The English term "forget me not" matches the German term "Vergißmeinnicht"

other english words that include "me" : german :
bluebottle, meat fly Aasfliege
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Abakus
evening meal, supper Abendessen
evening meal, supper Abendmahl
accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence Abkommen
intention, meaning, plan Absicht
compartment, coupé Abteil
separation, partition, branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality, detachment Abteilung
meteoric stone Aerolith
agenda, appointment book Agenda
presentiment Ahnung
act, certificate, diploma, document Akt
act, certificate, diploma, document Akte
ant, emmet Ameise
america Amerika
american, us citizen Amerikaner
american woman Amerikanerin
amethyst Amethyst
keepsake, memento, souvenir, memory, recollection Andenken
beginning, commencement, start Anfang
declaration, proclamation, statement Angabe
meadow Anger
acolyte, member, supporter, disciple Anhänger
agglomeration Anhäufung
ad, advertisement Annonce
excitation, excitement Anregung
attraction, impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreiz
impetus, incitement, stimulus Anreizung
colony, settlement Ansiedelei
colony, settlement Ansiedlung
claim, presume Anspruch machen auf
accretion, growth, enlargement, increase Anwuchs
indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign, character, mark, signal, token Anzeichen
ad, advertisement, declaration, proclamation, statement, accusation Anzeige
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Anzug
acme Apogäum
apartment, flat Appartement
unemployment Arbeitlosigkeit
argument, plea Argument
arithmetic Arithmetik
armenia Armenien
armenian Armenier
astronomer Astronom
meadow Aue
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment, game, presentation Aufführung
adjournment, delay Aufschub
ado, din, noise, astonishment, wonder, surprise Aufsehen
instant, moment Augenblick
bulk, dimension, extend, size, measurement, expansion Ausdehnung
fume Ausdünstung
accomplishment, acquittal Ausführung
account, information, advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Auskunft
adornment, ornament Ausschmückung
ballgame Ballspiel
bond, tie, connection, league, ribbon, volume Band
charity, mercifulness, mercy Barmherzigkeit
barometer Barometer
abdomen, belly, tummy Bauch
farmer, cage Bauer
time to consider Bedenkzeit
meaning Bedeuting
menace, threat Bedrohung
beginning, commencement, start Beginn
burial, funeral, interment Begräbnis
treatment Behandlung
burial, funeral, interment Beisetzung
advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Bekanntmachung
acknowledgement, admission, confession Bekenntnis
article of dress, garment Bekleidung
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Benehmen
bulk, dimension, extend, size, region Bereich
fame, renown, celebrity, glory Berühmtheit
punishment Bestrafung
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Betragen
sadness, sorrow, annoyance, disappointment, grief Betrübnis
affection, emotion, movement Bewegung
argument, plea, proof, sign, token Beweis
payment Bezahlung
meaning Bezeichnung
sheet metal, tin, tin plate Blech
ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger Bote
ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger Botschafter
gruel, mess, mush Brei
methylated spirit Brennspiritus
fragment, lump, piece Bruch
fragment, lump, piece Bruchstück
pavement, sidewalk Bürgersteig
centimetre Centimeter
chameleon Chamäleon
chimera Chimäre
compartment, coupé Coupé
dame, lady Dame
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Damen und Herren
dike, embankment Damm
dike, embankment Deich
decametre Dekameter
décor, decoration, order, adornment, ornament Dekoration
monument Denkmal
medal Denkmünze
department Departement
detachment Detachement
decimetre Dezimeter
diameter Diameter
bulk, dimension, extend, size, measurement Dimension
dinner, midday meal Diner
document, paper Dokument
cathedral, cupola, dome Dom
menace, threat Drohung
dromedary Dromedar
fume Dunst
diameter Durchmesser
symmetry Ebenmaß
cadre, frame, framework Einfassung
acknowledgement, admission, confession Eingeständnis
agreement, consent, permission, unity Einigkeit
accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence Einklang
income, return Einkommen
income Einkünfte
income Einnahme
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, institution, organization Einrichtung
harmony, agreement, consent, permission Eintracht
mutual understanding, accommodation, accord, agreement Einverständnis
albumen Eiweiß
element Element
enamel Emaille
recommendation Empfehlung
abnegation, cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender Entsagung
design, diagram, plan, plane, project, scheme, outline, sketch Entwurf
acme Erdferne
conclusion, effect, result, achievement, success Erfolg
memory, recollection Erinnerung
acknowledgement Erkennung
income Erlös
food, nourishment Ernährung
excitation, excitement Erregung
income, gain, profit Ertrag
mention Erwähnung
meal Essen
establishment Etablissement
apartment, flat Etagenwohnung
ex , former Ex
experiment Experiment
branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality Fach
fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour Fama
surname Familienname
bulk, dimension, extend, size, circumstances, condition, situation Fassung
vacation, spare time, time off Ferien
flame Flamme
flesh, meat Fleisch
advance, advancement, progress Fortschritt
promenade Foyer
fragment, lump, piece Fragment
meal Fraß
blasphemy, crime Frevel
cemetery, god’s acre, graveyard Friedhof
spring, springtime Frühjahr
spring, springtime Frühling
element, foundation Fundament
food, nourishment, lining Futter
meddlesomeness Fürwitz
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Gebahren
memory, recollection Gedächtnis
bulk, dimension, extend, size, salary, wage, wages Gehalt
pavement, sidewalk Gehweg
accompaniment, escort Geleit
achievement, success Gelingen
apartment, flat, chamber, room Gemach
gendarme, patrolman Gensdarm
geometry Geometrie
court, courtroom, judgment, food Gericht
odor, odour, scent, smell Geruch
fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour Gerücht
ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger Gesandter
acknowledgement, admission, confession Geständnis
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Gewand
cupola, dome Gewölbedach
endorsement Giro
proportion, rate, symmetry Gleichmaß
acolyte, member, supporter, limb Glied
carillon, chimes Glockenspiel
fame, glory, renown Glorie
brownie, gnome, goblin Gnom
cemetery, god’s acre, graveyard Gottesacker
annoyance, disappointment, grief Gram
gram, gramme Gramm
pomegranate Granatapfel
pomegranate, grenade Granate
meal Graupe
element, foundation Grundlage
judgment Gutachten
halt, come to a halt, stop Halt machen
hammer Hammer
business, commerce, trade Handel
achievement, act, action, accomplishment Handlung
annoyance, disappointment, grief Harm
capital, capital city, metropolis Hauptstadt
house, home Haus
home Heim
hectometre Hektometer
helmet Helm
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity Hemmnis
authority, ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herrschaft
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herr und Frau
attachement, attachment Hingabe
merchant, businessman Händler
compliment Höflichkeiten erweisen
indian, american indian Indianer
meddlesomeness Indiskretion
ad, advertisement Inserat
instrument Instrument
lime Kalk
camel Kamel
bill, ticket, note, map, card, menu Karte
carousel, carrousel, merry go round Karussell
merchant, businessman Kaufmann
basement, cellar Keller
kilometre Kilometer
cemetery, god’s acre, graveyard Kirchhof
atpersand, commercial at sign, snail Klammeraffe
dress, gown, robe, article of clothing, garment Kleid
article of dress, garment Kleidung
client, customer Klient
colony, settlement Kolonie
comet Komet
compliment Komplimente machen
comedy Komödie
jam, marmelade Konfitüre
costume, outfit, suit Kostüm
crisis, depression, emergency Krise
crisis, depression, emergency Krisis
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Kugelmaschine
client, customer Kunde
compartment, coupé Kupee
cupola, dome Kuppel
spring, springtime Lenz
lime Limone
lime tree, linden tree Linde
lime tree, linden tree Lindenbaum
comedy Lustspiel
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity Lästiges
meal Mahlzeit
corn, indian corn, maize, mealies Mais
occasion, time Mal
treatment Manipulation
jam, marmelade Marmelade
torment Marter
loop, mesh Masche
measles Maser
measure, measurement Maß
mechanics Mechanik
mechanic Mechaniker
medal Medaille
medicine, practice of medicine Medizin
flour, meal Mehl
opinion, meaning Meinung
melancholy Melancholie
melody, tune Melodie
melodrama Melodram
melon Melone
menu Menü
messiah Messias
metal Metall
metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation Metamorphose
metaphor Metapher
atmospheric phenomenon Meteor
meteorology Meteorologie
meteoric stone Meteorstein
metre Meter
method Methode
metropolis Metropole
micrometre Mikrometer
environment Milieu
millimetre Millimeter
limb, member Mitglied
club member Mitglied eines Klubs
mercy Mitleid
dinner, midday meal Mittagessen
average, mean, middle Mitte
average, mean, middle Mittel
agent, means, tool, average, mean, middle, remedy, resources Mittel
mediterranean Mittelmeer
mohammedan, moslem, muslim, mussulman Mohammedaner
instant, moment Moment
monument Monument
gruel, mess, mush Mus
nutmeg Muskat
model, sample, specimen Muster
abatement, discount, rebate Nachlaß
mercy Nachsicht
food, nourishment Nahrung
food, nourishment Nahrungsmittel
appellation, name Name
phenomenon Naturscheinung
news, novelty, something new Neues
news, novelty, something new, newness Neuheit
news, novelty, something new Neuigkeit
agenda, appointment book Notizbuch
number, numeral Nummer
pantomime Pantomime
perfume Parfüm
parliament Parlament
torment Pein
parchment Pergament
circumference, perimeter Perimeter
pavement, plaster Pflaster
phenomenon Phänomen
intention, meaning, plan, design, diagram, plane, project, scheme Plan
attempt, test, sample, specimen Probe
sample, specimen Probestück
plan, project, scheme Projekt
powder, cosmetic powder Puder
torment Qual
mercury, quicksilver Quecksilber
receipt, acknowledgement Quittung
abatement, discount, rebate Rabatt
cadre, frame, framework Rahmen
arithmetic Rechenkunst
abacus, ball frame, counting frame Rechenmaschine
régime Regierungsform
regiment Regiment
rhyme Reim
ad, advert, advertisement Reklame
appointment, date, rendezvous Rendezvous
fame, renown Renommee
income, return Rente
carousel, carrousel, merry go round Ringelstechen
rome Rom
fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour, reputation Ruf
sacrament Sakrament
model, pattern, scheme Schema
loop, mesh, guelder rose, snowball Schlinge
adornment, ornament Schmücken
comet Schweifstern
melancholy Schwermut
livestock, meadow Senne
melodrama Singspiel
meaning, sense, feel, feeling, sensation Sinn
emerald Smaragd
summer Sommer
assortment Sortiment
evening meal, supper Souper
menu Speisekarte
sample, specimen Spezimen
game Spiel
judgment, maxim, proverb Spruch
impetus, incitement, stimulus Stimulation
punishment Strafe
hour, o’clock, time Stunde
helmet Sturmhaube
fragment, lump, piece, part, share, bit Stück
symmetry Symmetrie
south america Südamerika
musical time, tact Takt
drummer Tambour
achievement, act, action, accomplishment Tat
melting, thaw Tauwetter
temperament Temperament
testament, will Testament
theme, topic, subject Thema
thermometer Thermometer
melancholy Tiefsinn
costume, outfit, suit Tracht
livestock, meadow Trift
trigonometry Trigonometrie
drummer Trommler
pavement, sidewalk Trottoir
melancholy Trübsinn
tournament Turnier
watch, clock, hour, o’clock, time Uhr
bulk, dimension, extend, size Umfang
environment, environs, surroundings Umgebung
trading, treatment Unterhandlung
abdomen, belly, tummy Unterleib
diploma, document, paper Urkunde
judgment Urteil
primeval forest Urwald
crime Verbrechen
benefit, gain, profit, merit Verdienst
annoyance, disappointment, grief Verdruß
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
crime, blame, fault, guilt Vergehen
aggrandizement, enlargement, increase Vergrößerung
favor, favour, privilege, abatement, discount, rebate Vergünstigung
abatement, discount, rebate Vergütung
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Verhalten
treatment Verhandlung
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity Verlegenheit
betrothal, engagement Verlobung
accretion, growth, enlargement, increase Vermehrung
gift, present, inheritance, testament, will Vermächtnis
assemblage, gathering, meeting Versammlung
intellect, mind, intelligence, meaning, sense Verstand
experiment, attempt, effort, test Versuch
administration, management Verwaltung
metamorphosis, transformation Verwandlung
astonishment, wonder, surprise Verwunderung
cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender Verzichtleistung
adornment, decoration, ornament Verzierung
adjournment, delay Verzögerung
volume Volumen
indication, omen, presage, portent, sign Vorbedeutung
first name Vorname
blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold Vorwürfe machen
indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign Vorzeichen
indication, omen, presage, portent, sign Wahrsagung
merchandise, wares Ware
water melon Wassermelone
ache, pain, annoyance, disappointment, grief Weh
melancholy Wehmut
defence, defense, dike, embankment Wehr
mellowness, softness, tenderness Weichheit
meadow, willow Weide
manner, mode, way, melody, tune, fashion Weise
agent, means, tool, instrument Werkzeug
meadow Wiese
nice smell, sweet smell Wohlgeruch
miracle, astonishment, wonder, surprise Wunder
cipher, digit, figure, numeral, amount, number Zahl
payment Zahlung
cipher, digit, figure, numeral Zahlzeichen
delusion, spell, magic, enchantment, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry Zauber
enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry Zaubern
time, while Zeit
cement Zement
centimetre Zentimeter
abandonment Zession
card, map, menu Zettel
adornment, decoration, ornament Zierat
cipher, digit, figure, numeral Ziffer
lemon, lime Zitrone
growth, accretion, enlargement, increase Zunahme
agglomeration Zusammenballen
assemblage, gathering, meeting Zusammenkunft
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount Zusammenstellung
disagreement, discord, dissension, quarrel Zwietracht
ennumeration, calculation, computation Zählung
punishment Züchtigung