hypothetisch
rather ietwat
bathe in bad doen
together ineen
sympathetic, charming innemend
cathedral kathedraal
anthem, hymn kerkgezang
church-father kerkvader
clamp, bracket, staple, parenthesis klamp
clothe kleden
clothing, clothes kleding
wardrobe, clothes-press kleerkast
clay, stone, earthen klei-
clothes, clothing kleren
bracket, convulsion, staple, spasm, parenthesis kramp
wither kwijnen
leather lederen
leather leerachtig
leather, learn leren
Lethe Lethe
rather lichtelijk
expensive, lovable, affable, sweetheart, friendly lief
darling, sweetheart liefje
sweetheart, darling lieveling
panther, leopard luipaard
lifeless, dispassionately, apathetic lusteloos
mathematics mathematica
mathematician mathematicus
mathematical mathematisch
gathering, assemblage meeting
tiresome, apathetic melig
mother moeder
godfather naamgever
the naar de
nearer, further nader
Nether-Rhine Nederrijn
clamp, staple, parenthesis, bracket nietje
nevertheless, however niettemin
neither noch
northern noordelijk
northern noords
or, whether of
granny, grandmother oma
clothe omkleden
supposition, hypothesis onderstelling
subject, object, theme onderwerp
theft ontvreemding
genuine, authentic onvervalst
then, therefore, so ook weer
grandfather, granddad opa
father, elder, parent, older, mother ouder
great-grandmother overgrootmoeder
great-grandfather overgrootvader
panther, leopard panter
father papa
father pater
godfather peet
godfather peetvader
feather pen
godfather peter
feather pluim
thesis, essay proefschrift
Prometheus Prometheus
lengthen rekken
together, co-, fellow samen
assemblage, gathering samenkomst
treasure, sweetheart, darling schat
theatre schouwburg
theatrical schouwburg-
brothel seksclub
lather, sauce, gravy sop
writhe, struggle, flounder spartelen
forefather stamvader
essay, thesis, theorem stelling
stepmother, step-mother stiefmoeder
step-father, stepfather stiefvader
dust, subject, substance, theme stof
disturb, bother storen
sympathetic sympathiek
tiresome, leather taai
together tezamen
theatre theater
theatrical theater-
theme thema
theology theologie
theologian theoloog
theorem theorema
theory theorie
therapy therapie
thermometer thermometer
thermos thermosfles
thermostat thermostaat
then, surely, therefore, however, so toch
theatre, scene toneel
theatrical toneel-
clarify, lengthen, interpret uitleggen
father vaartje
father vader
fatherland vaderland
earthen, clay, stone van klei
thence vandaar
feather veder
feather veer
loathe, abominate, abhor verafschuwen
additional, furthermore, moreover, remaining verder
wither verdorren
anesthesia, anaesthesia verdoving
wither verflensen
hypothesize veronderstellen
thereafter vervolgens
braid, plait, wreathe, twine vlechten
furthermore voorts
forefather, great-grandfather voorvader
forefather voorzaat
deserving, merchandise, authentic, where, worthy waar
thermometer warmtemeter
wash, bathe wassen
weather weder
defense, weather, defence weer
weather weersomstandigheden
mathematics wiskunde
mathematical wiskundig
mathematician wiskundige
wrestle, struggle, writhe, flounder worstelen
they, them, she ze
lather zeepsop
scythe zeis
flounder, struggle, writhe zich aftobben
sympathetic zielsverwant
they, silk, she zij
southern, south zuidelijk
other english words that include "it" : dutch :
across, opposite aan de overkant van
flit, flirt, flutter aan de scharrel zijn
share-capital aandelenkapitaal
unite aaneenvoegen
congentital, inbred, inborn, native, congenital aangeboren
chuck, caress, fondle, quote, cite, stroke aanhalen
aptitude, predisposition, tendency, talent aanleg
observation, criticism, remark aanmerking
adjust, accomodate, accommodate, adapt, fit aanpassen
adaptability aanpassingsvermogen
writ aanschrijving
incitement, exhortation, stimulus aansporing
attitudinizer, poseur aansteller
instigate, encourage, excite, fan, freshen, urge aanwakkeren
habit, trick aanwensel
nature, character, sort, personality aard
waver, hesitate aarzelen
hesitant aarzelend
wavering, hesitation aarzeling
bait, carrion, ace aas
abnormality abnormaliteit
absurdity absurditeit
university, academy academie
accredit accrediteren
accuracy, exactitude, precision accuratesse
withhold achterhouden
backbiting, scandal achterklap
pursuit, persecution achtervolging
omit achterwege laten
asset, acquisition acquisitie
activity, share, action actie
topicality, topic actualiteit
witty, lively ad rem
fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate adapteren
nobility adel
phlebitis aderontsteking
admirality admiraliteit
petitioner adressant
demolition afbraak
speciality, pigeonhole, detachment, compartment afdeling
expedite, settle, finnish, conclude afdoen
remittance afdracht
affinity affiniteit
visit afgaan
annul, remit afgelasten
deposit, spread afgeven
hard-worked, hackneyed, commonplace, trite afgezaagd
expect, deduct, await, wait, abide afhalen
finnish, expedite, settle, conclude afhandelen
verify, audit, supervise aflezen
substitution, replacement, redemption aflossing
monitor, eavesdrop afluisteren
exit afrit
Aphrodite Afrodite
abolition, abrogation afschaffing
separation, partition, secretion, breakaway afscheiding
adapt, accommodate, fit, adjust afstemmen
lapsed, dilapidated, rickety, decayed, decrepit aftands
retire, quit aftreden
aberration, aberrance, abnormality afwijking
liquidate, unroll, finnish, expedite, conclude afwikkelen
abet, incite, agitate agiteren
air-conditioned air-conditioned
air-conditioning air-conditioning
air-conditioning airco
aconite, monkshood akoniet
alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits alcohol
alcohol, booze, spirits, liquor alcoholische drank
algorithm algoritme
commonplace, trite, daily alledaags
fervor, zeal, ambition, fervour ambitie
ambitious ambitieus
furniture ameublement
munition, ammunition ammunitie
illiterate analfabetisch
enmity animositeit
annul, remit annuleren
abolitionism anti-slavernijbeweging
referee, arbiter, arbitrator, umpire arbiter
arbitrary arbitrair
architect architect
Brittany, Bretagne, Armorica Armorica
article, paragraph, commodity artikel
author, writer auteur
authority, glamour, prestige, glamor autoriteit
orbit, passage, corridor, road baan
profit baat
bathing-suit badpak
territory ban
commonplace, trite banaal
bandit bandiet
abdicate, resign, quit, thank bedanken
portrait beeltenis
inherit beërven
aptitude, talent begaafdheid
restricted, limited, confined begrensd
limit, abridge, restrict, confine begrenzen
proper, fitting, suitable, properly, decently behoorlijk
befit, must, should behoren
bite beitsen
poor, pitiful beklagenswaardig
limit, abridge, restrict, confine beknotten
ability bekwaamheid
politeness beleefdheid
tact, politics beleid
hinder, prevent, inhibit beletten
exhibit, expose belichten
perplexity, embarrassment, abashment benardheid
criticize, judge beoordelen
criticism beoordeling
definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause bepaling
abridge, restrict, limit, confine beperken
confined, limited, restricted beperkt
celebrity beroemd persoon
glory, celebrity beroemdheid
gentlemanlike, polite, courteous, well-mannered beschaafd
disposition beschikking
bicuit beschuit
proper, fitting, becoming, decent, suitable betamelijk
befit betamen
bit beting
title betitelen
inhabitant bewoner
habitation bewoning
visit, frequent bezoeken
visitor, caller bezoeker
withstand bezwaar hebben tegen
unite bijeenbrengen
superstition bijgeloof
superstitious bijgelovig
quite, very bijster
bite, corrode bijten
inside, until, within, into, a, per, in binnen
biscuit biscuit
bitmap bitmap
bitter bitter
bitterness bitterheid
bittersweet bitterzoet
white, blank blanco
blank, white blank
appendicitis blindedarmontsteking
prosperity, success bloei
bare, naked, solitary, sole, mere, nude bloot
inventory, inheritance boedel
wit boegspriet
crowd, multitude, mass, quantity, pile boel
Sagittarius Boogschutter
security, pledge borgstelling
architect bouwmeester
dilapidated, decrepit, rickety, lapsed, decayed bouwvallig
vomit braken
speciality, section, compartment, pigeonhole branche
knit breien
Brittany, Bretagne Bretagne
writing-paper briefpapier
Briton Brit
British Brits
Britain Brittannië
incubate, sit broeden
sit, incubate broeden op
Bogor, Buitenzorg Buitenzorg
bureau, writing-desk bureau
citizen burger
civilian, bourgeois, middleclass, non-military burgerlijk
capitol capitool
surrender, capitulate capituleren
Carmelite Carmelieter non
charitable charitatief
supervise, verify, audit checken
Christianity christendom
numeral, cipher, digit cijfer
arithmetic, figure cijferen
arithmetic cijferkunst
circuit circuit
citadel citadel
cite, quote citeren
civilian, non-military, civil civiel
separation, partition clausuur
committee comité
suit, outfit complet
composition compositie
condition, stipulation, terms conditie
constitution constitutie
constitutional constitutioneel
positive constructief
supervise, verify, audit controleren
credit credit
credit creditzijde
crunchy, crisp, brittle croquant
thither daarheen
culprit dader
gratitude dankbaarheid
initiate de stoot geven tot
debit debet
debit debetzijde
recite, declaim declameren
fragment, item, part, particle deel
item, particle, fragment deeltje
humility deemoed
loss, deficit deficit
definition definitie
definitely, definite, definitive, positively definitief
fictitious, fictional denkbeeldig
deposit deponeren
thingamajig, whatchamacallit dinges
transmit, send doen toekomen
Dolomites Dolomieten
frostbite door bevriezing veroorzaakte wo
split doorklieven
alcohol, beverage, spirits, booze, liquor drank
Trinity Drieëenheid
crowd, pile, mass, multitude drom
busy, keen, brisk, alert, edition druk
doubt, hesitate dubben
dynamite dynamiet
legitimize echten
nobility edelen
edition editie
editor editor
harmony, unity eendracht
unit, unity eenheid
backbiting, scandal eerroof
ambition eerzucht
ambitious eerzuchtig
appetite eetlust
aeon, eternity eeuwigheid
arbitrary eigenmachtig
quality eigenschap
restricted, limited, confined eindig
electricity elektriciteit
sole, ankle, only, solitary, mere enkel
poor, pitiful erbarmelijk
inheritance erfdeel
heredity erfelijkheid
inheritance erfenis
inheritance erfstuk
serious, very, quite, important erg
Eritrea Eritrea
gratitude erkentelijkheid
inherit erven
portrait evenbeeld
neither evenmin
eventuality, contingency eventualiteit
expedition expeditie
exploit, utilize exploiteren
exposition, exhibition expositie
fitting, suitable, decent, proper fatsoenlijk
bitchy, shrewish feeksachtig
fictitious, fictional fictief
faith, confidence fiducie
bit-player figurant
flit, flutter, flirt fladderen
frivolity, silliness frivoliteit
rickety, dilapidated, decrepit, lapsed, decayed gammel
wand, switch gard
hospital gasthuis
hospitable gastvrij
hospitality gastvrijheid
talent, aptitude gave
character, nature, personality geaardheid
opportunity, happen, grow, occurence, occur gebeuren
occurence, opportunity gebeurtenis
area, sphere, region, territory gebied
lawsuit geding
activity, action gedoe
permit gedogen
tractability, manageability gedweeheid
intellect, mind, spirit, phantom, soul, ghost geest
ecclesiastic, mental, spiritual geestelijk
witty, lively geestig
witticism geestigheid
hypocritical gehuicheld
agitated gejaagd
feature, trait gelaatstrek
resemblance, similarity gelijkenis
equality gelijkheid
religion, faith, confidence geloof
success, luck, happiness, prosperity geluk
community gemeenschap
solidarity gemeenschapszin
community gemeente
lawsuit gerechtszaak
little, diminutive, small gering
fitness, capability, suitability geschiktheid
writing geschrift
venereal, genital geslachts-
without gespeend van
predisposition, tendency gesteldheid
institute gesticht
faithful, loyal getrouw
witness getuige
witty, lively gevat
hypocritical, underhanded geveinsd
sensitive, impressible, delicate, refined gevoelig
consistency, consequence, train, suite gevolg
hesitation, wavering geweifel
titanic geweldg
profit gewin
glamor, prestige, glamour, authority gezag
guitar gitaar
heat, passion, vivacity, verve gloed
acclivity, hillside, slope glooiing
appetite graagte
ditch, pit, hole, channel, canal gracht
granite granieten
grapefruit grapefruit
gravel, grit gravel
pit, hole, ditch greppel
capricious, grotesque, fantastic, fitful grillig
gravel, grit grind
pit, hole, ditch groef
hole, grave, pit, ditch, tomb groeve
territory grondgebied
constitution grondwet
constitutional grondwettelijk
Britain Groot-Brittannië
quantity grootheid
city grote stad
grit, gravel gruis
horror, atrocity, abomination, abhorrence gruwel
atrocity, horror, abomination, abhorrence gruweldaad
she, its, her, hair, hairs, their haar
hair-splitter, nit-picker, niggler haarklover
hair-splitting haarkloverij
critical, dangerous hachelijk
Haiti Haïti
activity, action handeling
commodity, article handelsartikel
valise, suitcase handkoffer
glove, mitten handschoen
wavering, hesitation hapering
bite happen
habit, trick hebbelijkheid
hectolitre hectoliter
witch heks
bewitch heksen
cleanliness, purity helderheid
hillside, acclivity, slope helling
hepatitis hepatitis
hospitable herbergzaam
hermit heremiet
serfdom, servitude herendienst
repetition herhaling
here, hither, behold hier
herewith hierbij
hither, here hierheen
embarrassment, abashment, perplexity hinder
quantity hoeveelheid
politeness hoffelijkheid
den, void, concave, cavern, cavity, empty, hollow hol
cavern, cavity, den holte
appetite hongerigheid
height, altitude hoogte
zenith, acme hoogtepunt
crowd, pile, bevy, multitude, mass, collection hoop
befit, must, hear, should horen
intermittent hortend
hospital hospitaal
position, attitude, deportment, behaviour houding
hit, hack, strike houwen
hypocrite huichelaar
hypocritical huichelachtig
living-room, sitting-room huiskamer
furniture huisraad
its, her, them, their, they hun
hypocrite hypocriet
hypothesis, supposition hypothese
identity identiteit
pity iets betreurenswaardigs
vain, futile, conceited ijdel
silliness, vanity ijdelheid
smith ijzersmid
imitation imitatie
imitate imiteren
into, a, per, inside, within, in in
deposit in bewaring geven
substitute, replace in de plaats stellen van
despite, notwithstanding, defiantly in weerwil van
furniture inboedel
substitute, replace inboeten
opportunity, occurence incident
inborn, native, congenital, inbred, innate ingeboren
inhabitant ingezetene
initial initiaal
equipment, institute, apparatus, device, set inrichting
auditor, inspector inspecteur
establishment, institution, adjustment instelling
institute instituut
intermittent intermitterend
withdraw intrekken
invitation invitatie
invite inviteren
inhabitant inwoner
Israelite, Israelitish Israelitisch
Italian Italiaans
Italy Italië
detail, item, fragment, particle item
Ithaca Ithaca
fragment, item, particle jaartelling
itch jeuken
Neolithic Jongere Steentijd
Jove, Jupiter Jupiter
pitcher, jug kan
strait, canal, channel kanaal
pulpit kansel
fund, capital kapitaal
capitalist kapitalist
personality, character, nature karakter
feature, trait karaktertrek
small, little, diminutive karig
Carmelite karmelietes
deficit kastekort
pulpit katheder
kitten katje
laryngitis keelontsteking
waiter kelner
rite kerkgebruik
kitchen keuken
criticize, censor keuren
parasite klaploper
hit, knock, strike, click, rattle klappen
diminutive, little, tiny, small klein
split klieven
throb, strike, hit, pulsate, knock kloppen
split kloven
hermit kluizenaar
crunchy, brittle, crisp knapperig
bite knauwen
subdue, subjugate, submit knechten
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity knelpunt
pet, incubate, coddle, pamper, sit koesteren
Kuwait Koeweit
valise, suitcase koffer
witch kol
rabbit konijn
kitchen kookgelegenheid
vomit kotsen
credit krediet
tickle, itch kriebelen
itch krieuwelen
criticism, critical kritiek
criticize kritiseren
jug, pitcher kruik
pit, hole, ditch, pole kuil
cleanliness, purity kuisheid
ability kundigheid
attitudinizer, fop, poseur, dandy, dude kwast
peep, twitter, chirp kwetteren
wither kwijnen
witticism, joke kwinkslag
spittoon, cuspidor kwispedoor
scandal, backbiting laster
pulpit leerstoel
legitimize legitimeren
leitmotif, leitmotiv Leitmotiv
delicacy, tidbit lekkernij
length, longitude lengte
longitude lengte (geo.)
literature letterkunde
literary letterkundig
literal letterlijk
Levite Leviet
light-switch lichtknop
light-switch lichtschakelaar
charitable liefdadigheids-
site ligging
serfdom, servitude lijfeigenschap
litany litanie
litre, liter liter
literary literair
literature literatuur
Lithuania Litouwen
Lithuanian Litouws
literary litterair
literature litteratuur
liturgy liturgie
bait lokaas
solitary, mere, sole, alone louter
little, diminutive, small luttel
virility manmoedigheid
virility mannelijkheid
marguerite margriet
mass, multitude, pile, crowd massa
Mauritania Mauretanië
Moor, Mauritanian Mauretaniër
Mauritius Mauritius
meditate mediteren
tractability, manageability meegaandheid
majority meerderheid
majority meerderjarigheid
titmouse mees
pile, crowd, multitude, mass menigte
opinion, supposition mening
charity menslievendheid
Mesolithic Mesolithicum
on, through, against, with met
inquisitively met nieuwsgierigheid
meteorite meteoriet
Mediterranean Middellandse Zee
pit-props, pitwood mijnhout
mite, woodpile mijt
miter, mitre mijter
military militair
little, small, less, diminutive, minus min
minority minderheids-
possibility mogelijkheid
monkshood, aconite monnikskap
monstrosity monsterachtigheid
fitter monteur
Moor, Mauritanian Moor
cupcake, witticism, blot, joke mop
morality moraliteit
Moor, Mauritanian Moriaan
Muscovite Moskovitisch
hectolitre mud
midge-bite, gnat-bite muggebeet
nit-picker, niggler, hair-splitter muggezifter
hair-splitting muggezifterij
multitasking multitasking
ammunition, munition munitie
mosquito muskiet
mosquito-net, mosquito-netting muskietengaas
mosquito-netting, mosquito-net muskietennet
musicality muzikaliteit
nakedness, nudity naaktheid
arbitrarily naar willekeur
charity naastenliefde
vicinity, proximity, neighbourhood nabijheid
imitate nabootsen
imitation nabootsing
meditate nadenken
meditative, thoughtful, pensive, thinking nadenkend
imitate nadoen
progeny, posterity nageslacht
Neapolitan Napolitaans
nationality nationaliteit
tight, strait, cramped, narrow nauw
exactitude, accuracy, precision nauwgezetheid
imitation navolging
obituary necrologie
humility nederigheid
write neerschrijven
Neolithic Neolithicum
nose, point, summit, peak neus
conceited nietig
vanity nietigheid
defiantly, notwithstanding, despite niettegenstaande
inquisitive, inquisitively nieuwsgierig
curiosity nieuwsgierigheid
neither noch
invite noden
mention, cite, call, quote noemen
necessity noodzaak
necessity noodzakelijkheid
fitful, capricious nukkig
digit, cipher, numeral nummer
armpit oksel
definition omschrijving
unimportant, conceited onbelangrijk
capricious, fitful onberekenbaar
security, pledge onderpand
supposition, hypothesis onderstelling
subjugate, subdue, submit onderwerpen
absurdity onding
illiterate ongeletterd
absurdity ongerijmdheid
definitive, definite onherroepelijk
blank, white oningevuld
annul, analyse, remit, analyze ontbinden
without ontbloot van
ignition ontbranding
demolition ontmanteling
inflammation, ignition ontsteking
impressable, impressible, sensitive ontvankelijk
susceptibility ontvankelijkheid
eternity onvergankelijkheid
orbit oogkas
humility ootmoed
sincerity openhartigheid
agitated opgewonden
provoke, agitate, stimulate, abet, incite, rouse ophitsen
edit, waste opmaken
babysitter oppas
opposition oppositie
sincerity oprechtheid
agitate, incite, abet opruien
edit opstellen
abet, incite, agitate opstoken
send, transmit opsturen
addition optelling
activity, action, presentation optreden
requisition opvorderen
strech, excite opwinden
exciting opwindend
excitation, excitement opwinding
visit opzoeken
Palaeolithic, Paleolithic Oudere Steentijd
antiquity oudheid
resemblance, similarity overeenkomst
heredity overerfelijkheid
transitive overgankelijk
vomit overgeven
remaining, additional overig
tradition overlevering
Paleolithic, Palaeolithic Paleolithicum
pledge, house, security pand
parasite parasiet
parity, equality pariteit
conform, befit passen
meditate peinzen
abashment, perplexity, embarrassment penarie
a, in, into, inside, within, through, per per
petition petitie
petition petitionnement
summit, peak, point piek
creak, grind, chirp, grate, peep, twitter, gnash piepen
Pietermaritzburg Pietermaritzburg
Pentecost, Whitsunday Pinksteren
Whitsunday, Pentecost Pinksterfeest
verve, vivacity pittigheid
scourge, calamity, infestation plaag
politician politicus
political, politics politiek
grapefruit pompelmoes
portrait portret
position positie
positive positief
writing-paper postpapier
benefit, advantage pré
spur, excite prikkelen
primitive primitief
principality prinsdom
litigate procederen
lawsuit proces
publicity, propaganda propaganda
prostitute prostitueren
dot, peak, point, summit punt
puritan puriteins
reality realiteit
impressible, impressable, sensitive receptief
recruit recruteren
edit redigeren
arithmetic rekenkunde
requisition rekwireren
repetition repetitie
auditor revisor
rite rite
ritual ritueel
rite ritus
spit rochelen
rod, wand, switch roede
solidarity saamhorigheid
Samaritan Samaritaans
with samen met
connection, unity samenhang
Sanskrit Sanskriet
verve, vivacity sappigheid
satellite satelliet
loss, pity schade
umpire, arbiter, arbitrator, referee scheidsrechter
separation, partition schifting
hesitate schoorvoeten
written schriftelijk
writ schriftelijk bevel
writing schriftuur
writing-desk schrijfbureau
typewriter schrijfmachine
writing-paper schrijfpapier
writing-desk schrijftafel
write schrijven
author, writer schrijver
culprit schuldige
genital, generative, sexual seksueel
Semite Semiet
Semitic Semitisch
waitress serveerster
outfit, series, suit set
circumstances, situation situatie
peep, twitter, chirp sjilpen
strike, knock, hit slaan
gaiter slobkous
demolition sloop
locksmith slotenmaker
smith smid
striking, witty, lively snedig
speed-limit snelheidsgrens
tidbit, candy, delicacy snoep
tidbit, candy, delicacy snoepgoed
writhe, struggle, flounder spartelen
vivacity, verve, energy spirit
spiritualism spiritisme
summit, peak, spiked, pointed, point spits
switch, wand spitsroede
split, burst splijten
antenna, wit spriet
vomit, spit spugen
spittoon, cuspidor spuugbak
spittoon, cuspidor spuwbak
spit spuwen
politics staatkunde
political staatkundig
citizen staatsburger
politician staatsman
rank, position, circumstances, class, altitude stand
situation, circumstances stand van zaken
withstand standhouden
mesh, stitch, spades, loop steek
gravel, grit steengruis
pair, suit, outfit stel
outfit, suit stelletje
strength, quantity, fortification sterkte
writer stilist
precision, exactitude, accuracy, exactness stiptheid
wand, switch stokje
street, strait straat
bandit struikrover
send, transmit sturen
Tahiti Tahiti
branch, speciality, section, compartment, bough tak
aptitude, talent talent
into, a, inside, in, within, per, on te
wait, abide, expect, await te wachten staan
opposite tegenover
opposition, resistance tegenstand
abolitionist tegenstander van slavernij
credit tegoed
deficit tekort
exhibit, expose tentoonstellen
exposition, exhibition tentoonstelling
termite termiet
territory territoir
territorial territoriaal
withdraw terugtrekken
termite thermiet
point, peak, summit, warning tip
Titan Titan
titanic titanisch
title titelen
title tituleren
peep, chirp, twitter tjilpen
admittedly toegegeven
cede, confess, concede, admit, consent, relinquish toegeven
merit, deserve toekomen
permit, tolerate toelaten
permit toestaan
composition toondicht
composition toonzetting
summit, point, peak top
totalitarianism totalitarisme
witch tovenares
witch toverheks
enchantment, witchcraft, wizardry, sorcery toverij
tradition traditie
traditional traditioneel
transliteration transcriptie
remittance transfer
transitive transitief
transliteration transkriptie
transliteration transport
transvestite travestiet
satellite trawant
trait, appetite, feature trek
Triton Triton
proud, spite, defiance, pride trots
loyal, faithful trouw
witticism, onion ui
utilize, exploit uitbuiten
expenses, edition uitgaaf
ending, exit uitgang
edition uitgave
cavity uitholling
decide, constitute uitmaken
utilize, exploit uitmelken
invite uitnodigen
invitation uitnodiging
write, convoke, organize, launch uitschrijven
emit, radiate uitstralen
quit uittreden
favourite, favorite uitverkoren
exit uitweg
delete, obliterate uitwissen
unit unit
university universiteit
utility utility
section, pigeonhole, compartment, speciality vak
valise, suitcase valies
itself, herself, self, himself vanzelf
hypocrite veinzer
responsibility verantwoordelijkheid
forfeit verbeurd
prohibit, forbid verbieden
bitterness verbittering
additional, furthermore, moreover, remaining verder
fictional, fictitious verdicht
win, deserve, merit, earn verdienen
profit verdienste
wither verdorren
united verenigd
wither verflensen
facilitate vergemakkelijken
prevent, inhibit verhinderen
inhibit, prevent verhoeden
illuminate, facilitate, enlighten verlichten
capital vermogen
abomination, abhorrence, horror, atrocity verschrikking
publicity, propaganda verspreiding
confide, trust, faith, confidence vertrouwen
counterfeit vervalsing
replacement, substitution vervanging
pursuit, persecution vervolging
affinity, relationship verwantschap
enmity vijandigheid
enmity vijandschap
vital, essential vitaal
vitamin vitamine
braid, plait, wreathe, twine vlechten
tractability, manageability volgzaamheid
benefit, advantage voordeel
declaim, recite voordragen
positively, definitely voorgoed
initial voorletter
prosperity, success voorspoed
clause, stipulation, terms, condition voorwaarde
preposition voorzetsel
requisition vorderen
constitute, form, shape vormen
principality vorstendom
invite, request, ask vragen
fruit vrucht
fruitful, fertile vruchtbaar
merit, deserve waard zijn
dignity waardigheid
expect, await, abide, wait wachten
waiting-room wachtkamer
competition, rivalry wedijver
inquisitive weetgierig
curiosity weetgierigheid
omitted weggelaten
omit weglaten
polite, courteous, well-mannered welgemanierd
courteous, well-mannered, polite wellevend
success, prosperity welstand
city wereldstad
arbitrary willekeurig
tendency, predisposition wilsbeschikking
profit winst
purpose, goal, white, blank wit
white-wash witkalk
white-wash witsel
termite witte mier
living-room, sitting-room woonkamer
literal, word-for-word, verbatim woordelijk
wrestle, struggle, writhe, flounder worstelen
morality zedelijkheid
strait zeeëngte
himself, self, itself, herself zelf
dignity zelfgevoel
dignity zelfrespect
zenith zenit
attitudinize, pose zich aanstellen
flounder, struggle, writhe zich aftobben
capitulate, surrender zich overgeven
pose, attitudinize zich voordoen
hospital ziekenhuis
her, be, its zijn
purity, cleanliness zindelijkheid
sitting-room, living-room zitkamer
gravity zwaartekracht
Switzerland Zwitserland