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Tok Pisin:English:
kabis cabbage
kabureta carburetor
kago baggage
kago cargo
kago goods
kagoboi porter
kai bar, kaibar cheap takeaway food bar
kaikai food
kaikai meal
kaikai long belo dinner
kaikai long moning breakfast
kaikaim bite
kaikaim eat
kain kind, sort
kain sort, kind
kain singsing na danis opera
kainkain all sorts of
kainkain various kinds of
kais left
kakao cocoa
kakaruk chicken
kakaruk chook, fowl
kakaruk fowl
kala colour
kalabus prison
kalabusim imprison
kalabusim lock up, imprison
kalabusim shut up/away
kalabusman prisoner
kalangal parakeet
kalap board (a vehicle)
kalap jump (vb)
kalap long PM board a PMV
kalap long PMV get into a PMV
kalenda calendar
kam come
kam shell as penis covering
kam hariap come quickly
kamap become
kamap come up
kamap, kamap long arrive
kamapim develop
kamapim improve
kamapim lait light (colour)
kamapim mani raise money
kamaut come out
kamautim (kaukau) harvest (sweet potato)
kambang lime juice, lemon drink
kambek, kam bek come back
kamera camera
kamera piksa movie camera
kampani company (firm)
kanaka indigenous person
kanda cane
kandel candle
kandere uncle, maternal
kantri country (nation)
kanu canoe
kap cup
kap bilong ti tea-cup
kapa sheet metal
kapa bilong pinga fingernail
kapet cupboard
kapiak breadfruit
kapsaitim pour
kapsaitim tip
kapten captain (of a ship)
kapti cup of tea
kapuk, koten cotton-wool
kapul, cuscus possum
kar, ka car
karamap bundle
karamap parcel
karamapim cover (vb)
karamapim tok ambiguous (be)
karamapim tok deceive
karamapim tok vague, be tok
karet carrot
kari curry
karim carry
karim leg courting ceremony involving crossing legs with a partner; literally 'carry leg' (Highlands)
kas cards
kas luck
kasang peanut
kasava, tapiok cassava
kasen cousin
kaset cassette
kaskas scabies
kastam customs (n)
kastet custard
kastim worth
kaswel castor oil
kat, katim cut
katen carton
katen cotton
katim buk lance a boil
katim diwai i pundaun fell a tree
katim gras cut grass
katim gras haircut
katim i pundaun, pundaunim cut down
katim long akis/tamiok chop
katim marit divorce
katim maritnarakain annul a marriage
katim singsing long teprikoda record (vb) a song
katim tok interrupt
Katolik Catholic
kaukau potato, sweet potato
kaukau sweet potato
kaunim count (vb)
kaunim, spelim spell
kaunsel haus town hall
kaunsila councillor
kek cake
kek pastry
kes, sutkes, bokis case, suitcases
kiap government officer
kiau bulb, light globe
kiau egg
kiau bilong golip pearl
kibung, kivung, miting meeting
kik kick
kikbal football
kil bilong diwai buttress root
kil bilong diwai tap root
kilim injure
kilim i dai pinis kill
kilman murderer
kilogiram kilogram
kilomita kilometer
kina kina (monetary unit 100 toea)
kina oyster
kina shell
kindam crayfish
kindam bilong solwara or liklik kindam prawn
king king
kirap take off (plane)
kirap nogut surprised
kirap, sanap get up
kirapim begin
kirapim establish
kirapim found, establish
kirapim get someone up from bed
kirapim open (new business)
kisim get
kisim obtain
kisim receive
kisim . . . i kam fetch
kisim asua, birua have an accident
kisim bel conceive (a child)
kisim long laik choose
kisim pe get paid
kisim win, wiken, malolo to have a rest
kisim, bringim take
klab; stik bilong pait club
klats clutch
klaut cloud
klaut i lait like (doing something)
klaut i pairap thunder
klaut i pas overcast
klia clear
klia empty
klin pure
klin, klinpela clean
klinim clean (vb)
klinim gaden, tekimaut gras nogut weed
klinim sua dress (vb. as in a wound)
klirim make clear, explain
klirim tebol clear the table
klok, kilok clock
klok, kilok, pam, hat heart
klos clothes
klos meri dress (woman,s)
klos was laundry (clothes)
klosap, klostu, klostu long near, nearby
klostu almost
koan! go on!
kok penis
koki cockatoo
koki; kalangal parrot
kokomo hornbill bird
kokonas coconut
kol , kolpela cold
kol pinis flat (of battery)
kolim bel, mekim bel i kol pacify
kolim nem (bilong yu) say (your) name
kolsinglis sweatshirt
kom comb
komputa computer
kon corn
kona corner
konpesen confession
kopi coffee
kopra copra
koropela, propela propeller
kos course
kostim, kastim cost
kot coat
kot court
kot courtyard
kothaus courthouse
kotim complain
kotim take to court
kotren overcoat
kotren, kot ren raincoat
kouk, kokakola Coca-Cola
krai cry
kranki wrong
krismas Christmas
krismas year (of age)
kristen Christian
kros angry
kros cross, angry
krosim angry with, be
krosim scold
kru bilong het brain
krungutim bend (something)
krungutim crumple (something)
kuk, kukim cook
kuka crab
kukamba cucumber
kukim bake
kukim (antap) long paia grill
kukim bret bake bread
kukim long paia barbecue
kukim, paia burn
Kula Ring ring of trading islands in Milne Bay province
kulau green coconut - kulau
kumu potato, wild sweet potato
kumu, sayor, grins greens
kumu, sayor, grins, saior vegetables
kumul Bird of Paradise
kunai sword grass
kundu, garamut drum
kus cold, have a
kus have a cold
kusaiman, man bilong karamapim tok deceiver
kuskus clerk
kwait, i no gat nois, no ken mekim nois quiet, quietly
Kwantas Qantas (airline)
kwesten question
kwik fast
kwik piksa leta fax
kwik, kwiktaim quickly
kwiktaim urgently
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