The English term "at, beside, by" matches the Dutch term "nabij"

other english words that include "at" : dutch :
elver, eel, muck-water aal
muck-water aalt
wheezy, asthmatic aamborstig
to, upon, towards, toward, beside, by, at aan
tattered aan flarden gescheurd
recommendation aanbeveling
adoration, worship aanbidding
presentation, suggestion aanbieding
attention aandacht
attentive, attentively aandachtig
suggest, indicate aanduiden
catch aanflitsen
catch aanfloepen
form, shape, catch aangaan
congentital, inbred, inborn, native, congenital aangeboren
matter, affair, business, case, concern aangelegenheid
worm-eaten, unsound aangestoken
denounce, suggest, register, convey, indicate aangeven
statement aangifte
grab, stir, seize, attack, grasp, affect, move aangrijpen
affectionate, cuddlesome, caressing, cuddly aanhalig
quotation aanhaling
attachement aanhankelijkheid
attach aanhechten
attachment aanhechting
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
complaint, accusation, indictment, charge aanklacht
notification, advertisement, announcement, ad aankondiging
enticing, tempting, attractive, alluring aanlokkelijk
draw, attract aanlokken
fabricate, do, manufacture, prepare, kindle, light aanmaken
exhortation aanmaning
observation, criticism, remark aanmerking
employ, take, affiliate, confirm, receive, hire aannemen
confirmation, acceptance, adoption aanneming
adjust, accomodate, accommodate, adapt, fit aanpassen
accommodation, adaptation aanpassing
violate aanranden
associate, pool aansluiten
admonish, encourage, instigate, urge, scold aansporen
incitement, exhortation, stimulus aansporing
get-at-able, communicative, approachable aanspreekbaar
catching, contagious, infectious aanstekelijk
attitudinizer, poseur aansteller
affectation aanstellerij
recuperate, convalesce aansterken
provoke, rouse, stimulate aanstoken
assault, attack, corrode aantasten
annotation aantekening
imputation aantijging
indicative aantonende wijs
pleasing, attractive aantrekkelijk
attractiveness, charm, attraction aantrekkelijkheid
attack, assault aanvallen
forward, aggressor, assailant, attacker aanvaller
debatable, questionable aanvechtbaar
inclination, temptation, disposal aanvechting
related aanverwant
fan, urge, instigate, encourage aanvuren
instigate, encourage, excite, fan, freshen, urge aanwakkeren
employment, application, use aanwending
indicate, suggest aanwijzen
demonstrative aanwijzend voornaamwoord
aspect, tolerate aanzien
nature, character, sort, personality aard
potato aardappel
good-natured, affable, pretty, friendly, amusing aardig
patriarch aartsvader
waver, hesitate aarzelen
wavering, hesitation aarzeling
slaughterhouse, abattoir abattoir
aberration aberratie
ablative ablatief
abnegation abnegatie
abnegate abnegeren
gather, deduce abstraheren
accelerator accelerateur
acceleration acceleratie
accelerate accelereren
accentuate, accent, stress accentueren
acclamation, approval acclamatie
acclimate, acclimatize acclimatiseren
acclimatization acclimatisering
accomodate accommoderen
accumulator, battery accu
accumulator, battery accumulator
heap, stack, accumulate accumuleren
exactly, accurate, punctual, prompt, exact accuraat
accusative accusatief
acetate acetaat
eight, attention acht
greatgrandchild achterachterkleinkind
greatgrand achterklein-
greatgrandson achterkleinkind
greatgrandson achterkleinzoon
subordinate achterstellen
acrobat acrobaat
acrobatics acrobatiek
acrobatic acrobatisch
document, certificate, testimony acte
topical, current, present-day, up-to-date, present actueel
fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate adapteren
breath adem
breath-taking adembenemend
exhale, breathe ademen
breathe ademhalen
respiration ademhaling
breathless ademloos
breather adempauze
adequate, conforming adequaat
administrator, manager administrateur
administrative administratief
administration, management administratiekantoor
adoration, worship adoratie
Adriatic Adriatische Zee
advocate, lawyer advocaat
diagram, image, representation, picture afbeelding
fatigue, override, overdrive, jade afbeulen
ligature, untie afbinden
wipe, clatter afdrogen
affair, case, matter, business affaire
affiliate affiliëren
derivation afgeleid woord
graduate, certificated afgestudeerd
representative afgevaardigde
separate, apart, particular, special afgezonderd
idolator afgodendienaar
idolatry afgodendienst
idolatry afgoderij
overdrive, jade, fatigue, override afjakkeren
nauseate afkeer inboezemen
censure, disapprobation, condemnation, disapproval afkeuring
top, truncate afknotten
promulgate, proclaim afkondigen
publication afkondiging
shorten, abbreviate afkorten
abridgement, abbreviation, abridgment afkorting
induce, extract, gather, infer, deduce, divert afleiden
distraction, derivation afleiding
terminate afmaken
fatigue, override, jade, overdrive afmatten
abatement, diminution afname
flog, thresh, clatter, thrash, whack, beat afranselen
adumbration afschaduwing
abolish, abrogate, remove afschaffen
abolition, abrogation afschaffing
separation, partition, secretion, breakaway afscheiding
halt, reject, rebate afslaan
terminate, obstruct, bar afsluiten
originate, result, come afstammen
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
resign, abdicate afstand doen
adapt, accommodate, fit, adjust afstemmen
lapsed, dilapidated, rickety, decayed, decrepit aftands
infuse, rebate, retreat, subtract aftrekken
depute, delegate afvaardigen
delegation afvaardiging
eliminate afvoeren
aberration, aberrance, abnormality afwijking
liquidate, unroll, finnish, expedite, conclude afwikkelen
alternate, alternating, variable afwisselend
trim, amputate, garnish afzetten
divide, isolate, insulate, seclude afzonderen
particular, separate, special, apart afzonderlijk
abjuration afzwering
agglomerate agglomeraat
aggregate aggregaat
aggregate aggregatie
abet, incite, agitate agiteren
document, certificate, diploma, paper akte
isolated, secluded alleenstaand
alligator alligator
stipulate als voorwaarde stellen
option, alternative alternatief
amateur, dilettante, dabbler, fancier amateur
occupation, handicraft ambacht
breathless amechtig
amputation amputatie
amputate amputeren
illiterate analfabetisch
Anatolia Anatolië
carnation anjelier
carnation anjer
Annunciation Annunciatie
anticipate anticiperen
anthology, chrestomathy antologie
apathy apathie
apathetic apathisch
set, apparatus, device apparaat
apartment, flat appartement
appreciate appreciëren
water-colour aquarel
workman, laborer, operative, labourer arbeider
referee, arbiter, arbitrator, umpire arbiter
aristocrat aristocraat
nutty, aromatic, fragrant aromatisch
candidate aspirant
assimilate assimileren
association associatie
asthmatic, wheezy astmatisch
Athenian Atheens
atheism atheïsme
Athena, Athene, Athens Athene
Atlantis Atlantis
Atlantean Atlantisch
Atlantic Atlantische Oceaan
athlete atleet
athletics atletiek
athletic atletisch
atmosphere atmosfeer
atomic atomair
atom atoom
atomic atoom-
attentive, attentively attent
attention attentie
Attica Attica
Attic Attisch
attribute attribuut
automatic automatisch
authorative autoritair
aviator aviateur
aviation aviatiek
Asiatic, Asian Aziatisch
acetate azijnzuur zout
chatter, chat babbelen
bath bad
bathe baden
bathroom badhuis
bathroom badkamer
bath badkuip
bathing-suit badpak
bathroom, spa badplaats
tub, vessel, manger, trough, container, vat, ferry bak
neigh, bleat, bellow balken
Batavian Bataafs
reciprocate beantwoorden
cultivate bebouwen
abdicate, resign, quit, thank bedanken
abate, subside bedaren
stipulate bedingen
mystification bedotterij
threaten, menace bedreigen
threat bedreiging
charlatan, quack, imposter bedrieger
profession, certificate, document, enterprise bedrijf
terminate beëindigen
representation, picture, metaphor, diagram, statue beeld
irrigate begieten
appraise, estimate begroten
get, win, acquire, accomplish, attain, earn, reach behalen
cure, treat behandelen
treatment behandeling
administrator, manager beheerder
conservative behoudend
accentuate, accent, stress beklemtonen
subside, abate bekoelen
draw, tempt, attract bekoren
shorten, abbreviate bekorten
sanction, corroborate bekrachtigen
coronation bekroning
ripe, mature belegen
compensation beloning
approximate benaderen
appellation, name benaming
beneath, below, downstairs, under, underneath beneden
definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause bepaling
calculate, compute berekenen
inform, communicate, report berichten
remark, observation berisping
occupation, handicraft, vocation, profession beroep
resignation berusting
civilize, civilization beschaven
culture, civilization beschaving
modest, moderate, reasonable, discrete bescheiden
patron beschermheer
patron beschermheilige
intoxicated, drunk beschonken
indictment, accusation, complaint, charge beschuldiging
private besloten
infectious, contagious, catching besmettelijk
accelerate bespoedigen
fate, destiny bestemming
continuation bestendiging
reign, control, stage, administration, rule bestuur
administrative bestuurlijk
fascinate betoveren
delightful, fascinating, enchanting, absorbing betoverend
implicate, entangle betrekken
relation, understanding betrekking
debatable, questionable betwistbaar
secure, assent, corroborate, fasten, confirm bevestigen
irrigate bevloeien
qualification, authorization bevoegdheid
population bevolking
satisfy bevredigen
satisfactory bevredigend
liberate bevrijden
state, assert beweren
cultivate bewerken
process, operation, adaptation bewerking
token, demonstration bewijs
compatriot bewoner van een land
habitation bewoning
temperate, abstemious bezadigd
lunatic bezetene
inspire, animate bezielen
ranch, estate, property, possession bezitting
mature, ripe bezonken
oath bezwering
towards, by, at, beside, toward, to, bee bij
adequate, accessory, secondary bijbehorend
congregate, assemble, meet bijeenkomen
gathering, assemblage bijeenkomst
coordinate, co-ordinate bijeenschakelen
approval, acclamation bijval
attribute bijvoeglijke bepaling
eat, feed, chip bikken
penetrate binnendringen
remark, observation blaam
leaf, sheet, magazine, gazette, newspaper, plateau blad
bleat, bellow, neigh blaten
chrestomathy, anthology bloemlezing
fascinating, absorbing boeiend
estate, ranch, property boerderij
goat, easel, workbench, tressle bok
federation, league, association bond
confederation bondsstaat
boat boot
plateau bordes
bosom, chest, youngster, teat, breast borst
dilapidated, decrepit, rickety, lapsed, decayed bouwvallig
conflagration brand
seat, spectacles, glasses bril
incubate, sit broeden
sit, incubate broeden op
neigh, roar, bleat, yell, howl, bellow brullen
obtain, acquire, attain, get buit maken
breathless buiten adem
miscalculate buiten de waard rekenen
inordinate, excessive, excessively, extravagant buitensporig
give, donate cadeau geven
calculator calculator
calculate calculeren
surrender, capitulate capituleren
castrate castreren
Catalonian Catalaans
catalogue, catalog catalogiseren
Catalonia Catalonië
catarrh catarre
catastrophic catastrofaal
catastrophe catastrofe
category categorie
celebrate celebreren
attest, testify certificeren
exaggerate chargeren
imposter, charlatan, quack charlatan
chatri chatri
chocolate chocola
chocolate chocolade
approximately circa
traffic, circulation circulatie
circulate circuleren
quotation citaat
separation, partition clausuur
Cleopatra Cleopatra
negative, half-tone, cliché, stereotype cliché
combination combinatie
annotation commentaar
communication communiqué
compensate compenseren
compilation compilatie
complicate compliceren
accomodation compromis
condition, stipulation, terms conditie
confederation confederatie
confiscate confisqueren
compatible, congruent congruent
conjugate conjugeren
conservative conservatief
consternation consternatie
constipation constipatie
constipate constipatie veroorzaken
consulate consulaat
consultation consult
consultation consultatie
coordinate, co-ordinate coördineren
corporation corporatie
create creëren
cremation crematie
cremate cremeren
treat, cure cureren
below, downstairs, underneath daarbeneden
date dactylus
date dadel
instantly, immediately dadelijk
date-palm dadelpalm
garret, attic dakkamertje
Dalmatia Dalmatië
Dalmatian Dalmatiër
atmosphere dampkring
gratitude dankbaarheid
which, who, that, those, what dat
retreat de aftocht blazen
dominate de baas zijn
lately de laatste tijd
initiate de stoot geven tot
debate debat
relate debiteren
statement, proclamation, declaration declaratie
decor, decoration, décor decor
decor, decoration, adornment, décor decoratie
deduce, gather deduceren
participate deelnemen
sympathy deelneming
degenerate degenereren
delegation delegatie
delegate delegeren
delicate, refined delicaat
grub, excavate delven
democrat democraat
democratic democratisch
demonstration demonstratie
demonstrate demonstreren
motto, watchword, slogan devies
closed, dense, compact, concentrated, thick dicht
at, beside, by dichtbij
dictator dictator
dictatorship dictatuur
dictate dicteren
thick, greasy, dense, concentrated, corpulent, fat dik
dabbler, fancier, amateur, dilettante dilettant
matter, object, affair, thing, business, case ding
thingamajig, whatchamacallit dinges
diplomat diplomaat
discrimination discriminatie
float dobberen
evaporate doen verdampen
apathy dofheid
certificate, document dokument
mad, insane, crazy, intoxicated, furious, rabid dol
stupid, dull, cathedral, foolish dom
death dood
penetrate doordringen
penetrate doorstoten
saturate, lengthen doortrekken
heather dophei
heather dopheide
lathe draaibank
gate draaihek
lathe draaischijf
threat dreigement
threaten, menace dreigen
threat dreiging
educate, tame dresseren
float, drift, swim, shoo drijven
drinking-water drinkwater
intoxicated, drunk dronken
doubt, hesitate dubben
apparently, clearly, net, obviously, neat, evident duidelijk
tolerate dulden
fanatical dweepziek
fanatical dwepend
marriage, really, authentic, genuinely, matrimony echt
matrimony, marriage echtverbintenis
oath eed
violate een aanslag plegen op
abominate, loathe, abhor een afschuw hebben van
satang een honderdste baht
rather een klein beetje
urinate een plas doen
approximately een stuk of
interrogate een verhoor afnemen
biased, unilateral eenzijdig
leaving-certificate einddiploma
finally, ultimately eindelijk
postulate, demand eisen
remove, eliminate elimineren
Alsatian Elzassisch
emigrate emigreren
inoculate enten
equator equator
recognise, corroborate, confess, profess erkennen
gratitude erkentelijkheid
eat, feed, food eten
Euphrates Eufraat
evacuate evacueren
equator evenaar
equator evennachtslijn
rate, proportion evenredigheid
examination, investigation, test examen
great excellent
inordinate, excessively, excessive excessief
explanation explicatie
explore, investigate exploreren
deliberately expres
ecstatic extatisch
extreme, excessive, inordinate extreem
reputation, hearsay, rumor, rumour, repute, fame faam
fabricate, manufacture fabriceren
relationship familiebetrekking
relative familielid
fanatical fanatiek
fascinate fascineren
absorbing, fascinating fascinerend
ill-fated, fateful fataal
federation federatie
congratulation felicitatie
congratulate feliciteren
representation, diagram, stature figuur
figurative figuurlijk
philately, stamp-collecting filatelie
flat, apartment flat
mystification fopperij
formulate formuleren
fortification fort
plate fotografische plaat
aerate frisse lucht toewaaien
frontage, battlefront front
frustrate frustreren
work, operate, function functioneren
ill-fated, fateful funest
rickety, dilapidated, decrepit, lapsed, decayed gammel
accelerator gaspedaal
character, nature, personality geaardheid
fascinated, gripped geboeid
thick, concentrated, dense gebonden
feed, eat gebruiken
complicated gecompliceerd
representative gedeputeerde
graduate, certificated gediplomeerd
patience geduld
gripped, fascinated gefascineerd
isolated, secluded geïsoleerd
goat geit
agitated gejaagd
jubilation, exultation gejubel
insane, lunatic, peculiar, crazy, mad, ridiculous gek
grating geknars
grating gekras
feature, trait gelaatstrek
resignation gelatenheid
validate geldig verklaren
cultured, well-informed, educated, learned geleerd
fortunately, fortunate, happy gelukkig
congratulation gelukwens
congratulate gelukwensen
moderate, reasonable gematigd
patrolman, gendarme gendarme
generation generatie
sexual, generative generatief
academy, association genootschap
seemly, becoming, appropriate gepast
sophisticated geraffineerd
sensational geruchtmakend
convenient, handy, seemly, appropriate, opportune geschikt
oscillation geschommel
clan, race, generation, sex, house, tribe geslacht
generative, sexual geslachtelijk
copulation geslachtsdaad
conversation gesprek
stature gestalte
testify, attest getuigen
fragrant, aromatic, good-smelling, nutty geurig
scuffle, battle gevecht
battlefront, façade, frontage, facade gevel
appropriately gevoeglijk
sensitive, impressible, delicate, refined gevoelig
vegetation, plant gewas
hesitation, wavering geweifel
authorative gezaghebbend
homy, intimate gezellig
muck-water gier
irrigate, pour gieten
watering-can gieter
matrix gietvorm
corporation gilde
skate glijmiddel
heat, passion, vivacity, verve gloed
atheism godloochenarij
OK, okay, estate, O.K., good, well, correct, ranch goed
compensate goedmaken
Goliath Goliath
undulate golven
pomegranate granaatappel
vegetate groeien
bleat, neigh, bellow grommen
data grondstof
educate grootbrengen
grandfather grootvader
cataract grote waterval
horror, atrocity, abomination, abhorrence gruwel
atrocity, horror, abomination, abhorrence gruweldaad
Guatemala Guatemala
Guatemalan Guatemalteeks
wreath, garland guirlande
stubborn, obstinate halsstarrig
negotiate, trading handeldrijven
act, negotiate, trade handelen
signature handtekening
occupation, handicraft, handiwork handwerk
manipulate hanteren
wavering, hesitation hapering
constipated hardlijvig
stubborn, obstinate hardnekkig
passionate hartstochtelijk
hate haten
oats haver
Hecate Hecate
heath heide
idolator heiden
heath heideveld
unfortunately, alas, regrettably helaas
hepatitis hepatitis
waistcoat herenvest
repeatedly herhaaldelijk
repeat herhalen
Reformation Hervorming
work, function, operate het doen
come, originate, result het gevolg zijn van
what hetgeen
consolation heul
Hippocrates Hippocrates
hat hoed
header, pate, superscription hoofd
wrist-watch, watch horloge
watchmaker horlogemaker
position, attitude, deportment, behaviour houding
domesticated, house huis-
apparatus, device, set hulpmiddelen
squat, crouch, cower hurken
marriage, matrimony huwelijk
delicate, refined iel
rather ietwat
illuminate, enlighten illumineren
illustration illustratie
illustrate illustreren
imitation imitatie
imitate imiteren
immigrate immigreren
bathe in bad doen
confiscate, absorb in beslag nemen
cower, crouch, squat in elkaar duiken
circulate in omloop zijn
assimilate in zich opnemen
inauguration inauguratie
inaugurate inaugureren
imagination, chimera inbeelding
incarnation incarnatie
evaporate indampen
indicative indicatief
vaccinate, inoculate inenten
inflation inflatie
information informatie
inborn, native, congenital, inbred, innate ingeboren
inspiration ingeving
complicated ingewikkeld
complicate ingewikkeld maken
patch ingezet stuk
operation ingreep
formulate inkleden
abbreviate, lessen, shorten inkorten
sympathetic, charming innemend
sincere, intimate, cordial, hearty innig
equipment, institute, apparatus, device, set inrichting
manageable, tractable, accommodating inschikkelijk
insinuate insinueren
matron intendante
international internationaal
interpretation interpretatie
interpunction, punctuation interpunctie
intimate intiem
shatter, smash intrappen
invitation invitatie
inauguration inwijding
stimulate, provoke, rouse irriteren
insulation, isolation isolatie
insulator isolator
insulate, isolate, seclude isoleren
insulation, isolation isolering
unfortunately, regrettably jammer
unfortunately, regrettably jammer genoeg
coat, mantle, cloak, overcoat jas
atlas kaartenboek
stove, heater, kiln, furnace, oven kachel
defecate kakken
battle, scuffle kamp
candidate kandidaat
personality, character, nature karakter
feature, trait karaktertrek
Carpathians Karpaten
Katar, Qatar Katar
cathedral kathedraal
Catholisism katholicisme
Catholic, catholic katholiek
Kattegat Kattegat
cat kattekop
throat keel
throat keelgat
characterization kenschets
numberplate kentekenplaat
church-father kerkvader
examination, test, investigation keuring
alternative, choice, option, election keus
chat, chatter keuvelen
election, option, alternative, choice keuze
germinate kiemen
delicate, refined kies
click, rattle klakken
hit, knock, strike, click, rattle klappen
sensation, beef klapstuk
scratch klauwen
watchman klepperman
tinkle, clatter, crackle, click, jingle, rattle kletteren
rattle, click, denounce klikken
climate klimaat
climatic klimaats-
watchmaker klokkenmaker
throb, strike, hit, pulsate, knock kloppen
grind, creak, gnash, grate knarsen
subdue, subjugate, submit knechten
pattern knippatroon
intimate knus
amateur, fancier knutseaar
dispassionately koel
refrigerator koelcel
refrigerate koelen
refrigerator koelkast
pet, incubate, coddle, pamper, sit koesteren
heading, cup, pate kop
match-maker koppelaarster
match-make koppelen
stubborn, obstinate koppig
asthmatic, wheezy kortademig
rebate, curtail korten
great, delicious kostelijk
scratch krabben
athletics krachtsport
lunatic krankzinnige
scratch krauwen
strategy krijgskunde
strategic krijgskundig
Croat Kroaat
Croatia Kroatië
Croatian Kroatisch
coronation kroning
pate krop
vat, tub kuip
acrobat kunstenmaker
caprice, treatment, whim kuur
charlatan, quack, imposter kwakzalver
qualification kwalificatie
attitudinizer, fop, poseur, dandy, dude kwast
cultivate, educate kweken
plantation kwekerij
slobber, salivate kwijlen
late, tardy laat
laboratory laboratorium
ranch, property, estate landgoed
patch, rag lap
patch lapwerk
mandate lastbrief
lath, slat lat
later later
latex latex
Latin Latijns
latrine latrine
immaterial, lukewarm, dispassionately, indifferent lauw
laxative laxans
laxative laxeermiddel
leather lederen
leather leerachtig
punctuate leestekens plaatsen
legation legatie
locate, lay leggen
slate lei
platform, stage, direction leiding
leather, learn leren
Latvia Letland
Lettish, Latvian Lets
literature letterkunde
motto, watchword, slogan leus
motto, watchword, slogan leuze
stature lichaamsbouw
rather lichtelijk
elevator lift
tolerate lijden
patience lijdzaamheid
watchword, motto, slogan lijfspreuk
cremation lijkverbranding
corpulent, comprehensive, fat lijvig
liquidate liquideren
literature literatuur
literature litteratuur
spot, location lokaliteit
compensation, wage, wages, salary loon
fortune, fate, destiny lot
destiny, fate lotsbestemming
odour, heaven, sky, odor, scent, atmosphere, air lucht
ventilate luchten
aviation luchvaart
match lucifer
Satan Lucifer
inclination, disposal, lust, want lust
lifeless, dispassionately, apathetic lusteloos
apathy lusteloosheid
subside, abate luwen
authorization machtiging
develop, cause, make, do, fabricate, manufacture maken
mammy, mom, mam, teat, mommy mam
authorization, mandate mandaat
manipulate manipuleren
Annunciation Maria-Boodschap
tired, frosted, mat mat
data materiaal
materialise, materialize materialiseren
material, data materieel
mathematics mathematica
mathematician mathematicus
mathematical mathematisch
abstemious, reasonable, moderate, temperate matig
moderation matigheid
mattress matras
matrix matrijs
matrix matrix
matzo matse
Matterhorn Matterhorn
communicate mededelen
sympathy medegevoel
fellow-creature medemens
meditate mediteren
communicate meedelen
participate meedoen
accommodating meegaand
participate meemaken
repeatedly meermaals
dominate meester zijn
gathering, assemblage meeting
sympathize meevoelen
cooperate, co-operate meewerken
tiresome, apathetic melig
melodramatic melodramatisch
attentively met aandacht
deliberately met opzet
miscalculate misrekenen
adaptation modificatie
deliberately, intentional moedwillig
attempt, endeavour moeite doen
pre-fabrication, prefabrication montagebouw
coaxer, flatterer mooiprater
moratorium moratorium
morganatic, morganatical morganatisch
motivation motivatie
motor-boat, motor-launch motorboot
moth-eaten mottig
gnat mug
midge-bite, gnat-bite muggebeet
rat-poison muizengif
mulatto mulattin
multinational multinationaal
duplicate, multiply multipliceren
mummification mummificatie
numismatist muntkenner
numismatics muntkunde
muscatel muskaatwijn
muskrat, musquash, musk-rat muskusrat
mutation mutatie
mystification mystificatie
myxomatosis myxomatose
appellation, name, reputation naam
name-plate naambordje
godfather naamgever
name, appellation naamwoord
word-for-word, verbatim naar de letter
gloomy, desolate, somber naargeestig
by, nearest, at, beside, next, alongside naast
fellow-creature naaste
nationalize naasten
nationalization naasting
after-treatment, follow-up nabehandeling
imitate nabootsen
imitation nabootsing
night-attire nachtgewaad
watchman nachtwacht
night-watch, nightwatch nachtwake
meditate nadenken
meditative, thoughtful, pensive, thinking nadenkend
imitate nadoen
emphatic nadrukkelijk
explore, consider, investigate nagaan
bequeath, overlook nalaten
Natal Natal
nation natie
national nationaal
nationalize nationaliseren
nationality nationaliteit
natural, naturally natuurlijk
prompt, punctual, accurate, exactly nauwgezet
exact, punctual, accurate, prompt nauwkeurig
navigation navigatie
navigate navigeren
imitation navolging
repeat nazeggen
defeat nederlaag
abdicate, resign, lay neerleggen
quell, suffocate neerslaan
half-tone, negative negatief
inclination, disposal neiging
procrastination neiging tot uitstellen
neat, precize, net netto
fateful, ill-fated noodlottig
communication-cord noodrem
temperate, sober, abstemious nuchter
numismatics numismatiek
numberplate nummerbord
constipation obstipatie
patent octrooi
inoculate oculeren
greatgrand oer-
immediate ogenblikkelijk
manipulate omgaan met
relation, understanding, procession omgang
circulation, traffic omloop
underneath, beneath, for, below, whilst, between onder
quell, suffocate, suppress onderdrukken
conversation onderhoud
petticoat onderrok
underestimate onderschatten
differentiate onderscheid maken
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
signature ondertekening
interrogate ondervragen
underestimate onderwaarderen
underwater onderwater-
subjugate, subdue, submit onderwerpen
investigation, test, examination onderzoek
investigate, explore, examine onderzoeken
corrugate onduleren
figurative oneigenlijk
illiterate ongeletterd
unfortunate ongelukkige
around, approximately ongeveer
catastrophe onheil
insatiable onlesbaar
immediately, instantly onmiddellijk
affectation onnatuurlijkheid
degenerate ontaarden
negatively ontkennend
germinate ontkiemen
defecate ontlasting hebben
castrate ontmannen
evacuate ontruimen
abdication ontslagname
abdication ontslagneming
inflammation, ignition ontsteking
consternation ontsteltenis
cultured, educated, well-informed, learned ontwikkeld
eradicate ontwortelen
dislocate ontwrichten
unabbreviated onverkort
immaterial, indifferent onverschillig
spot, location, place oord
appropriately op de juiste wijze
abbatial op een abt betrekking hebbend
convalesce, recuperate op verhaal komen
grandfather, granddad opa
inflate opblazen
dedicate, devote, entrust, celebrate opdragen
excavate, grub opduikelen
accumulate, stack, heap, amass opeenhopen
postulate, demand opeisen
publication openbaarmaking
operation operatie
inflated opgeschroefd
agitated opgewonden
grub, dig, excavate, lift opgraven
liquidate opheffen
provoke, agitate, stimulate, abet, incite, rouse ophitsen
stack, accumulate, amass, heap ophopen
opiate opiaat
attentive oplettend
insubordinate, rebellious oproerig
agitate, incite, abet opruien
inflammatory opruiend
insubordinate, rebellious opstandig
abet, incite, agitate opstoken
activity, action, presentation optreden
education opvoeding
excitation, excitement opwinding
oratorical oratorisch
organization organisatie
orchestration orkestratie
orchestrate, score orkestreren
oscillator oscillator
oscillate oscilleren
father, elder, parent, older, mother ouder
ovation ovatie
exaggerate overdrijven
great-grandmother overgrootmoeder
great-grandparent overgrootouder
great-grandfather overgrootvader
overcoat, coat overjas
die, death overlijden
overestimate overschatten
overestimate overwaarderen
translate overzetten
translation overzetting
path paadje
satisfy paaien
matzo paasbrood
path, toad pad
idolator paganist
father papa
mate paren
copulation paring
private particulier
conforming, appropriate, seemly, becoming passend
Patagonia Patagonië
patent patent
father pater
patient patiënt
patriarch patriarch
patriot patriot
patriotism patriottisme
stencil, templet, template, pattern, cartridge patroon
patrol patrouilleren
godfather peet
godfather peetvader
meditate peinzen
feather pen
numismatist penningkundige
Pentateuch Pentateuch
ultimately, finally per saldo
godfather peter
creak, grind, chirp, grate, peep, twitter, gnash piepen
potato pieper
urinate piesen
pirate piraat
urinate pissen
scourge, calamity, infestation plaag
plate, image, disc, record, disk, slab, picture plaat
village, spot, location, town, courtyard, place plaats
locate plaatsen
vegetation, plant plant
plantation plantage
vulgar, plateau plat
plateau plateau
Plato Plato
advocate, lawyer pleitbezorger
duty, obligation plicht
feather pluim
platform, podium, stage podium
defecate poepen
endeavour, try, attempt pogen
police-station politiebureau
police-station politiepost
wrist-watch, watch polshorloge
gateway poort
talk, speak, chatter, chat praten
anticipate prejudiciëren
preparatory, preliminary preliminair
presentation presentatie
private privé-
litigate procederen
proletariat proletariaat
immediate prompt
rate, proportion proportie
psychiatrist psychiater
psychiatry psychiatrie
psychiatric psychiatrisch
throb, pulsate pulseren
interpunction, punctuation punctuatie
purgatory purgatorium
desperate radeloos
radiator radiator
catastrophe ramp
catastrophic rampzalig
rat rat
rational rationeel
lately recentelijk
recommendation recommandatie
life-boat reddingsboot
rational redelijk
orator redenaar
oratorical redenaars-
oratory, rhetoric rederijkerskunst
Reformation Reformatie
regulate, organize regelen
raincoat regenmantel
rules, regulations reglement
regulate reglementeren
regulate reguleren
calculate, postulate, demand, figure rekenen
calculation, account rekening
calculator rekenmachine
calculation rekenschap
narrative, tale relaas
reputation reputatie
rhetoric, oratory retoriek
rheumatism reumatiek
ripe, mature rijp
row-boat, rowing-boat roeiboot
cry, reputation roep
dress-coat, skirt, tails rok
rollerskate rolschaats
escalator roltrap
circumvent, circulate rondgaan
wander, migrate, roam rondreizen
scatter rondstrooien
wander, roam, migrate rondtrekken
excavate, dig, lift, grub rooien
rotten, rat rot
traffic, circulation roulatie
room, spot, location, space ruimte
caterpillar rups
caterpillar rupsband
assemble, congregate, converge, meet samenkomen
assemblage, gathering samenkomst
co-operate, cooperate samenwerken
Satan Satan
satang satang
demonic, Satanic satanisch
satellite satelliet
Saturnalia Saturnaliën
Saturn Saturnus
mat schaakmat
carapace, dish, platter, shell, husk schaal
skate schaats
template, templet, stencil schablone
fumble, scratch, court, woo scharrelen
estimate, appraise schatten
divide, disintegrate scheiden
umpire, arbiter, arbitrator, referee scheidsrechter
donate, give schenken
shovel, create scheppen
separation, partition schifting
oscillate schommelen
oscillation schommeling
hesitate schoorvoeten
dish, saucer, platter schotel
theatre schouwburg
theatrical schouwburg-
boat schuit
cheat schurkachtig handelen
genital, generative, sexual seksueel
sensation sensatie
sensational sensationeel
ethos, atmosphere, sphere sfeer
goat sik
circumstances, situation situatie
locate situeren
template, stencil, templet sjabloon
bedroom, sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapkamer
sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place slaapplaats
abattoir, slaughterhouse slachterij
slaughterhouse, abattoir slachthuis
sort, trap, battle, blow, scuffle slag
tugboat sleepboot
garland, wreath slinger
meander, brandish, oscillate, sway, fling slingeren
garland, wreath slingerkrans
suffocate, quell smoren
castrate snijden
temperate, abstemious sober
candidate sollicitant
somber, desolate, gloomy, dark somber
sonata sonate
lather, sauce, gravy sop
dedicate, spend, devote spanderen
salivate speeksel afscheiden
spend, devote, dedicate spenderen
research, quest, search, exploration speurtocht
exploration, research, search, quest speurwerk
talkative spraakzaam
squirt, irrigate sproeien
ventilate spuien
cataract staar
staff, baton, cane staf
stagnate stagneren
forefather stamvader
situation, circumstances stand van zaken
acceptation standaardbetekenis v.e. woord
statue standbeeld
observation, remark standje
station station
station-master stationschef
station stationsgebouw
statistics statistiek
statute, by-laws statuut
gnat steekmug
death sterfgeval
strength, quantity, fortification sterkte
attendant steward
foundation stichting
step-father, stepfather stiefvader
stagnate stilstaan
material stoffelijk
cane, baton stok
constipate, cease, clog stoppen
radiate stralen
strategy strategie
strategic strategisch
attempt, try, endeavour streven
scuffle, quarrel, battle strijd
scatter strooien
throat strot
part, damaged, certificate, broken, document stuk
Sumatra Sumatra
moratorium surséance
sympathetic sympathiek
syndicate, labour-union syndicaat
systematic systematisch
tiresome, leather taai
tabulation, table, tablet tabel
tablet, tabulation, table tafel
fairly, relatively, sufficiently tamelijk
tattoo taptoe
wheat tarwe
Tatar Tataars
estimate, appraise taxeren
satisfy tegemoetkomen aan
tub, vat teil
presage, sign, omen, token, symptom, indication teken
temperature temperatuur
temptation temptatie
gratis ten geschenke
ultimately, finally ten slotte
reward, reciprocate terugdoen
satisfied, pleased, contented tevreden
contentment, satisfaction tevredenheid
theatre theater
theatrical theater-
thermostat thermostaat
teat tiet
pat tikken
great tiptop
vat, tub tobbe
ligature toebinden
accommodating toegevend
acclamation, approval toejuiching
draw, attract toelachen
permit, tolerate toelaten
explanation toelichting
use, employment, application toepassing
spectator toeschouwer
great tof
tomato tomaat
tomato-soup tomatensoep
theatre, scene toneel
theatrical toneel-
endeavour, attempt trachten
treaty traktaat
transliteration transcriptie
transliteration transkriptie
translation translaat
translate translateren
translation translatie
sweat transpireren
transliteration transport
satellite trawant
battle, scuffle, find treffen
trait, appetite, feature trek
tow, migrate, wander, haul, drag, roam trekken
rostrum, stage, podium, platform tribune
vibrate trillen
vibration trilling
consolation troost
desolate, gloomy troosteloos
peat turf
differentiate uit elkaar houden
evaporate uitdampen
naturally uiteraard
interpretation uitlegging
ventilate uitluchten
invitation uitnodiging
exterminate uitroeien
eliminate uitschakelen
debauchery, dissipation uitspatting
statement, pronunciation, decision, verdict uitspraak
postpone, procrastinate uitstellen
emit, radiate uitstralen
disseminate uitstrooien
emigrate, earmark, ordain, destine uittrekken
promulgate, proclaim uitvaardigen
emigrate uitwijken
delete, obliterate uitwissen
sow, disseminate uitzaaien
ultimatum ultimatum
father vaartje
vaccinate vaccineren
father vader
fatherland vaderland
patriot vaderlander
national vaderlands
patriotism vaderlandsliefde
patriotic vaderlandslievend
purgatory vagevuur
vacation vakantie
syndicate, labour-union vakbond
corporation, trade-union, syndicate, labour-union vakvereniging
Atlantean van Atlantis
naturally van nature
Vatican Vaticaan
feather veder
feather veer
vegetate vegeteren
canteen, water-bottle, flask veldfles
patrolman, gendarme veldwachter
ventilator ventilator
illustrate veraanschouwelijken
loathe, abominate, abhor verafschuwen
incinerate, cremate verassen
cremation verassing
bandage, understanding, relation verband
degenerate, bribe verbasteren
presumption, fiction, imagination, assumingness verbeelding
combination, connection verbinding
incinerate verbranden
shatter, smash verbrijzelen
postpone, procrastinate verdagen
lawyer, advocate verdediger
exterminate verdelgen
treaty verdrag
rarefy, attenuate verdunnen
demand, postulate vereisen
congregate, meet, assemble vergaderen
reward, reciprocate vergelden
compensation vergelding
comparatively vergelijkenderwijs
facilitate vergemakkelijken
satisfied, contented, pleased vergenoegd
old, late, tardy vergevorderd
compensate vergoeden
history, tale, narrative verhaal
accelerate verhaasten
relate verhalen
treatise, treaty verhandeling
rate, proportion verhouding
proclamation, declaration verklaring
announcement, notification verkondiging
acquire, attain, get, obtain verkrijgen
temptation verleiding
animate verlevendigen
illuminate, facilitate, enlighten verlichten
illustration verluchting
exhortation vermaan
abatable verminderbaar
smash, shatter vermorzelen
catching, contagious, infectious verpestend
attend, nurse verplegen
obligation, duty verplichting
dislocate verrekken
fortification verschansing
abomination, abhorrence, horror, atrocity verschrikking
adorn, decorate, ornament versieren
accelerative versnellend
accelerator versneller
acceleration versnelling
abnegation versterving
materialize, materialise verstoffelijken
constipation verstopping
constipated verstopt
implicate, entangle verstrikken
dislocate verstuiken
translate vertalen
relate vertellen
narrative, tale vertelling
narrative, tale vertelsel
interpretation vertolking
demonstrate vertonen
demonstration vertoning
delay, retardation vertraging
consolation vertroosting
formulate vervatten
duplicate verveelvoudigen
conjugate vervoegen
continuation vervolg
related, relative verwant
affinity, relationship verwantschap
heating, heater verwarming
entangle, implicate verwarren
beget, generate verwekken
censure, disapproval, rejection, disapprobation verwerping
saturate verzadigen
compilation verzamelwerk
certify, assert, assure, state, insure verzekeren
ship, dispatch verzenden
attend, nurse verzorgen
attenuate verzwakken
waistcoat vest
greasy, fatty vet
fatty, greasy vettig
vibration vibratie
vibrate vibreren
accusative vierde naamval
celebrate vieren
celebration viering
braid, plait, wreathe, twine vlechten
bat vleermuis
meat, flesh vlees
incarnation vleeswording
flatter vleien
flattery vleierij
aviate vliegen
aviator vliegenier
dragon, aviator vlieger
aviation vliegwezen
float vlotten
pleased, satisfied, contented voldaan
folk, nation, people volk
mandate volmacht
last, preliminary, prior, preparatory, former voorafgaand
preparation voorbereiding
preparation voorbereidsel
indication, portent, presage, sign, omen voorbode
frontage, front, battlefront voorkant
friendly, affable, good-natured, kind voorkomend
regulation voorschrift
sign, presage, indication, omen, portent voorteken
continuation voortzetting
forefather, great-grandfather voorvader
clause, stipulation, terms, condition voorwaarde
forefather voorzaat
battlefront, frontage, front voorzijde
education vorming
confirmation vormsel
eat, feed vreten
friendly, good-natured, pretty, kind, affable vriendelijk
fervour, heat, fervor, passion, zeal, impetus vuur
conflagration vuurzee
aerate waaien
appraise, estimate, appreciate waarderen
watchman waker
ventilator wan
desperate wanhopig
aerate wannen
wash, bathe wassen
what wat
whatever wat dan ook
what? wat?
water water
water-, aquatic water-
water-buffalo waterbuffel
water-closet watercloset
water-melon watermeloen
waterfall waterval
water-colour waterverfschilderij
watt, Watt watt
water-closet WC
weather weder
defense, weather, defence weer
weather weersomstandigheden
amputation wegneming
amputate wegsnijden
wheat weit
operative, laborer, labourer, workman, worker werker
workman, laborer, operative, labourer werkkracht
labourer, workman, operative, laborer werkman
automatic, mechanical werktuiglijk
deliberately wetens
creature, be, essence, gist wezen
mathematics wiskunde
mathematical wiskundig
mathematician wiskundige
literal, word-for-word, verbatim woordelijk
unsound, worm-eaten wormig
worm-eaten, unsound wormstekig
disapprobation, disapproval, censure, condemnation wraking
boutique, business, affair, shop, case, matter zaak
negotiate zaken doen
drunk, intoxicated zat
lather zeepsop
pirate zeerover
pirate zeeschuimer
automatic zelfwerkend
seat zetel
salivate zeveren
associate, pool zich aaneensluiten
attitudinize, pose zich aanstellen
capitulate, surrender zich overgeven
pose, attitudinize zich voordoen
abnegate zichzelf verloochenen
patient zieke
sympathetic zielsverwant
disposal, sentence, want, sense, inclination zin
garret, attic zolderkamer
nurse, attend zorgen voor
perspiration zweet
swimming-pool, swimming-bath zwembad
swimming-bath zweminrichting
sweat zweten
ecstatic zwijmeldronken