The English term "decorated armlets made from cone shells used for trade in the Kula Ring islands" matches the Tokpisin term "mwala"
other english words that include "cone" : | tokpisin : |
piece of scone | hap skon |
scone(s) | skon |
other english words that include "used" : | tokpisin : |
red shell necklace used for trade in the kula ring islands | bagi |
the accused | man i gat kot |
other english words that include "trade" : | tokpisin : |
red shell necklace used for trade in the kula ring islands | bagi |
trade boat or dinghy | banana boat |
other english words that include "kula" : | tokpisin : |
green coconut - kulau | kulau |
red shell necklace used for trade in the kula ring islands | bagi |
other english words that include "islands" : | tokpisin : |
bachelor house (Trobriand Islands) | bukumatula |
red shell necklace used for trade in the kula ring islands | bagi |
ring of trading islands in Milne Bay province | Kula Ring |