The English term "off-hand" matches the Swedish term "på rak arm"

other english words that include "off" : swedish :
badly off vanlottad
booking-office biljettlucka, biljettkontor
branch off avgrena
break off bryta av
call off avblåsa
carry off avleda
cast off förskjuta
coffee kaffe
coffee-house kafé
coffee with milk café-au-lait
coffer skrin, kista
coffin kista, likkista
cut off avskuren, avsnöra
doff ta av sig hatt
drain off avrinna
election office valbyrå
employment office arbetsförmedling
exchange-office växelkontor
far-off avlägsen
fend off parera
finish off avsluta
fire off avlossa
fob off avspisa
get off to bed gå och lägga sig
gnaw off avgnaga
Government office verk
inoffensive oförarglig
jack-in-office paragrafryttare
kick-off avspark
lay-off permittering
layoff friställning
marching off avmarsch
move off ge sig av
narrow off avsmalna
naval officer sjöofficer
news-office depeschbyrå
non-commissioned officer underofficer
non-office icke-kontorstid
non-official inofficiell
off åstad, bort, från
off-centre excentrisk
offal avfall, avskräde
offence förseelse, förnärmelse, anstöt, förolämpning
offend stöta, förtörna, förnärma, förolämpa
offended stött
offender syndare, förbrytare
offensive offensiv, anstötlig
offensive weapon angreppsvapen
offer anbud (sälja), erbjuda, ergjudande, offerera
offeree anbudstagare
offering erbjudande, offer
office kontor, byrå, ämbete, tjänst, kontor
officer officer, tjänsteman
offices kontor
official tjänsteman, ämbetsman, officiell
officially officiellt
officials officiella
officious fjäskig
offset kompenserad
offshoot sidoskott
offspring avkomma, avföda, avkomling
partition off avbalka
pay off avbetala
pension off pensionera
post-office postanstalt, postkontor
proffer erbjuda, anbud
put off avspisa, uppskjuta
read off avläsa
roast coffee rosta kaffe
round off avrunda
sawn-off avsågad
scoff håna
screen off avskärma
semi-official halvofficiella
send-off avskedstagande
send off expediera
shade off avtona
ship off avskeppa
sign off avmönstra
slink off smita
slough off överge, avbryta
take-off startplats, avstamp
thread off avgänga
toffee knäck, kola
unofficial inofficiella
wear off avklinga
well-off välbärgad, rik
other english words that include "hand" : swedish :
at hand till hands
axe-handle yxskaft
backhand backhand
backhanded med handryggen
backhander slag med handryggen
beforehand i förväg, på förhand
chandelier ljuskrona
deck-hand däcksgast
farm-hand lantbruksarbetare
freehand frihand
freehanded frikostig
glad-hand välkomna
hand hand, visare
hand-cuffs handklovar
hand-job hand-jobb
hand-made handgjord
hand-writing skrivstil
hand-written handskrivna
hand (over to) räcka över till
hand over överlämna
hand writing stil
handbill affisch
handbook handbok
handcuff handklove
handed räckte
handful handfull
handi-work slöjd
handicapped handikappade
handicapping handikapps
handicraft hantverk, slöjd
handkerchief näsduk
handle hantera, handha, handskas med, vev, handtag
handle-bar styrstång
handler hanterare
handles handhar
handling hanterande
handmade handgjort
hands händer
handsome vacker, ståtlig
handspike spak
handwheel ratt
handwork handarbete
handwriting handstil
handy fiffiga, händig
highhanded egenmäktig
hour hand timvisare
left-hand vänster
left-handed vänsterhänt
lefthand vänstra
longhand vanlig skrift
merchandise handelsvaror
mill-hand fabriksarbetare
open-handed givmild
red-handed på bar gärning
right-hand rätt, höger
right-hand man alltiallo
right-handed högerhänt
second-hand begagnad, antikvariat
second-hand information andrahandsuppgift
shorthand stenografi
sweep-hand centrumvisare
underhand hemlig, hemligt
watch-hand urvisare
write in texthand texta
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.